SoundBox Dialer Software

Explore Sound Box Dialer Platform – Empower Your Communication With Advanced Features

Current communication frameworks are quickly taking on sound-based dialing as their default strategy. At KingAsterisk, we esteem conveying progressed dialers. Our ability in the field of sound based dialers and voice-isolated tools separates us from the rest. One of our top products is the Sound Box Dialer. As a result of this technology, you will witness a change in how you talk to each other. But what happens that is exceptional? We should figure it out today in this blog!

What is a Sound Box Dialer?

A Sound Box Dialer is a unique tool that utilizes sound to start calls. It is a sophisticated system that uses cutting-edge voice dialing technology to improve your communication experience. Imagine a device that dials without using your hands and accurately responds to your voice commands. The Sound Box Dialer makes use of cutting-edge voice dialing technology, in contrast to conventional dialers that require manual input. This makes it staggeringly easy to use and proficient. With a Sound Box Dialer, you just talk an order, and the dialer wraps up. 

Key Features of the Sound Box Dialer

Voice Recognition 

Consistent collaboration is taken into account by our dialer with voice recognition. This dialer with voice affirmation can unequivocally translate and execute your orders, even in clear conditions. It precisely answers when you talk. How can it achieve this? by utilizing state of the art voice order dialer innovation that ensures that each word you say is heard.

Interactive Sound Dialer 

This dialer is extremely accurate due to its advanced speech recognition capabilities. It limits blunders, guaranteeing that your calls go through to the right contacts. This acoustic dialer adjusts to your discourse designs for easy use. By reducing the need to manually dial numbers, this smart sound dialer saves time. The dialer will take care of the rest after you simply say the name or number. 

Audio Command Dialer  

Depending on your needs, you can use this device as an avatar dialer or an acoustic dialer. An easy to understand experience is given by the sound connection point dialer. It can be used by anyone, regardless of their level of technical expertise, as a result. Execute orders using your voice. The dialer for our sound point of interaction simplifies route and fast. 

Hands-Free Operation 

This speech-activated dialer responds to your voice commands. This makes it a perfect companion for busy professionals and individuals on the go. The speech-activated dialer enables true hands-free calling. 

How Does It Work?

Our Sound Box Dialer uses progressed voice dialing innovation to give an impeccable client experience. The framework is a symbol dialer that cycles sound sources of info, changing over them into significant orders. You talk an order into the tool. You could, for instance, say, “Call Mom.” The dialer utilizes a sound connection dialer system to handle your voice order. It makes sense of the specific words and acts on them. The sound-responsive dialer then connects the call to the intended recipient via the phone network. 

 Benefits of Using Sound Box Dialer

Security is a first concern for any specialized instrument, and the Sound Box Dialer doesn’t dishearten. In fact, it will be simple to use for even the most inexperienced users. The sound based dialer answers precisely to voice orders, guaranteeing an issue free encounter like clockwork. With its sound-responsive customized dialer capacities, it offers a safe calling experience by guaranteeing that main approved clients can initiate the dialer. Dialing without using your hands is safer, especially when driving or doing other tasks. This discourse driven dialer limits the gamble of unapproved access, giving inner serenity.

**Fact: Voice order dialers like our Sound Box Dialer are known to further develop communication productivity by up to 40%.

How Does a Sound Box Dialer Compare to Other Dialers?

Dialers have changed the way we communicate. From mechanized systems to voice-initiated technology, each dialer type offers novel advantages. 

Avatar Dialer 

An Avatar dialer ordinarily utilizes a computerized partner to work with calls. Despite its effectiveness, it frequently necessitates internet connectivity and may not respond as quickly in locations with poor reception. A sound box dialer, on the other hand, works offline and only takes acoustic input.

Interactive Sound Dialer vs. Traditional Dialers 

Customary dialers require manual information, either by tapping buttons or tapping a screen. This can be badly designed and tedious. A sound box dialer, then again, answers in a split second to your voice, offering a consistent encounter.

Applications of A Sound Box Dialer

Corporate Use

Performing multiple tasks experts can benefit enormously from a voice order dialer. Whether in a meeting or in a hurry, settling on a decision is essentially as straightforward as taking an order. 

Personal Use 

Work on your own calls with a discourse driven dialer that answers your voice. Whether you’re settling on decisions while in a hurry or need a sound order dialer for usability, the Sound Box Dialer takes special care of all requirements. 

For Seniors 

Senior grown-ups frequently battle with small fastens and complex connection points. They can make calls with ease and independence thanks to a sound input dialer, which makes the process easier. With Sound Box Dialer, the future of dialing is here! 


Visit our site or reach us to learn more about the Sound Box Dialer and other high level solutions we offer. You can check our blogs to read details about all the dialer softwares. 

Discover the power of voice with KingAsterisk Technology’s Sound Box Dialer platform. 

SoundBox Dialer Software

What is Soundbox Dialer and it’s advantages?

Soundbox dialer allows you to play sound files through just clicking on a button. It is a cost effective solution for call centers located in countries like, USA and UK. Agents can communicate with their customers by clicking on voice buttons. Soundbox dialer is one of the most intriguing software in sophisticated, or more precisely, intelligent, call center software.

For example, if a customer says “Hello,” the telephone agent might react with “How may I help you?” The Soundbox would play “How may I help you?” to the consumer if the “Help?” labeled option was selected.

We highlight here the advantages happening by soundbox dialer:


Agents can use the Soundbox dialer to provide clear and consistent messages on each call.

Reduce Calling Cost

In modern times international calling is very expensive. So, many call centers that are located in the USA and UK use soundbox dialer. Because soundbox dialer helps reduce per calling cost and it is also easy to use. Thus, Soundbox dialer boosts income while reducing possible costs.

Record all Calls

You can record a call when a customer gives the answer of the call and it can be kept as a proof. Users can also know about an agent’s performance by hearing recordings and knowing the mistakes of their agents.

Call Transfer to Another Agent

Soundbox dialer enables call transfer that lets agents quickly easily transfer live calls to another agent or an expert who has the technical expertise or working experience to resolve a complex query that your caller is interested in knowing.


It is a fully customizable solution and agents can add audio files as per their needs. It is mobile friendly. So, you can use it anytime and anywhere.

Increase Productivity

Soundbox dialers increase your business productivity by reducing cost and increasing sales. It helps to assess the productivity per call and discover the customer experience of every client in each interaction.

Close More Leads

You can close more leads by transfer calls easily and quickly to another experienced agent. Thus, you can increase your business productivity.

Reporting and Analytics

Analyse your agent’s activities by automatically generated reports. Improve the overall efficiency, productivity, performance, and intelligence of your call center by reports.

SoundBox Dialer Software

Some Features of SoundBox Dialer Software

Soundbox dialer is the cost effective software for small or big businesses. By simply pressing a button in this software, agents can communicate with customers and customers feel like they are talking to a live agent. Soundbox dialer is very easy to use. It has tons of features that help businesses improve their productivity. Let’s discuss about features of soundbox dialer:

Interactive Dashboard

An interactive dashboard monitors key business metrics in a centralized way. You can continuously monitor the outbound campaigns with the help of an interactive dashboard provided by Soundbox dialer. With the help of which you can know the status of your live calls and easily manage your calling activities.

CRM Integration

Soundbox Dialer can be integrate with a CRM system and manage customer data. You can use the CRM system to streamline your customers’ activity. By integrating Soundbox Dialer with the CRM system you can update customer data automatically.

A call with all customer details can be transfer to another agent. So that another agent can get help in handling the call and can keep complete information about the customer.

Call Recording

With the help of a call recording feature you can record and store all calls in audio format. By using this feature you can know about the efficiency and inefficiency of your agents by knowing the conversations between your agents and customers. Apart from this, it also helps call centers to resolve customer disputes.

Not only that but how the agent works in the call center can also be known with the help of recording. The efficiency and inefficiency of the agent can also be known.

Call Transfer

This feature is useful for lead generation in Soundbox Dialer. When an agent calls a customer and if the customer wants to know more information about the service or product, the agent transfers the call to another agent who is able to explain to the customer and provide all the information. By transferring calls in this way, you can close more leads faster. The call transfer feature improves your company’s productivity.

Script Management

In Script Management you can watch the Soundbox Dialer. It has different speech buttons. By clicking on it, the audio file in that button is play. When this audio file is play, the customer hears the speech contained in that file and the customer feels that he is talking to a live agent.

You can watch this option in the agent dashboard which is handle by the agent. When the agent makes a call, he will go to this option and press the button.

Call Monitoring

A manager can monitor all operations of agents. The manager can also know how many calls are active and how much time the agent is spending on the call. Apart from this, it can also know the status of the calls like, call beck, do not disturb, busy, call transferred etc. In this way the manager can monitor the performance of the agents by monitoring the calls.

Reporting & Analytics

Soundbox Dialer generates reports based on real-time statistical data. Real-time reports help managers monitor and measure outbound calling. How many calls an agent has made and how many leads have been closed can be known with the help of the information report. With the help of reports, you can analyze the performance of call centers and agents.