Outbound Call Center

Dialing In- Understanding the Various Types of Outbound Dialers

We, as most marketing specialists, recognize and understand the impact of outbound sales strategies and their ability to bring new clients and deals. These automated frameworks smooth out the most common way of contacting clients and possibilities, expanding proficiency. When we are talking about types of Outbound dialers, we should keep in mind that their variety isn’t caused by some minor dissimilarities. Every one of them holds different objectives and suits diverse trade models. 

What Exactly Are Outbound Dialers? 

Simply put, they are software tools designed to automatically dial phone numbers and connect agents with the intended recipients. According to the variety of industries and niches where outbound dialing is used, developers designed various solutions to suit any business. 

Outbound dialer software has four types: predictive, power, preview, and progressive. Outbound dialer services are typically integrated into voice-over-internet-protocol (VoIP) phone systems or contact center platforms. They operate through computer telephony integration (CTI), allowing a computer to automatically dial a predefined list of phone numbers based on specified rules, known as dialing modes. 

To explain further, here’s an overview of the different outbound dialer types and their corresponding use cases 


These are one of the most common types of outbound dialers used in call centers. It serves calls to available agents at the right time. When the call center is busy and all agents are attending to leads, the system temporarily slows down or stops the outreach until another representative is predicted to wrap up a call and accommodate the next one. The predictive outbound dialer call flow is ideal when the priority for call campaigns is to reach as many customers as possible at a given time, such as in cold calling and survey rollouts.

By the way, these features positively affect agent productivity because of less time lost on manual dialing, a bigger number of real conversations, and trimming agent idle time. Several campaigns operating and testing, clients’ information integration, control, and call monitoring options, managing the lead bases, filters, and recordings of calls are the short list of them. 

The only similar feature with a power dialer is that the system doesn’t connect unsuccessful dials to the operator, but if we talk about the predictive algorithm, we have to mention its ability to correct and change the number of simultaneous dials in accordance with the percentage of successful dials, as well as it operates intelligently to calculate the average conversation span and start selecting the new call while the previous connection isn’t finished. 

Predictive dialers can provide real calls for more than 80%-90% of operators’ shift duration. 


Power Dialing works like a Predictive one, but it has a great dissimilarity in the algorithm. A power dialer dials a phone number on the contact list immediately after an agent finishes a call. If the system reaches a disconnected, busy, or unattended number, the agent can disconnect or leave a voicemail before clicking the “Next Call” button.

Power Dialer uses just a predefined ratio, such as 1:1 or 2:1. It is a number of leads that will be called after the agent closes the previous conversation. So, it can call 2 leads at the same time, or just one, and connect the operator if the call would be picked up – or pass further if the call will be invalid. 

Unlike a predictive dialer that rings multiple phone numbers, a power dialer calls numbers one by one. Additionally, call recipients don’t experience long, awkward pauses when an agent doesn’t come through the call fast enough. This is a better option for call campaigns with an extensive contact list needing a higher level of customer service. 

The power dialer is great to work with existing customers or checked bases. If you want to deal with such lists, the power algorithm will do it quickly without any manual dialing.


The most personalized model for high-net-worth clients or for B2B, where one customer can cost a fortune. A preview dialer allows agents to see previous interactions with contacts and tag themselves as available when they want to take up the call. Its key feature is showing the client’s data before the call, such as imported info from CRM systems: previous interactions, surveys, last purchase, and so on. 

This information can help to personalize the call and make the conversation more individualized to boost the chance of a future conversion. The system retrieves customer information and forwards the call a few minutes later. It uses a one-to-one call ratio, meaning one phone number dialed per available agent.

This is the best outbound dialer option for call campaigns that require agents to have background information about the recipient. For instance, in debt collection calls, your representatives must be ready to discuss the exact amount owed, payment due date, and products or services purchased. 

As we have already mentioned, if your business requires a personal and client-oriented approach to the customers, a preview model can cover these needs. And yes, it also requires no manual dialer process. 


A progressive dialer is similar to a power dialer in that it only dials a phone number when an agent finishes a call. The Progressive dialer can count the Average Call Duration score and AHT to customize the dialing terms. The only difference is that it has an automatic answering machine detection capability, which filters busy and disconnected numbers. In other words, the system will only connect agents to the call once a live person picks up.

This type of automatic dialer is most beneficial for teams engaged in business-to-business (B2B) deals since companies are more likely to pick up calls than consumers. 

Cloud-based dialers 

Our solutions will help you cut through the busy tones and voicemails, increasing outbound calling campaign efficiency by 30%. 

Looking to connect the corners of your business, more seamlessly and more securely? Get the advantage of a cloud that comes to you. Keep your customized dialer technology stack light and lean with the cloud-based dialer’s blended campaign capabilities. 

Telemarketing dialers

They are designed specifically for outbound sales and marketing campaigns. Our Software handles repetitive tasks so reps reach 60-80 contacts every hour. Another factor that increases the conversion rate is higher operator’s motivation as he spends more time in real dialogues, and call scripts that assist workers to perform the talk in the right direction and overcome the objection.

Voice broadcasting systems 

These systems take a slightly different approach to outbound communication by delivering pre-recorded messages to a list of phone numbers. KingAsterisk’s voice broadcasting system is based on the newest technology and it is capable of handling huge traffic. We have especially designed an economically feasible voice broadcast technology for call centers with broadcasting features to bridge the gap and cut the share of investment.

Did you know? Automated dialing systems have been around since the 1970s when they were first introduced to streamline the process of outbound calling in large call centers.

Lead generation Dialers

They are complex tools to perform more deals and close more leads, so their options packs contain many useful functions despite the auto dialing. These frameworks frequently incorporate lead scoring, lead supporting, and follow-up automation highlights to help organizations distinguish and profit by potential leads.

Sales dialers 

To be frank, we all know that it’s impossible to call every lead from the lead base using only a mobile phone – or it will take half of a year. So, to do outbound telemarketing you require something to automate the processes and actions to save effort and money. They are specifically designed to support sales teams in their outbound prospecting and cold calling efforts. 


To finish the article, let’s make a summary. Whether you’re running a call center, conducting telemarketing campaigns, or driving sales efforts, there’s a dialing solution out there to help you achieve your goals. 

Even though this theoretical guide is enough to discover all the needed information about outbound dialers and choose the type for your business, you need someone who designs them and has a long history of successfully providing such software. Fortunately, we at KingAsterisk Technology, are a team of developers that can offer you all-in-one outbound calling software.

As you pick between various platforms, consider your business needs and objectives to track down the best device for your group. Our top call center phone system with full-featured outbound call management capabilities. 

Top 10 Tips for Selecting Outbound Calling Software.
Outbound Call Center

Top 10 Tips for Selecting Outbound Calling Software

Have you ever wondered what makes those phone conversations so smooth and effortless? 

Outbound calling software plays a vital part in driving sales, creating leads, and sustaining client connections. With numerous options available in the market, selecting the right outbound calling software can be a daunting task. Without the right software, your calls will be unproductive, chaotic, and possibly even costly. 

Define Your Requirements Clearly

Before diving into the outbound calling software options, take a moment to clearly define your requirements. Consider factors such as the size of your team, target audience, desired features, and budget constraints. 

What are your goals? What features do you require? Do you need call recording, real-time analytics, call scripting or call routing? What is your budget? 

Research Extensively

Don’t settle for the first outbound calling software that comes your way. There are many outbound calling software vendors in the market, each with their own set of features and pricing plans. You need to investigate various choices, read audits, and look at highlights and features. Search for programming that offers extensive sales solutions, predictive dialer frameworks, and outreach to increase innovation.

Search for merchants like KingAsterisk Technology, with a decent reputation and a history of progress. Make sure the software you choose can accommodate your future needs.

Evaluate Integration Capabilities

Another factor to consider is the integration capabilities of the telecalling software. Integration is key to expanding the productivity of your outbound calling software. Pick a solution that consistently integrates with your current CRM development framework. Plus it should also be connected to the lead generation platforms, and campaign management softwares. The last thing you can afford is a disconnect, which will lead to frustration and a lack of communication.

Assess Scalability

Customers are also taking help from the agents to reach their final decision, and because of that more customers are speaking with the agents for consultation. This has led to a voluminous increase in the number of calls. As your business grows, so should your outbound calling software. 

Consider User-Friendliness

Most call center software, after the planning and analysis undertaken by the business, takes no longer than a few hours to go live. Some go live within a few minutes. Complex software can thwart efficiency and baffle clients. You want to guarantee that your call center has the best client care of all time. 

Another fundamental component is ease of use. Although some training and support may be required, the software should be user-friendly and intuitive. Prioritize user-friendliness when selecting outbound calling software to ensure easy adoption and minimal training requirements for your team.

Ensure Compliance with Regulations

Make sure the call center software you choose uses top notch encryption and the latest in security measures to keep your data safe. Compliance With guidelines, for example, TCPA and GDPR is non-debatable. Pick programming that integrates powerful compliance features to stay away from lawful inconveniences and safeguard your brand notoriety.

One more important thing that we suggest to all the businesses is, before signing up, read the terms and conditions of the software carefully. It’s critical to peruse the fine print and seek clarification on some pressing issues assuming that you’re uncertain about anything.

Look for Analytics and Reporting Features

Online customer reviews might tell you how good or bad some software is, but they might not tell you too much about the software’s different features. Information driven experiences are significant for streamlining your outbound calling system. If you end up getting software that doesn’t have the right features, you will find that it won’t do much to help the efficiency of a call center.

Test for Reliability and Call Quality

Reliability and call quality are paramount for successful outbound calling campaigns. Prior to settling on a choice, test the product’s dependability by booking demo calls and surveying call quality to guarantee completely clear communication with possibilities. 

Seek Responsive Customer Support

Inevitably, you’ll encounter challenges or have questions while using outbound calling software. Prioritize vendors that offer responsive customer support to address any issues promptly and keep your operations running smoothly.

Consider Return on Investment (ROI)

Last but not least, consider the return on investment (ROI) potential of the outbound calling software. Consider pricing and take advantage of free trials to test the software before committing

Client Interaction  

During a recent client interaction, we helped a growing sales team identify their specific needs. We provided them with a tailored outbound calling software solution. By understanding their prerequisites and financial plan imperatives, we directed them towards a versatile platform that incorporated flawlessly with their current CRM framework. It resulted in a significant boost in productivity and sales revenue.

In Conclusion

Did You know? The United States will hold the largest market of Outbound calling Software by 2032, with a growth rate of 9% CAGR. 

Selecting the right outbound calling software is a critical decision that can impact the success of your sales efforts. You should always make sure to check the online customer reviews as well as the features of different types of call center software. 

Are you ready to take your outbound calling strategy to the next level? Contact KingAsterisk Technology today for a demo of our extensive set-up of inbound to outbound calling software, custom-made to your one of a kind business needs. Unlock the full potential of your sales team and watch your business soar to new heights!

Outbound Dialer Software
Outbound Call Center

What is an  Outbound Dialer Software? Unveiling Its Secrets and Benefits!

Agent talk time can be increased by up to 300% using automated dialing systems, according to studies.

The Outbound Dialer Software is one of the essential tools that aid in this efficiency. Thus, dear readers, lock in for a canny investigation into the universe of this Dialer Programming.

Understanding Outbound Dialer Software

Ever considered what makes a call campaign really significant? It’s the dialer technology working behind the scenes. 

Outbound Dialer Software, also known as a predictive dialer, is a cloud-based dialing platform designed to streamline outbound calling processes. The foundation of telemarketing software is this automated dialing system, which enables agents working in call centers to connect with leads. Manual dialing eats up time. Our dialer technology puts time back in your hands. 

Focus on conversations, not on dialing. This smart system analyzes data to dial at the most lucky minutes, expanding your possibilities and making significant associations.

Why Do You Need Outbound Dialer Software?

Dialing Efficiency 

Experience a significant boost in efficiency with the automated dialing system. Dialing becomes not just a task but a well-oiled process, saving time and resources.

Precision in Outreach 

Ever dialed a number only to find it’s the wrong contact? 

With precise call campaign management, your agents reach the right leads at the right time. 

Remote Agent Capabilities

In the era of remote work, having a lead generation dialer that supports remote agents is crucial. Outbound dialer software, especially cloud-based solutions, empowers your team to connect with leads from anywhere. 

Time is Money – Save Both

Every second spent on manual dialing is a second lost. The automated dialing system of outbound dialer software ensures that your agents spend less time dialing and more time engaging with prospects. It’s a simple equation: more calls, more opportunities.

KingAsterisk Technologies: Your Vicidial Partner

Now, you might wonder, “Can I afford such a sophisticated solution?” 

With KingAsterisk Technologies, you not only get excellence but affordability too. Our Vicidial solution is installed and configured for you at no extra cost.


Allow me to thank you for being a part of our journey through the Outbound Dialer Software industry as we come to an end. With KingAsterisk Technologies and Vicidial by your side, you’re not just making calls – you’re creating meaningful connections that drive success.

Our how to introduce and configure Vicidial for you, free of cost, is a demonstration of our commitment to your prosperity. Reach out to us for more details and a free demo. Thank You!

Outbound Call Center

Dialer Software For Inbound, Outbound and Blended Call Center

Kingasterisk Technologies’s dialer software is an automated solution that allows agents to connect with potential customers. The tool filters out calls that aren’t answered, sent to voicemail, disconnected or busy.

With our dialer at work, your agents can focus on meaningful conversations and not on dialing numbers.

In other words, Our dialer makes the best of all your inbound, outbound and blended campaigns by boosting agent productivity, accelerating sales and increasing customer satisfaction.

The inbound, outbound and blended call center complete the whole picture of cloud-based call centers with their unique features and benefits.

However, it completely depends on the scheme of the business to decide a particular type of call center. You may need an outbound call center to outreach your customers effectively. Inbound call center helps you in handling the call volume. Blended call centers are a very good option to make the outbound and inbound operations together to make a steady connection with the customers.

For a long time, most people have had a very simple perception about inbound and outbound call centers, that is, the former serves incoming calls, while the latter maps outgoing calls. 

This concept is correct, though many other things are involved too.

If you go into detail, inbound and outbound call centers have a very different approach, function, and working infrastructure. There are huge differences in the purpose, nature of work, challenges, agents’ tasks, etc.

But besides just that, there is another type of contact center that functions as blended call centers. But before you get an in-depth understanding of the blended contact centers, let’s know more about the differences between inbound and outbound call centers.

Inbound Call Centers

Inbound call centers don’t require as many additions in the process as outbound centers, thereby keeping the cost down. 

KingAsterisk Technologies’ inbound call center campaign offers your call center a number of benefits, including:

– Decreasing the caller’s time waiting in queue.

– Increasing the effectiveness of the call.

– Allowing the caller to select where to be directed.

Your high-volume call center will operate better and more efficiently using our inbound call center campaign, because it will reduce the caller’s time waiting in the queue and boost the effectiveness of the call.

Outbound Call Centers

Outbound call centers are slightly more complex on the setup as they require quite a lot of inputs on the operations. 

An outbound call center campaign enables you to fine tune every target group of leads or customers with a specific set of rules. Kingasterisk Technologies Dialer software  allows you to configure each campaign to follow a different behavior and use different dialing modes.

King Asterisk Technologies outbound call center campaign offers your call center a number of benefits, including:

– Increasing your reach to your target audience.

– Customizing behavior for each target group.

– Adapting to campaign needs with different dialing modes and configurable dial sequences.

– Transitioning leads through different campaigns

Your high-volume outbound call center will operate better and more efficiently using our outbound call center campaign, because it will improve your reach to your target audience.

Challenges of Operation

Since inbound and outbound call centers have different setup and purpose, there are different challenges required in operation. To start with, inbound call centers are not directly related to the first-hand sale as it does not involve the lead generation or conversion.

Hence, the sales target and pressure to work on the ROI is not as much as in an outbound call center.

However, on the other hand, outbound call centers have a more different operation process where the agents call up mass-generated leads to try and convert them to sales or surveys.

Plus, since outbound call centers are more involved in sales conversions, surveys, etc., the pressure of good performance is prevalent on every agent and manager involved in the operations directly.

Differences in Training and Approach of Agents

Now, the agents who are directly related to calling in a call center have to have a different skill set and need to undergo different training and personality developments.

In an inbound call center, where the people calling are either converted customers or valuable leads, the agents need to be extremely polite in the approach and skilled at solving the problems that they may have.

This may even include having any technical knowledge that the operation deals with.

On the other hand, outbound call centers have slight leniency with that as there is a completely different requirement. 

Since outbound call centers have a deeper relationship with sales, the agents need to have good convincing skills to complete the sale or convert a lead to a potential buyer.

The agents need to have a quick judgment to take into consideration the customers’ behavior, interest, and tone of speech and deal with them just the same way.

What is a Blended Call Center?

Blended call centers, just as the name suggests, involves both inbound and outbound calling processes. They are mostly restricted for larger offices and brands as the needed technology requirement is higher than in outbound or inbound call centers.

Blended call centers have larger workforces of agents and a dedicated dialer. This system blends both incoming and outgoing calls at the same time using inbound ACD and outbound dialer and CRM integration.

A blended call center campaign allows common treatment and agent handling for leads for which both inbound and outbound calling occurs. Kingasterisk Technologies  Dialer software supports both inbound and outbound calls in a blended manner.

Call blending is the ability to both receive inbound calls and to place outbound calls using the same set of agents and only one contact center software system.

Call blending enables call center agents to both receive and properly route inbound calls and dial outbound calls, without needing to rely on separate call center software solutions.

Done right, and with the right blended dialer solution, call blending can unlock new efficiencies, reduce agent idle time, and boost productivity and morale. 

Now that you know what call blending is, it’s time to explore how your call center can make the most of it.

Kingasterisk Technolobgies’s blended call center campaign feature offers your call center a number of benefits, including:

– Giving agents the ability to handle both inbound and outbound calls.

– Provides efficiency to the call center by routing incoming calls to any open agent.

– Allows agents to continue from an inbound call into their outbound campaign using a blended call management setup.

Your high-volume call center will operate better and more efficiently using our blended call center campaign feature, because it will give agents the ability to handle both inbound and outbound calls resulting in workforce efficiency.

We at Kingasterisk Technologies provide proper customization according to your needs and demands.

Contact center customization — from changing the agent interface to building custom wallboards or integrating systems — has, historically, been a tedious task.

We create customized call centers for every kind of business. Designed and developed to meet YOUR business’ unique needs. Our solutions, combined with Vtigar’s call center software, provide your business with an easy to manage, future-proof customized call center solution.

Our complete customized setup brings a lot of perks, such as:

Better Call Flow

The call flow in a blended call center is always better than any individual contact centers. There is little idle time as the predictive dialer manages placing and receiving calls based on the call flow.

Less Wastage of Time

There might be times when there are little or no incoming calls. During this, the dialer increases the flow of outbound calls to ensure that the agents are not sitting idle, thereby encashing on the resources completely.

Manages One CRM

The CRM used in a blended call center is versatile as it can manage the details of both the outbound caller ID and inbound ticket integration.

With Kingasterisk, everything is unified, inbound and outbound calls are blended and delivered straight to the agent’s desktop.

Easy Communications from your CRM or browser

With the use of CTI and WebRTC technology you can dial numbers and log calls directly within your CRM or even allow your agents and/or customers to communicate via their browser.

One stop shop for communications and accounting

Get a customized billing solution and integrate it with your communications system to ensure efficient reporting on billing, collections and revenue.

Display the data you choose with a customized wallboard

Whether you want to display call data, CRM statistics, videos or team performance the choice is entirely yours. With our customized solution you choose what to display on your wallboard.

Which CRM are you using? We’ll integrate it

Whether you’re using a popular, widely-used CRM or in-house software with our custom CRM solution we guarantee a seamless integration with your Vtiger CRM system.

Need further call center customization?

The most crucial point is that it’s yours. You can customize it however you want, suggest additional features, and even request a specific user interface. 

This is impossible for the ready-made software. It doesn’t matter if you do business through an online eCommerce solution or via brick and mortar storefront. 

The project is made with your requirements in mind and tailored to suit your industry.

We offer any kind of custom development to meet your needs and requirements.

Outbound Call Center

Outbound Call Center Solution For Successful Calling

In the not-so-distant past, customers had several options when contacting a company.

Today, customers can use chatbots, email, live chat, phone zoom, social media, and more to communicate with brands. However, today, most customers use the phone to resolve issues with companies. But handling customer inquiries over the phone presents challenges and costs.

Fortunately, outbound call center software and outbound call services help reduce the cost of setting up and managing phone support.

What is the Outbound Contact Center?

Traditionally, an outbound call center is a room full of desks, phones and computers occupied by agents. Today, outbound call centers can also be virtual.

In either case, an outbound contact center solution provided by Kingasterisk Technologies is a group of agents who call customers or prospects on behalf of their business. Call center agents usually try to sell, collect funds, or conduct research. 

Although not common, businesses can create outbound call centers to offer proactive customer service.

Why Use an Outbound Call Center?

Consider an outbound call center if your business does any of the following:

– Selling or arranging sales over the phone.

– Conduct surveys through telephone questionnaires or interviews.

– Provide telephone support for active customer service.

– Customer addresses are available for renewal.

Of course, just because your business doesn’t do any of the above doesn’t mean a call center shouldn’t be considered. Any business that requires a large volume of outbound calls may be better suited to an outbound call center.

Who Uses Outbound Contact Center Solution?

The use of contact center software is more common among companies in the healthcare, technology, financial services, retail, and e-commerce industries. That being said, it is not uncommon to find companies in various industries using call center software.

What Does Outbound Call Center Service Include?

It is not uncommon for organizations to outsource some or all of their outbound calls through third-party call center services.

Outbound call center companies vary widely, but outbound call services often include one or more of the following:

– Lead generation

– Bookmark settings

– The call is scheduled

– Customer survey

– TV sales, riots and updates

– Customer retention

– Competitive market research

If you are determined to keep your outgoing calls at home, you need a call center solution. 

That means choosing a solution that provides (at least) the features you need to get started.

Of course, more complex solutions may have additional features, but the main solutions to look for are:

CRM, Help desk and Other Integrations

Outbound call agents need to know what they can do about the caller to provide the best possible service. Previous order information, account details and other contextual information allow agents to customize their message settings.

This is why tight integration between outbound call center software and CRM and/or support tools is critical.

Fortunately, most outbound calling solutions have some basic integration. Through CTI, most solutions integrate your phone and computer data, making tracking easier.

However, you’ll find that the best outbound call center software includes more integrations that make it easy to put together an outbound call experience for your agents, managers, and customers.

Alarm, Recording and Monitoring

As contact centers scale, managing agents becomes a bigger business. Call notes, recording and monitoring are good.

Tags help you sort calls by agent, customer segment, time of day, or other parameters of your choosing.

So, if needed, you can easily view your phone data and pull records to review performance reviews, training sessions, or disciplinary issues. Call monitoring is an important feature for managers because it allows them to keep records of agents in real-time. This can be especially useful for new employees who need to help the manager if the call goes bad.

Call Center Analytics and Reporting

While call logs allow managers and agents to review specific calls, call center analytics provide high-level call center metrics. Managers can use call center analytics and reporting to set goals and monitor progress, evaluate performance, and eliminate potential problems. 

Among other things, call center analytics allow you to see things like average talk time, missed and rejected calls, transfer rate, call abandonment, and average response rate.

Power Dialers

If you’ve ever worked as an overseas caller, you know how much time it takes to make a call. Not only are you wasting time dialing numbers manually, but also calling inactive or unresponsive phone numbers.

A powerful dialer eliminates this wasted time by automatically dialing the number and connecting to a live agent when the prospect arrives. Not all contact center software has this feature, but it is a game changer for large operations and we at Kingasterisk Technologies provide this.

What are the Main Benefits of Outbound Contact Center Solution?

Service Channel Continuity

If your company is like many, you likely manage more than one service channel. As service channels proliferate, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain continuity in the customer experience.

Fortunately, good call center software improves your company’s ability to provide a seamless customer experience.

That’s why it’s important to find call center software that integrates well with your existing equipment.

The more integrated your internal processes and tools are, the more integrated the customer experience will be.

Make Outgoing Calls Faster and More Efficiently

Call center software makes your outgoing calls faster and more efficient at the same time. Features like automated dialing and CRM integration allow agents to focus on talking (not calling) and providing important context about the customer.

Outbound call centers help managers do their jobs better with features like optimizing call routing based on availability.

Reports and Analytics Make Learning Easy

Most quality call center software comes with at least a basic level of reporting and analytics. It allows call center managers and agents to set goals, track progress and analyze performance. 

All contribute to higher quality and faster learning, as well as overall productivity.

Using Outbound call center software, you can measure customer service metrics by:

– First response time

– Phone trends sound

– Call time

– First call resolution (FCR)

– Final support quality

– Average waiting time

Checkout the following Contact Center Solution use cases:

– Generate and match leads through cold messaging.

– Conduct market research to determine customer needs and analyze competitors.

– Provide telephone support for active customer service.

Outbound Call Center

Factors to Consider For Choosing Software in an Outbound Call Center

To become a brand that customers love and are loyal to, you need to give them a compelling reason to do so. An important way to do this is through exceptional customer service.

With the advancement of technology, the world has become a global village where you can have your headquarters in Europe and set up a call center in India. All this is possible because of call center software.

What is Contact Center Software?

The main goal of any contact center solution is to route customer contacts to the best agents. The software records all of these interactions.

The simplest purpose of this software is to route incoming calls, allowing agents to answer incoming calls. On the other hand, the exit function is designed to reach customers. This can include a set of optimization technologies to improve efficiency, including automated calls and predictive calls.

To keep your call center campaigns running smoothly, you need call center software that is fast, accurate and efficient.

Factors to consider when choosing a software for an Outbound Contact Center:

Integration of Business Tools

A feature of call center software solutions like Kingasterisk is the integration of business tools. Your current one-click call center and help center software, CRM, chat, e-commerce platform, social networking platform and marketing platform will truly transform your team’s efficiency and productivity.


Today’s call center software solutions are more flexible than ever. With the advent of browser-based call center software, teams can access comprehensive call center features from anywhere on the Internet. So, using just a laptop, a headset, and the Internet, agents can make and receive calls, access real-time reports, monitor live calls, and participate in conference calls—all of which can be done on-premises or in the cloud – based solution.

Ease of Use

After looking at some call center software solutions that are the right type, have the right features, scalable and flexible with your business, evaluate them for ease of use. The last thing you want is the best software – on paper – not working. 

Make sure your agents can learn the software in just a few hours. A good tip is to have one of your agents test the software during testing. If they can’t project within a few hours, move on to solutions they can.

Working Hours

Some call center software solutions are easy to use, but not a nightmare to implement. If you choose your best solution, check how long it takes to get out. If the answer isn’t “a few minutes” for a small group or “a few hours” for a large group, that’s a red flag. Remember, every day you implement a new solution, it can cost customers significant money, confusion, and bad. 

So, make sure the fulfillment process doesn’t interfere with customer satisfaction or day-to-day operations by choosing a solution that can be resolved in minutes.


If you choose a call center software solution that is easy to use and quick to execute, it will be easy to understand the training material. Many will provide PDFs, videos, and knowledge bases to help your team work. Some companies will even offer to help train agents on site. 

Ask what resources are available and use what you want – even if you don’t think you need it. Either way, a little practice up front can save a lot of headaches down the road.

Technical Support

When something goes wrong – and it surely will – you need to know that your call center software provider will be there for you. Make sure they provide 24/7 and responsive technical support. The company that will fight you in the IT pit will be your best ally. A company that fails will lose your business forever.

Call Center Software Budgets and Costs

Understand your needs and your workflow. For example, call center software is ideal for cloud-based small businesses. For large companies with deep pockets, on-premise solutions are a better option as they offer organizations more autonomy and control. This can be especially useful for organizations in the banking and securities industry that need to deal with customer data. It is important to carefully analyze the cost effectiveness of the solution and the expected ROI.


There are a few things to keep in mind when researching rates. Make sure you ask about processing fees, training fees, agent fees, per-minute fees, phone number fees, and fees for using certain features. You should also make sure that the payments are transparent, that you can see the payments at any time, and that the support team will respond if you have problems with the payments. 

The last thing you want is to be hit with a huge bill with hidden fees when you sign up for a 1 year contract!


Simplify your calls with an affordable, secure and reliable virtual phone solution. Call center software from Kingasterisk is a call center solution with third party integration. It allows you to interact with customers in various incoming and outgoing calls.

It can improve communication, improve customer experience, increase productivity and make more calls with fewer resources. Kingasterisk’s call center software is the ideal solution whether your call center is inbound, outbound or hybrid.