Progressive Dialers
Progressive Dialer

The Impact of Progressive Dialers on Accelerated Performance

Did you know that businesses using advanced dialing solutions witness a whopping 30% boost in productivity? 

At KingAsterisk Technologies, we’re dedicated to improving your team’s communication. In this blog, we will understand the impact of Progressive Dialers, investigating their advantages, high level arrangements, and how they improve your proficiency at a very minimal cost.

Have you ever been annoyed by being flooded with calls or waiting for a call to connect?

Understanding Progressive Dialers

Ever wondered how some call centers seem to effortlessly manage calls, connecting agents with leads seamlessly?

Modern dialer technology is based on progressive dialing systems. They offer intelligent dialing automation that adjusts to your specific needs, going above and beyond the norm. They intelligently dial numbers based on agent availability, ensuring no time is wasted. Monitor agent performance and call success, and adjust your strategy for best results.

Progressive Dialer: Next-Gen Dialing Platforms

Did you know? Progressive Dialers analyze real-time data to make sure you’re always connecting with the right leads at the right time.
The way you connect with your audience is redefined by our advanced calling solutions, also known as next-generation dialing platforms. Analyzing call patterns, identifying trends – it’s like having a data scientist for your call center.

Dialing Automation Technology

Did you know that automated dialers significantly reduce errors? 

Yep, that’s right. No more misdials or awkward silences. Every number is dialed with precision, making sure you’re always one step ahead. Dialing Automation Technology ensures accuracy. 

Picture this: a dialing system that adapts to your pace, intelligently optimizing call queues. That’s dialing automation technology. It adapts to your workflow, ensuring you’re not rushing through calls or waiting idly. 

Efficiency Meets Affordability with Vicidial

Ever wished your agents could make more calls without burning out?

KingAsterisk Technologies takes it a step further. We offer a free-of-cost installation and configuration of Vicidial, our preferred dialing solution. Our nonstop help guarantees that your tasks run as expected, regardless of time.

When it comes to Progressive Dialers, think beyond the basics. Our advanced dialing solutions and next-gen dialing platforms redefine industry standards, making your communication strategy not just effective but innovative as well.

Did you know? Vicidial’s analytics empower you to identify trends and optimize your approach for better results.

Important Note: Vicidial Installation Offer

As part of our commitment to providing value, KingAsterisk Technologies installs and configures your Vicidial for free. 


The data doesn’t lie: modern dialer systems equipped with intelligent automation technology redefine the efficiency game. At KingAsterisk Technologies, Our advanced dialing solutions redefine industry standards.  

So, are you ready to upgrade? Reach out to our experts for a free demo and more information.

Communication solution

Streamline your business Communication with an outsourced Phone service

Whether you are a startup, a small business, or a well-established corporation, the way you handle your phone calls can make or break your reputation. That is where KingAsterisk, a main call center outsourcing software solution supplier, steps in to reform your correspondence system.

Why Outsource Your Phone Answering Services?

In the digital age, customers expect immediate responses. Whether it’s a query about your product, a service request, or a simple greeting, every call matters. However, managing an in-house outsourced phone answering service team can be costly, time-consuming, and prone to errors. This is where outsourcing phone answering services becomes a game-changer.

KingAsterisk: Your Communication Accomplice

At KingAsterisk, we grasp the significance of compelling and responsive correspondence. Our state of the art call center programming arrangements are intended to assist you with smoothing out your business communication consistently. We value offering tailor made administrations to take care of your novel necessities.

Why Choose KingAsterisk?

24/7 Availability 

In today’s globalized world, time zones don’t matter. With KingAsterisk, your clients can contact you nonstop, giving the degree of administration that guarantees consumer loyalty.


Outsourcing your phone answering services to us saves you money. You no longer have to bear the costs of hiring, training, and retaining an in-house team. 


We adapt to your business needs. As your business develops, we develop with you, guaranteeing that you generally have the right degree of help.


Our well-trained and courteous call agents represent your brand with the professionalism it deserves. 

Advanced Technology 

We leverage cutting-edge outbound call center solutions to ensure that your calls are answered promptly and accurately.

Benefits of Outsourced Phone Answering Services

Now, let’s dive deeper into the advantages of outsourcing your phone answering services, that matter most in the realm of business communication:

Improved Customer Satisfaction

When your customers can reach you at any time, their satisfaction soars. Imagine a potential client calling at midnight, and a friendly, well-informed agent answers their queries. That’s a game-changer!

Cost Savings

Reducing operational costs is a top priority for any business. Outsourcing phone answering services means you no longer have to worry about hiring and training, as well as the ongoing expense of payroll.


As your business grows, so do your communication needs. KingAsterisk offers versatile call center dialer arrangements, guaranteeing that you have the right degree of help as your business grows.

Focus on Core Activities

When you let us handle your calls, you free up your valuable time and resources to concentrate on your core business activities.

Data Security

Your business data is of utmost importance. KingAsterisk employs the latest security measures to keep your information safe from prying eyes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Q: How does KingAsterisk ensure 24/7 availability?

We have a devoted group of call specialists working in movements to guarantee that somebody is consistently accessible to answer your calls, regardless of the time.

2. Q: Can KingAsterisk adapt to our specific business needs?

Absolutely. We offer adaptable phone answering solutions, so whether you’re an independent company or an enormous enterprise, our solutions are custom-made to accommodate your prerequisites.

3. Q: How would you ensure information security?

We utilize progressed encryption and security conventions to shield your information. Have confidence, your data is in safe hands.

The KingAsterisk Difference

Outsourcing your phone answering services to KingAsterisk not only elevates your customer service but also enhances your brand’s reputation. Our group turns into an expansion of your business, giving that individual touch that clients esteem.

Remember, Your Call, Your Business,Our Solution!

Call Forwarding Solutions

How Do You Use Call Forwarding Software?

In today’s time, people from children to the elderly are using mobile phones. This is why today’s companies, whether small or large, national or multinational, are looking for reliable and secure telephony solutions that can improve the communication process of the company and its customers.

Call Forwarding is a reliable and secure telephony solution. It helps companies redirect their incoming calls to another number. Not only that, with its help calls can be calls sent on pre-recorded voicemails. Its main purpose is to transfer all incoming calls to the right number at the right time.

According to our study, most customers agree that the inability to resolve issues effectively is the most frustrating aspect. Which guarantees bad customer service. Call forwarding ensures that customers receive fast and reliable customer service or not.

How Does Call Forwarding Work?

Initially call forwarding was only to forward incoming calls to another number. But with the passage of time advanced features were add to it with the evolving technology. By which the customer experience can be enhance.

When customers call the company, the destination number is also transfer with the help of this facility. So that you can answer the call without waiting for your customers. Apart from this you can set up call forwarding in minutes. You can also know when, how and to whom the call was forward and can also customize it.

The company should resort to call forwarding in the following situations.

When Lines are Busy

When a customer calls and if you are connect to another customer then the calling customer has to wait. And customers can be disconnect. If it doesn’t happen and you don’t want your customer to have to wait or disconnect the call, call forwarding can help you handle your customer’s calls. With the help of call forwarding, the call can be forward to another number when it is busy.

Unanswered/ Not Attend Calls

When you are not available near the call or cannot answer the call or cannot receive the call then in this condition your call needs to be forwarded. With call forwarding, calls from important customers do not have to be missed. Apart from that you can send the call to a pre-recorded voicemail.

When You are Unreachable

If there is no signal in your phone or the battery is dead, then you can forward your customer’s call to another number. This feature will not let you miss any important call of your customer.

Sequential Forwarding

Maybe you are dedicate to specific customers as their customer service representative. Customers who call in may prefer speaking to you over your colleagues.

With this rule, you can forward calls according to your desired sequence of numbers and devices.

Set your mobile number right after your office number, making it more likely that your customers reach you if they can’t get through your first number. If they still can’t reach you, then direct them to your next colleague’s number.

Sequence-based call forwarding can also be determined by priority, skill-level, or any other criteria you find most relevant to your role or business.

Simultaneous Ringing

This may be the fastest way to connect the caller to a representative.

Simultaneous ringing allows you to simultaneously ring a group of numbers.

If it doesn’t matter who specifically your customers reach, use your VoIP software to forward calls to the entire team’s numbers at the same time. There’s a greater chance that someone is available to respond.

Selective Forwarding

Efficiently forward calls by utilizing data with the incoming number.

Integrate your CRM tools with your VoIP software to recognize which customer is calling in. Immediately forward them to the dedicated customer service rep.

You can also use VoIP software to recognize country codes, and route them to the regional sales rep.

Or forward specific numbers to your colleagues because there are some numbers you just want to avoid.

SoundBox Dialer Software

Some Features of SoundBox Dialer Software

Soundbox dialer is the cost effective software for small or big businesses. By simply pressing a button in this software, agents can communicate with customers and customers feel like they are talking to a live agent. Soundbox dialer is very easy to use. It has tons of features that help businesses improve their productivity. Let’s discuss about features of soundbox dialer:

Interactive Dashboard

An interactive dashboard monitors key business metrics in a centralized way. You can continuously monitor the outbound campaigns with the help of an interactive dashboard provided by Soundbox dialer. With the help of which you can know the status of your live calls and easily manage your calling activities.

CRM Integration

Soundbox Dialer can be integrate with a CRM system and manage customer data. You can use the CRM system to streamline your customers’ activity. By integrating Soundbox Dialer with the CRM system you can update customer data automatically.

A call with all customer details can be transfer to another agent. So that another agent can get help in handling the call and can keep complete information about the customer.

Call Recording

With the help of a call recording feature you can record and store all calls in audio format. By using this feature you can know about the efficiency and inefficiency of your agents by knowing the conversations between your agents and customers. Apart from this, it also helps call centers to resolve customer disputes.

Not only that but how the agent works in the call center can also be known with the help of recording. The efficiency and inefficiency of the agent can also be known.

Call Transfer

This feature is useful for lead generation in Soundbox Dialer. When an agent calls a customer and if the customer wants to know more information about the service or product, the agent transfers the call to another agent who is able to explain to the customer and provide all the information. By transferring calls in this way, you can close more leads faster. The call transfer feature improves your company’s productivity.

Script Management

In Script Management you can watch the Soundbox Dialer. It has different speech buttons. By clicking on it, the audio file in that button is play. When this audio file is play, the customer hears the speech contained in that file and the customer feels that he is talking to a live agent.

You can watch this option in the agent dashboard which is handle by the agent. When the agent makes a call, he will go to this option and press the button.

Call Monitoring

A manager can monitor all operations of agents. The manager can also know how many calls are active and how much time the agent is spending on the call. Apart from this, it can also know the status of the calls like, call beck, do not disturb, busy, call transferred etc. In this way the manager can monitor the performance of the agents by monitoring the calls.

Reporting & Analytics

Soundbox Dialer generates reports based on real-time statistical data. Real-time reports help managers monitor and measure outbound calling. How many calls an agent has made and how many leads have been closed can be known with the help of the information report. With the help of reports, you can analyze the performance of call centers and agents.

PBX Solution

Why Choose PBX System For Your Business?

Are you thinking of using the PBX system in your business? It is a smart choice for your business. Using PBX you can run your business’s phone system on internet connection. Not only that, it also allows your team to make and receive calls from anywhere.

Here we discuss what features you should consider while choosing a PBX system.

Auto Attendant or IVR

This feature allows PBX to act as virtual receptionists. Through which the incoming calls are received and the callers are connected to the appropriate department. For example when you call a company, ever heard “Press 1 For Sales”, “Press 2 For Billing”, “Press 3 For Support”. IVR feature is use for this service.

Due to this feature, there is no need for a human receptionist and it also reduces the cost. Which is best for customer satisfaction. With the help of IVR, you can introduce your company at the beginning of the call and at the end of the call you can thank the person for calling.

Call Routing & Queuing

Call routing and queuing is a very important feature in PBX systems. Through which, when the agent cannot answer the call, the caller can join the call queue, because the call does not fail and does not get stuck on hold. Through an automated message, callers can know their status in the queue and how long they will have to wait.

Call Recording

Call recording is one of the most important features of the PBX system. With the help of call recording, you can know how calls are being answer, which sales team is working well, which queries are being answer frequently and who is involve in the call.

Apart from this, if a new employee is recruited, you can use the recording to train him. You can save the call recording for as long as you want and use it later. It can also help in mitigating legal risks.

Call Forward or Transfer

Call forwarding diverts incoming calls to your number to another number without any interruptions. When an employee is unable to answer the call, the calls are forward to another employee who can answer the call. Along with that it is also ensure that the employee is able to answer the call or not.

You can also forward calls to your mobile phone. Especially when you are working from home or on holidays.

Reporting and Analytics

You can also get real-time reports of the performance of your agents in the PBX system. With the help of these reports, you can manage your call center and also know the analytics of real-time calls like,

– How much time did the team spend on which call?

– Which employee is answering more calls?

– Know the number of answered gives, missed, and Toll-free calls

– Know the best time to call

You can know the real-time status of all these. You can also keep information of where your team is spending their time with the help of reports. Not only that, you can also increase the efficiency of your team.

Voice Broadcasting Software

Uses of Voice Broadcasting Software

There are many reasons to use voice broadcasting. With Voice Broadcasting you can reach thousands of people in some minutes. It saves you both time and money. Businesses send messages to thousands of people in many cases like surveys, reminders, notification, emergency alerts, announcements etc. So in this case you can send your message through voice call to thousands of people and voice broadcasting is the perfect tool to make bulk voice calls simultaneously. Let us now discuss the uses of voice broadcasting software.

Uses of Voice Broadcasting Software

Feedback and Surveys

Voice broadcasting is use by many companies to perform large scale market research and surveys and also can get feedback from valuable customers. Any person can give their feedback using their phone’s keypad by just pressing 1 or 2. This software plays an important role in conducting surveys and getting feedback.

Reminder Calls

Customers are notified about the pending bills, appointments, several events and other important things via an automated call in the most effective way. It is a common use of voice broadcasting software. With the help of voice broadcasting, you can also give your customers the necessary updates without waste of time.

Emergency Alerts

This software helps to reach out mass audiences during emergencies. For example some companies can notify all their employees about a sudden day- off due to weather related or any other emergency or issues.

Apart from this, it is use in hospitals to give emergency alerts. For example, if a patient is on the way and his condition is serious, the hospital staff is inform of an emergency case. So that they can make necessary preparations without wasting time.

Promotions and Offers

Many businesses use this software to increase customer traffic and sales. They use this software for coupons, seasonal discounts, offers, discount codes and customer benefits, So that their sales can increase.

Notification Calls

It can be used to send multiple notification calls when there is a new product release or some discount going on to the customers. SMS or email can be sent to customers but many customers avoid it. As a result customers miss out on offers. That is why voice calls are more effective than SMS or email.

If the customers are inform through notification calls, the attention of the customers immediately goes towards it. In this way, you can deliver your message to customers efficiently.

Event Invitation

Many companies these days, organise several events to attract customer’s attention. Those people who register for these kinds of events are the targeted leads and it is used to inform them about the related things.

Inform About New Product & Service Launch

When businesses launch a new product or service, it is with the help of voice broadcasting they provide complete information to the customers about their new product or service. In addition, they can also get feedback from customers on their new product or service launch. Businesses can provide information about their new service releases and new updates with the help of voice broadcasting.

Corporate Announcement

By using this software you can connect with your clients as well as your employees. Companies use this tool to do some major announcements to their own employees. In this way they can spread the information to all employees simultaneously and pair them with text messages, emails, corporate memos, and other forms of communication.


Voice Broadcasting is a tool to communicate with hundreds of people in a few minutes. It has many advanced features that make voice broadcasting the best to reach your customers. It is one of the most popular ways to generate leads for businesses. Many businesses have benefited from using our software. We have mentioned in next post how industries benefit from voice broadcasting:

Predictive Dialer

Difference: Preview Dialer vs Predictive Dialer

Have you ever been looking for different types of outbound dialers and campaign execution? Kingasterisk Technologies provide more than just one type of dialer.

Whether it’s for customer loyalty, collection, surveys or telemarketing, dialing technologies are indispensable tools for any contact center. A contact center has the option to choose from different types of outbound dialers including Preview dialers and Predictive dialers.

Preview Dialer

Preview dialing is the simplest outbound dialing mechanism provided by King Asterisk Technologies. With a preview dialer at the end of a call your advisors are able to see the next call in the list. It is up to them when to make the call and they may also be able to skip to the next name on the list. This can be ideal for more complex sales where a bit of research is require between calls to increase the chances of success.

The preview dialer selects a customer record from a call list and proposes this call record to an agent. The agent can then look at the customer record (the “preview” phase) and decide to call this customer. The agent will hear the progress of the call on the phone line. If the customer is busy, the agent hears busy tone, if the customer is not answering the phone the agent hears ringback tone until ending the call, and, of course, if the customer answers the phone the agent can talk to the customer.

When your system detects that one of your agents is available, it presents him with a form containing all the information contained in external databases (CRM or other).

The agent will then read the file in front of his screen, get an overview of the customer’s situation and will be able to get a first idea of what to expect from that specific call. Thus, when he is ready he will be able to trigger the call by clicking on a button on his interface.

The Preview Dialer allows you to:

– Give agents the option to reject a recording and move on to the next recording;

– Apply a more restrictive mode where your agent has no choice but to make the call;

– Set an automatic timeout period after which, the registration number is dial no matter what happens.

It is clear that Preview Dialer offers the greatest working comfort to agents. However, it is not necessarily optimal in terms of productivity. If your agents cannot be sure before initiating calls that a client will pick up and another will actually be available. He may indeed spend a significant part of his time preparing calls that will not succeed.

This is why it is wise to use this dialer for qualitative phone campaigns where clients could be warned in advance that they will be called. This optimal use is one where the starting point is a list of scheduled appointments or reminders are set to guarantee a much higher reachability rate than simple cold calls. Once the agent finishes the current call, the next call request is routed to the agent screen. The dialer decides which call is propose to which agent and when. The agent can preview, accept, or reject the call. This can be ideal for more complex sales where a bit of research is require between calls to increase the chances of success.

If each case of call is complicate, or needs to be personalize to a high degree, then you might want your agents to spend 5-20 minutes preparing for their call. In this case, it’s best you use a preview dialer.

Predictive Dialer

The most intensive solution is the predictive dialer. With the progressive dialer, although calls are made as soon as advisors are available, many of those calls incur a long ring time, are engaged or hit an answer-phone—all wasted time with an advisor on the end of the line.

The predictive dialer determines that a percentage of calls will be unsuccessful and therefore over-dials connecting ‘live’ callers to the advisors as soon as they come available. Predictive dialers are typically use in very high volume low margin outbound contact centers where the efficiency of the advisors and the cost per call are paramount—seconds matter.

The areas to be aware of are two-fold. As we see in TV programmes, unless managed correctly predictive dialers can overcompensate and end up with more live callers than advisors. This leaves bewildered customers or prospects hanging on a deadline.

To counter this, Ofcom regulations state that no more than 3% of callers can be abandone in this way.

Secondly, the effect on your advisors should be taken into account. They are not cogs in a machine. Having calls deliver to you without respite can reduce their morale and effectiveness with customers. Time should be taken to weigh up the extra gain from predictive dialing versus the negative risks on your brand and your team.

This is ideal where the calls are very similar in nature and advisors benefit from having the system tee up the next call for them.

Predictive dialing introduces a predictive dialing engine that initiates outbound calls based on outbound campaign call lists automatically in the background. The predictive dialing engine handles all calls (including call classification if a number is busy or not answering) until a call is connect.

Our predictive dialers even feature an answering machine detection so that only calls answer by a person are connect to an agent. Based on complex and mathematical algorithms, the predictive dialing engine defines the number of calls that are initiate and when they are start. However, introducing predictive dialing bears the risk of calls needing to be drop when a customer answers the phone but no agent is available at this moment. Predictive dialing is the most effective outbound dialing mode.

The predictive dialing engine starts outbound calls automatically based on outbound campaign call lists. The dialing algorithm balances automated dialing rate in real time based on agent availability and multiple call handling-related statistics. The campaign manager can adjust dialing algorithm parameters. Answered calls are routed to agents, others are re-scheduled automatically.

From a technical point of view, it would be more appropriate to describe them as over-numbering call campaigns. After all, predictive refers to the ability of the system to use data from your telephone activity. In particular, the conversation time, the dropout rate, the occupancy rate, etc. This will allow predicting which agents will soon be available. 

However, to achieve this balance between agents and callers, you must take into account calls that are not answer and those that end up on answering machines. Which triggers over-numbering, dialing many more numbers than there are agents.

On the other hand with real-time statistical analysis of activity data, it is now possible to go very far in the adjustment between number of calls and number of agents.

So if you want to take your outbound call campaigns to the next level, Predictive Dialer drastically improves the efficiency of your Contact center. 

Predictive dialers help contact centers to manage large-scale outbound marketing campaigns without deploying extra agents. As the auto dialer initiates multiple calls for each available agent, it becomes easier for businesses to communicate with more customers and leads by reducing the time between two outbound calls.

However, predictive dialers do have some flaws. Predictive dialers begin making new calls before an agent is available, assuming that it will have a customer ready as the agent is ending another call. With this type of auto-dialing, calls often reach prospective customers before an agent is available to speak with them.

When this happens, there is a delay in response time from the agent, which many customers find frustrating. Customers may already be frustrate when they are connect to an agent, or they may abandon calls before an agent is even available. Because of this, predictive dialing can seem impersonal, and may not be the best choice when your call center prioritizes rapport between an agent and a customer.

For instance, if you are cold calling completely new data, and have no prior history to read up, that means your agents can get on their call with zero preparation. So, a predictive dialer is best for this.


As we said at the beginning of this article, any campaign must be based on a detailed analysis of clients. In other words, you must answer these pivotal questions, when can you reach customers? Are they really likely to be interest in the offer? And also on which communication channel should we contact them?

Rather than betting on volume, Kingasterisk Technologies focus on customer experience. So, it exploit the ability of call engines to integrate this knowledge to define more targeted call and callback strategies. Typically, we suggest you should choose dialers based on the number of calls made per day. 

For example,

50-100 calls. Choose a Preview Dialer.

500+ calls Choose a Predictive dialer.

At Kingasterisk Technologies, our core focus is on helping our customers to handle inbound calls with style. As part of our service, customers also get the ability to make outbound calls from their CRM instance and this often raises questions about terminology for outbound calls.