Customization VICIdial Skins

What We Can Serve In Vicidial Custom Development To Fit Your Business Needs?

There are many call centers all across the world that use the VICIDial solution and why not? Looking for VICIdial Custom Development tailored to your business needs? At KingAsterisk Technology, we specialize in VICIdial customization services to enhance your call center operations. 

Here’s what we can offer 

Missed Call Report Setup 

Our Customized VICIdial solution has a feature whereby it populates records in the object “Phone Events” every time a call attempts to ring an agent’s device but for whatever reason that agent does not answer the call. 

This allows you to monitor when your agents fail to answer a call that may or may not be answered by a different agent later on, potentially seeing everyone that call tried to ring, and in what specific way it failed to get answered.

Web-Based Calling  

Who says you need a desk phone or cell phone to make a phone call? With KingAsterisk’s AI-powered VICIdial Custom Development platform, you can make a phone call from a web browser. Agents can seamlessly call clients from a database using a user-friendly web-client interface. You can use the Chrome plugin or extension, Firefox, or any other browser. 

Abandoned Report 

An abandoned call occurs when a call is on hold while it is alerting on a queue and the caller disconnects. The caller perceives the call is on hold. You may also define an abandoned interaction as when an interaction enters an inactive state without first entering the connection state while on a queue. 

Advanced Agent Performance Report 

Advanced performance report feature showcases the performance of support agents, and can be filtered and modified to showcase additional data. Monitor agent productivity and identify areas for improvement. 

Finding areas that can be optimized is always great because it presents an opportunity to:

➡ Improve your agent’s performance

➡ Provide additional training to those that need it

➡ Improve customer satisfaction, experience, and sales

Reallocate resources 

➡ Reinforce support channels 

➡ Find more cost-effective ways to solve problems

Sales History Report 

Call center Businesses typically use sales history reports to track their sales team activity, and measure how successful the sales team is at moving prospects through the funnel. On the other hand, it should contain all relevant information that you may need for future interaction with the prospect.


Set campaigns to auto-dial and route live calls to available agents for efficient call handling. Autodialing is a feature that automates the process of dialing phone numbers from a contact list or, often, many lists housed within a CRM or another database. The auto-dialer system automatically dials the phone numbers from the imported list of contacts. 

As per the data, implementing an autodialing system in VICIdial can escalate the talk times of agents by as much as 200–300%. 

Script Display 

To face customers in a live service environment, the support teams would need scripts to equip them in any situation. Specialists can get to scripts with fields pre-filled, similar to name and address, to improve client corporations. Intuitive call center scripting empowers agents to handle any customer query with consistent and accurate responses. 

9 out of 10 respondents aged 18-65 preferred to speak with a live service agent directly over the telephone. 

Predictive Dialing 

Utilize an adaptive dialing algorithm to predictively dial numbers and optimize agent productivity. The number of outbound calls made is based on a predictive algorithm that throttles (or “paces”) the calls so that when a call is connected to a customer a call center agent will be available to handle the call. 

An agent working without a predictive dialing may make 20-40 calls an hour (with a connect rate of less than 50%). A predictive dialing feature can make hundreds of dials per hour and improve each agent’s connect rate to near 100%. Agents can conduct 20-30 connected calls an hour.

Agent Payment Report 

Agent Payment reports in a dialer contain information about how a specific agent is performing against key metrics, such as average handle time and sales conversion percentage. Sophisticated tools also contain team level statistics so that contact center managers/supervisors and individual agents can see how their performance compares to their teammates’. 

Below are some common reports included in Agent Payment Report :

1. Attendance report

2. Average Handling Time

3. Wrap Time

4. Calls Per Hour

Multi-Server Capability

Multi-server systems include more than one server, and these provide service to the customers arriving into the customer queue(s). A multi-Server feature is a customer experience (CX) solution that integrates multiple touchpoints – including voice, text, social media and the web – making them accessible via an Internet server. Dial on a single campaign across multiple Asterisk servers or manage multiple campaigns on a single server for scalability. 

Billing Based on Rates 

If you want a clear idea of how your spending correlates with productivity in your call center, step one is calculating your Billing Based on Rates. Billing rates are the prices that a company charges for its services. VICIdial Custom Development billing structures to align with your business model. 

Here are five factors to consider for your business:

1. Employee Wages and Benefits

2. HR Expenses

3. Call Center Overhead

4. Software Subscriptions

5. Total Calls Answered by Agents

Call Transfer 

Call transfers, or call forwarding, is a process of relocating an inbound call to another phone or messaging system. Quite often, an agent encounters an issue which he thinks may be resolved better by another agent and thus he transfers the call. Transfer calls with customer data to closer/verifier on local or remote Asterisk servers for seamless customer support. Call Transfer Rate or CTR indicates the total percentage of calls transferred from one agent to another agent.

This Feature in our VICIdial Custom Development makes employees more available to provide support when they are out of the office. For example, a traveling employee can set up a call forward from a desk phone to a mobile phone to always remain in contact. This makes a company’s labor force far more mobile than if they were tethered to a desk phone.

Custom Dashboard 

At the age of high concurrency, it’s extremely important to provide insight into the detailed analysis of the call center data. Access real-time data with personalized dashboards for admin and managers. Customize your dashboards to display the exact information you need and nothing extra.

KingAsterisk Technology offers the following ways to configure your data:

  • Filter by call center(s)
  • Filter by time 
  • Filter by Activity column(s)

Custom Web Page Integration 

Custom web page Integration means building a custom software solution that is specific to your exact use case. Open custom web pages with user data from calls, tailored to each campaign’s requirements. A good example is a custom integration between your website and your backend systems, such as your enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) functions. At KingAsterisk, we’ve performed hundreds of custom website integrations in VICIdial Custom Development for clients across all industries.

IVR Integration 

It is an automatic system that lets the customers interact with the brand to satisfy their doubt and raise the query pertaining to the same. Businesses can automate campaigns to start with a simple IVR before directing calls to agents for personalized service. Over the years, the integration purpose of Interactive Voice Response has seen a major upsurge in a graph of implementation of technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) has laid the step in self-servicing technology to grade up the applications. 

Recording Reports 

Organize recordings based on users and campaigns for easy retrieval. Create reports that have meaning to your specific operations or for the supervisors that analyze the data. Your efforts are best spent making logical decisions based on the information at hand. Leave it to our team and our VICIdial Custom Development solution to build what’s best for your business.

Broadcast Dialing 

Broadcast Dialing allows you to share a pre-recorded message to your customers in an instant with a personalized touch. Reach out to customers with pre-recorded messages for effective communication. Share important alerts, updates, or information with your customers, employees, and other stakeholders within a few minutes.

Get detailed analytic reports and run A/B tests to see which message brings in more engagement from callers.

  • Scalable to as many numbers of calls as per your business requirements
  • Conduct product and services survey
  • Cost-effective and transparent billing.
  • No long-term contracts required.
  • Schedule voice broadcast campaigns when customers are likely to pick your calls.
  • Improve the response rate as compared to conventional media and marketing channels such as print, email, text messages, and many others.

Customized Inbound/Outbound Reports 

Separate reports for inbound and outbound calling software calls for focused analysis. Inbound/Outbound call summary reports will also allow you to split contact volumes between different agents and groups, which can be useful when reviewing your resource planning success across different departments within the contact center. 

Call Parking  

Call parking is a business phone system feature that allows you to put a call on hold, so that another person can pick it up on a different phone. Park customers with VICIdial Custom Development music per campaign for a professional call experience. This works well for companies or departments with shared calling responsibilities, as it better distributes calls based on availability.

For the caller, being parked is the same experience as being on hold (though someone usually answers them more quickly than being on traditional hold). Plus, the original caller’s line will continue to ring periodically if no one picks up the parked call.

Agent Layout Customization 

A VICIdial Custom Development Agent Layout also allows your agents to send emails and Short Message Services (SMSes) even when they are not on a call. Tailor agent interfaces to match your workflow requirements.

Some of the features of a customized Agent Layouts are as follows:

  • Ticketing

Enables agents to record, track, collaborate on, and resolve customer issues.

  • Scripts  
  • list
  • Guides agents through a variety of customer interactions, such as onboarding, account servicing, support, and sales.

Trackdrive Integration 

TrackDrive is an ideal platform for efficient call tracking and leads to call automation. The platform empowers all inbound and outbound calls concerning prompts guarantee that clients make the most out of them. Businesses can integrate Trackdrive for efficient call posting. 

Voicemail Handling 

Voicemails help your customers record messages for agents when they come across long wait times or their direct calls to agents are unanswered. Send dropped calls to voicemail boxes, queues, or extensions per campaign when agents are unavailable.

You can redirect the caller to record a voicemail for the agent when an incoming call reaches the voice queue and the queue is in one of the following conditions:

  • Exceeds a defined number of calls that are waiting in the queue
  • The call comes during the after hours of the call center operations
  • Exceeds the estimated wait time

CRM Integration 

It’s the process of connecting either your product or your internal application(s) with a CRM system, typically via their APIs. Once connected in VICIdial setup, data can easily stay in sync across the systems. Integrate CRM systems via API for streamlined data management.

CRM API integration can either be connecting your product with clients’ CRM systems or connecting your own CRM system with another application your organization uses (e.g. your marketing automation platform) 

Outbound CallerID  

Set outbound CallerID per campaign or per list to personalize caller information. Once your Caller ID is activated, you can screen known, unknown, or unwanted calls. Avoid guesswork by getting the best caller ID service for your business. Increase your team’s efficiency when you activate your phone system’s Caller ID. 

Callback Scheduling 

Schedule callbacks with customers as either any-agent or agent-specific for efficient follow-up. Typically this is done when the call center wait times exceed pre-defined thresholds (e.g. 10 minutes). The Scheduled Callback technology will then auto dial the customer (as an outbound call) at the requested time window subject to agent availability.

Scheduled Callback choices typically include:

  • As soon as the next agent is available
  • Today PM
  • Tomorrow AM
  • Specific time intervals e.g. between 3.00pm and 3.30, 3.30 and 4.00pm or between 4.oopm and 5.00pm.

Manual Dial Mode 

With the help of a manual dial mode in our VICIdial Custom Development solution, a call center representative dials a number from the preloaded list or by dialing manually. Preview leads before dialing in manual dial mode for better call handling. Sales employees must analyze a large amount of information before dialing a lead, prospect, or client. On the other end, power dialing is employed when agents need to contact larger databases in less time. 


Our experts at KingAsterisk Technology know the intuitive settings and configuration and that’s why taking our help in setting up this call center solution will result in better ROI. For more information about VICIdial Custom Development services, contact our team. We provide a free demo on Custom Product Development as well so you have a proper insight for your business. Reach out to us today!

VoIP solutions

How Open Source VoIP Billing Software Can Revolutionize Your Business Communications

Want to know one of the quickest ways to boost your profitability? Just look at how you’re billing your customers. 

Managing billing efficiently can be a daunting task without the right tools in place.  A business phone system and communication service are one of the widespread businesses in the SIP based communication and collaboration industry, which is run using either a multi tenant IP PBX solution or a class 5 Softswitch solution. This is where Open Source VoIP Billing Software comes into play. Let’s understand the major areas that are influenced and augmented by this business with a VoIP billing solution.

What Is An Open Source VoIP Billing Software?

This Billing Software is a particular arrangement intended to deal with the intricacies of billing and invoicing in VoIP-based communication frameworks. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, Open Source VoIP Billing Software can significantly improve the efficiency of your business operations.

Client Success Story: A Tailored Solution for VoIP Billing

As of late, we had the joy of working with a specific client who required billing modules for their framework. After understanding their necessities, our team went to work, utilizing our skill in Open Source VoIP Development. We recognized that a one-size-fits-all approach wouldn’t do the trick, so we took an alternate course. 

Our client’s particular requirements called for changes to the well known A2billing software. They needed it customized to their custom flow and incorporation of their API. The customized billing modules flawlessly integrated into their VoIP system. 

With the modified solution set up, they encountered smoother tasks, further enhanced billing precision, and eventually, improved consumer loyalty. 

By the end of 2024, the VoIP market will reach an estimated $194.5 market growth.

Choosing the Right VoIP Billing Software

With a plethora of options available in the market, choosing the right billing Software can be overwhelming. 


The first step is determining which Open Source VoIP Billing Software features your business needs for everyday communication. Most VoIP providers today offer long lists of features. Evaluate the features and functionalities offered by different software solutions, such as real-time billing, reporting capabilities, and support for multiple payment gateways. You can start to explore VoIP functions by taking a look at this list of the most popular features for small businesses today. 

Determine your budget 

How much are you willing to spend per month on your VoIP system? Luckily, with VoIP vs. a landline phone system, pricing is flexible. When choosing a Open Source VoIP Billing Software provider, most businesses can easily find a plan that fits their business budget. 

The pricing today ranges from just $20 per user to $200 per user. But keep in mind that typically, the more you pay per user, the more robust communication features you’ll get. Pricing also depends on whether you are investing in a hosted system or using a simple cloud based system to Install Asterisk for Powerful VoIP Solutions.

When budgeting, your main factors to keep in mind will be the steps you’ve already read about above – the type of phone system, needed features, and number of users. Remember that you may likewise have to plan for equipment, for example, work area telephones, headsets, etc. depending on your needs. 


Open Source VoIP Billing Software that are available as an open source platform are developed by multiple skilled VoIP developers and intelligent brains. Thus, this type of solution gets built with a highly scalable architecture. Guarantee that the product can scale close to your business development without compromising execution or usefulness.

Integration with OTT VoIP International Calling Apps

Are you looking for provisioning, customer management, and billing solutions for your Over-the-Top (OTT) VoIP international calling app? 

Our open source VoiP billing software is the perfect fit for businesses utilizing apps like Acrobits Softphone for their communication needs.

Why Choose Acrobits Softphones?

Acrobits Softphone is a leading VoIP solution application. It is widely known for its user-friendly interface and advanced features. One standout feature of this solution is its in-app browser. The software permits clients to deal with their records while never leaving the application. This upgrades client experience and guarantees accommodation for your clients. 

Our open source VoIP Billing software Solution is intended to incorporate flawlessly with Acrobits Softphone, giving an extensive solution for provisioning, customer management, and billing. 

How Our Solution Meets Your Requirements

By integrating our billing software with Acrobits Softphone, you can enjoy the following benefits:

Improved Accuracy and Error Reduction

Manual billing processes are prone to human errors, leading to billing discrepancies and customer dissatisfaction. Automated billing eliminates these errors by precisely tracking usage and applying predefined tariff rates. As a result, invoices are accurate, and billing disputes are significantly reduced.

In-App Billing 

Leverage the in-app browser feature of Acrobits Softphone to offer users convenient access to their billing information and payment options directly within the application. And because your entire process is automated and more accurate, you can prevent the revenue leakage that results from billing mistakes or delays.


This software provides businesses with the flexibility to tailor billing processes to their unique requirements. Tailor our billing solution to meet your specific requirements, ensuring a personalized experience for your business and customers. 


Ready to integrate our VoIP Billing Software with Acrobits Softphone and take your OTT VoIP international calling app to the next level? Have inquiries concerning Open Source VoIP Billing Software? Reach us at KingAsterisk Technology today to plan a consultation. 

VoIP solutions

What is VoIP Billing Solution? Why should choose it?

What is VoIP Billing Solution

VoIP billing software are the wisest choices for several providers looking for reliability and career grade performance by providing various services. VoIP billing software lets service providers effectively manage and properly bill the VoIP usage. They can easily handle billing activities of businesses with effective features like, call rates, offer flexible call plans, billing for call usage, prepaid and postpaid. It provides different reports like charging, payment, call data records etc. We saw what is voip billing solution. Now, we discuss why should choose it.

Why choose it?

In modern times, technology is very advanced. Many businesses use different technology based tools for handling their business activities. VoIP billing software mostly used for handling billing activities. In addition, included important and advanced features in this software that increase uses of VoIP billing software and it’s also increase their value in businesses.

Payment Gateway

Multiple payment gateway available in VoIP billing software. Receive payment by multiple payment gateway options and recharge account easily and quickly and real time balance reporting.

Rates Management

Manage rates easily with VoIP Billing system. It allows businesses to configure different types of rates based on different criteria so the invoicing and billing be automated and accurate.


Automated generate invoicing and receipts for postpaid and prepaid customers. Resellers can apply their own settings to use white label reselling business benefits.

Real Time Billing

Real time billing if customers balance is low calls will be stopped then and their balance will not be negative. Generate, control and automate invoicing and billing processes in the VoIP business.

Customer Management

Manage your customers, resellers and providers are very effective and efficient with VoIP Billing software. You can manage your customers and their accounts easily through VoIP billing software.

Sign Up for a New Account

If you don’t have an account, go ahead and create an account by filling out any necessary forms (such as name, address, and contact information). You can easily create a new account in VoIP billing software.

Call Detail Reports

VoIP billing software generates detailed call traffic reporting with complete information about call failure reasons.

Payment Report

Get an extensive range of reports of payment to stay well informed and well aware of the business performance.