 DID Management Software

DID Management Software – Easily Manage DIDs and Forward Calls

In today’s world of business, efficient communication is crucial for success. One of the most critical communication channels is phone communication. However, managing multiple phone numbers can be a cumbersome task for businesses. 

This is where Direct Inward Dialing (DID) management software comes into play. DID management software is design to help businesses easily manage their phone numbers and efficiently forward calls to the appropriate person or department. 

In this blog post, we will discuss in detail the benefits of DID management software and its key features.

What is DID Management Software?

DID management software is a tool design to manage Direct Inward Dialing (DID) numbers. DID numbers are phone numbers assigned to individuals or departments within a business. It allow callers to bypass a receptionist and directly reach the person they are trying to contact. 

DID (Direct Inward Dialing) management software is design to help businesses easily manage their phone numbers and efficiently forward calls to the appropriate person or department. 

This software can provide a range of features to make the process of managing DIDs much easier, including:

Call Forwarding

The ability to forward calls to specific extensions or departments based on the number dialed.


A feature that allows callers to navigate through a menu to reach the right person or department.

Reporting and Analytics

Detailed reporting on call volume, duration, and other metrics can help businesses identify trends and make data-driven decisions.

Number Porting

The ability to transfer existing phone numbers from one carrier to another without losing functionality.

Real-time Notifications

Alerts and notifications can be sent to designated individuals when specific events occur, such as missed calls or voicemail messages.

Voicemail Management

The ability to manage voicemail messages left on specific phone numbers, including the ability to forward them to email or access them via a web interface.

Call Recording

The ability to record calls for training, compliance, or quality control purposes.

Customizable Greetings and Messages

The ability to record and customize greetings and messages for specific phone numbers or departments.

SMS/MMS Messaging

The ability to send and receive text and multimedia messages via specific phone numbers.

Integration with Other Software

The ability to integrate with other business software, such as CRM or helpdesk software, to provide a more streamlined customer experience.

Benefits of DID Management Software

Efficient Call Handling

One of the most significant benefits of DID management software is that it enables efficient call handling. The software allows businesses to easily route calls to the appropriate person or department, ensuring that callers get the assistance they need quickly.

Improved Customer Service

DID management software can help businesses improve their customer service. By automating call forwarding, businesses can reduce wait times and ensure that callers reach the appropriate person quickly.


DID management software can ensure that DIDs are interoperable across different platforms and networks, making it easier for users to connect and share data securely.

Reduced Costs

DID management software can reduce the cost of managing digital identities by eliminating the need for intermediaries and reducing the risk of identity theft.

Compliance with Regulations

DID management software can help organizations comply with data protection and privacy regulations by providing secure and transparent management of user data.

There are several DID management software solutions available on the market, including those that integrate with existing phone systems or operate as standalone solutions. When choosing a solution, it is important to consider factors such as cost, ease of use, and the specific features that are most important for your business needs.

What Conditions are DID Management Systems Used For?

There are many ways to use DID directly, and organizations often customize the system to meet their specific needs.

Some common examples include:

Send a Call

DID numbers can be configure to forward calls to any phone number, including cell phones and VoIP phones. This is often use after a phone call or when an employee leaves the office.

Call Center Queue

Incoming calls can be transferred to a call center queue to be answered by the next available agent.


Calls can be sent to voicemail so you can send messages to individual staff members or departments.

Fax Machine

Fax machines can be assigned a DID number to route incoming faxes to the correct machine.

DID Management Software by Kingasterisk Technologies

The KingAsterisk’s PIN-free DID feature lets you easily set up and listen to voicemails. When you miss a call on your direct number, a special voice message will be sent to your caller (you can record or download) and you can receive those messages with information such as caller ID and when the call was made. 

Oh, and our dashboard also comes with a visual voicemail feature that lets you record voicemails when you’re in meetings all day and don’t have time to listen to them.

If you have different internal departments that receive various inquiries on the phone, or if you call a lot every day, you should have a direct internal calling feature.

With KingAsterisk, you can quickly set up a virtual phone number online, and each plan comes with not only a phone number, but also a full-fledged communication platform that allows you to make phone calls, video conferences and send instant / SMS messages. ,all from one desktop.


Overall, DID management software by KingAsterisk Technologies can be a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes that rely on phone communication to conduct business. DID management software can provide a secure and efficient way to manage digital identities, which can benefit both individuals and organizations.

By streamlining call management and providing valuable insights into call activity, this software by Kingasterisk Technologies can help businesses improve their customer service and make more informed decisions about their phone systems.