customized Software Development

From Concept to Reality: Navigating the Path of Custom Software Development

With custom software development services, businesses have full ownership and control over the source code and the entire software ecosystem. This ownership allows businesses to make modifications and enhancements as needed, enabling them to respond quickly to changing requirements and market dynamics. Unlike off-the-shelf software, where businesses rely on the software vendor for updates and customizations, custom software empowers businesses to have complete control over the software’s evolution and adapt it to their evolving needs.

Easy to Add a Mobile App

While the number of people using mobile devices is still growing, and we daily rely on apps designed for mobile platforms, it’s good to ensure your software can support such capability too. Even if off-the-shelf tools can often come with a mobile version, it’s not always the one you need.

Usually, with custom software development, you can easily acquire a mobile application that will complement your product and drive even more value for your business. Whether it’s an app used by employees to allow for more mobility or one designed for external users — bespoke software is a great option.

How to Know If Your Business Requires Custom Product Development?

Check the 2 main factors to help you make a decision on Asterisk for clear communication, whether you should go for custom software development or not.

Missing Element in the Software

You may have lined up the customized software that enables you to be more productive and efficient. However, when you start growing, this software may not provide the necessary features. Find out what you love, what’s missing, and what could be a good addition. If the ready-to-use applications cannot provide the features, think through the advantages of custom software.

Defined Budget

When planning a software solution for your business, the next part to consider is the budget. What is the budget you have set aside for technology? If you have a very small budget, it won’t help with custom software development. However, if you have planned a substantial amount for software, explore bespoke solutions.

Being a business owner, are you facing challenges in organizing your important tasks?

The process of turning a concept or idea into a tangible product that meets the needs of the target market is called product development. While off-the-shelf software solutions can satisfy general requirements, they frequently fail to meet specific business requirements. Custom Software development by KingAsterisk Technology is a complex and dynamic process that requires careful planning, execution, and continuous improvement. 

We’ll look at the best practices for custom software development solutions in this blog. We will also look for methods that can make the software solution’s value go up and the development process go faster.

What Is Custom Software  Development?

In custom Product development, features, functionalities, and integrations that meet the client’s specific requirements are incorporated into the software. Businesses are able to have complete control over the software’s design, functionality, and user experience thanks to this tailored approach. For example, the banking industry uses highly specialized custom software to provide easy access for customers, while protecting sensitive data with high-end security features.

While leveraging pretty much the same SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) as off-the-shelf software, custom software development focuses on a narrowly defined set of requirements for a specific set of users. Requirements gathering, system design, development, testing, deployment, and ongoing maintenance are all stages of custom product development. The client and the development team need to work closely together all the way through the process to make sure that the software meets the needs of the business and changes over time.

Why Customized Software?

If you want to develop software for your business but aren’t sure whether customized or off-the-shelf software is the answer, you’ll need to be clear on the benefits you’re looking to reap and the cost you’re willing to pay. Fortunately, there is sufficient information below to assist you in selecting one.

The ability of businesses to develop a distinct value proposition is one of the primary reasons why product development is crucial to success. Take, for instance, the accomplishments of Uber and Airbnb. By coming up with novel solutions to problems that already existed, they caused disruptions in the transportation and hospitality sectors.

Additionally, businesses can improve their offerings based on customer feedback and market trends through product development. Businesses can make products that are more in line with the preferences of their customers by constantly improving and iterating on their offerings. 

Custom Software vs. Off-the-Shelf Software  

Let’s move on to the question that has probably been debated the most throughout this article. Given the abundance of pre-made solutions available, is custom software even necessary? We will need to delve into the particulars of each and what they each bring to the table in order to provide an answer to this question.

While off-the-shelf software can serve general purposes, custom software addresses a company’s unique needs. Furthermore, if you are facing an issue that cannot be solved with an off-the-shelf solution, then the only option is to build a custom software solution.

Benefits of Custom software  Development  

While considering building a tailored solution, you might doubt if it’s worth the time and money invested in its development in your particular case. Whether your goal is to extend the reach or elevate operations, knowing the advantages of custom software development will help you make an informed decision.

The custom produc development market has ballooned to over $30B in 2023.

Adaptable to Business Needs

You should know how critical it is to develop custom software for your business. Even more, understand the software development plan to communicate with your team members and clear your expectations. The primary benefit of custom software development is its ability to match your business needs. The functions, features, and even the components are defined to suit your individual needs. The bespoke software helps to achieve your business objectives.

Tailored Solutions

Custom software development allows businesses to create solutions that are specifically designed to meet their unique needs and workflows. Unlike off-the-shelf software that provides generic features, custom software can be built to align precisely with the business processes, ensuring a better fit and improved efficiency. This tailored approach enables businesses to streamline operations and achieve maximum productivity.


Although off-the-shelf software may seem like a cost-effective option initially, it often comes with recurring expenses that diminish its long-term value.

Furthermore, ready-made apps typically require customization to effectively support your operations. As time passes, you may find that they lack essential functionality, leading to the development of entirely new software from scratch. Additionally, hidden costs can emerge if you need to scale up your project.

On the other hand, custom software does not require any license fees, making it a more budget-friendly option in the long run. Its implementation can be planned based on your situation, and you always can develop the solution iteratively to fit your budget. For example, you can start with an MVP version to validate your idea and then develop a full-fledged product.

Get A Better Control of Processes

With custom software, identify the process of software development, integrate them and make a more collaborative dashboard. As a result, the data is shared, and you can control these processes better. By offering enhanced control over processes with Artificial Intelligence in Call Centers, you can gain a competitive advantage over your competitor.

Off-the-shelf software is not always ready to work according to your business processes requirements. As a result, many of your operations require to be managed outside the software applications. This tends to lower visibility concerning key software processes.


One of the advantages of custom product development services is its scalability. As a business grows and its requirements evolve, custom software can be easily scaled up to accommodate increased data volumes, user traffic, and additional features. This scalability ensures that the software remains capable of handling the growing demands of the business without the need for major system overhauls or the adoption of new software solutions.

Compatible with Your Outdated Systems

The main reason behind choosing custom software development over ready-made software is the ability to connect with your outdated software without paying license fees. Supporting an outdated system ensures an error-free software development process. The personalized software is designed to help you integrate with any application, old solution, existing systems, and third-party API. Also, easily manage data and ensure smooth movement of operations using custom software development.

Competitive Advantage

Custom software development provides a competitive edge by addressing specific business challenges more effectively. By tailoring the software to meet unique requirements, businesses can optimize their processes, automate workflows, and provide personalized experiences to their users or customers. This ability to differentiate and offer enhanced services or products can set a business apart from its competitors.

Easy to Maintain Daily Tasks

Maintenance can be cost and resource-consuming. However, with bespoke software, you get to hire custom software development company, support, and maintenance teams as well. As you directly pay for the services, saving you from hiring an in-house team or resources for the same. As a result, you can manage maintenance effectively.

High Security & Reliability

Custom software is known for its reliability, as it is designed to meet the highest security standards and utilize cutting-edge technologies specific to your business and industry.

This is especially relevant for healthcare, insurance, and fintech companies that need to adhere to security standards and regulatory compliance in order to safeguard sensitive data.

The development of tailored solutions entails a comprehensive analysis of your requirements. It incorporates industry best practices while taking into consideration potential hidden risks and challenges that may arise.

Through rigorous testing, custom software becomes less sensitive to intrusions and more likely to perform with high reliability. That ensures maximum value to your business.

Operate with Minimum Hardware Requirement

If you opt for ready-made, you require to purchase additional hardware. Avoid purchasing extra hardware or software licenses when you integrate custom software solutions. As it can operate with the existing hardware and be built upon your old or existing applications. This results in better development management, streamlined processes, minimal hardware, and better maintenance.


Next gen Contact Center Solution can be seamlessly integrated with existing systems, databases, and third-party applications that a business relies on. This integration capability ensures smooth data exchange, eliminates manual data entry, and streamlines processes across various departments or functions. By integrating custom software with existing infrastructure, businesses can achieve better data consistency, improve collaboration, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

Continuous Support & Maintenance

Another key benefit of custom software is continuous support and maintenance from your dedicated development team. If you encounter any issues, they can provide efficient technical support and make necessary updates or tweaks to the software.

This helps to maximize the value of your investment and minimize the risks associated with outdated or unreliable software.

Such a level of personalized attention is not typically available with off-the-shelf solutions, where you are dependent on product providers to fix the issues or deliver updates.

On top of that, renewals that are essential to your company’s operations may come with additional costs, and sometimes, providers may even stop supporting the product, which can negatively impact your business operations.

Ownership and Control

Ready to Develop Custom Software for Your Business?

Approach For Custom Product Development

To drive Business success through product development, it is crucial to follow a structured approach. 

Here are a few tips to consider

Conduct thorough market research

Before diving into product development, startups should conduct market research to understand their target audience, competitors, and market trends. This research will provide valuable insights that can shape the product development strategy.

Define clear goals and objectives

Setting clear goals and objectives is essential to guide the product development process. Startups should identify what they want to achieve with their product and establish measurable metrics to track progress and success.

Embrace agile methodologies

Agile methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban, can be highly beneficial for startups. These approaches emphasize flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement, enabling startups to respond quickly to market changes and customer feedback.

Test and validate early and often

Startups should adopt a lean approach by testing and validating their product ideas early in the development process. This can be done through prototyping, conducting user testing, and gathering feedback from potential customers. This iterative testing helps identify and address any issues or shortcomings before launching the product.


From requirements gathering to deployment and maintenance, incorporating best practices can streamline development, enhance collaboration, and produce software that meets the unique needs of the business. Going through it is complex and multi-step, but the results of custom product development are extraordinary. 

So, you’re ready (or considering) to turn your idea into software (and reality)? 

Each stage, from planning to deployment, requires careful attention to detail and collaboration to ensure that the final product is superb quality. The duration of the development process varies depending on the project’s complexity, ranging from a few weeks to several months or even years. 

And throughout the custom software development process, you really need a team like KingAsterisk Technology that you can trust. We perform world-class custom software development services for startups, small-to-midsize (SMB), and enterprise-size businesses. One that will work with you to ensure that the software meets their expectations and fulfills your use case. We’re always happy to provide you with personalized dialer software to ensure the desired outcome for your company. Contact our experts today for a free consultation!

Vicidial Solutions

Enhance Your Contact Center with VICIdial Technology

When you’re running a business, it’s important to have an efficient way to handle customer inquiries and complaints as they come in. These days, dialers are getting increasingly popular. They’ve become a must-have for any call center since they help to streamline operations and align company objectives. Launched in 2007, VICIdial Technology offers an enterprise class, open source, contact center solution with predictive dialer capabilities. Every contact center relies on agent efficiency and calls center agent productivity. Time is money when it comes to both customer service and sales. It might be costly to lose agent discussion time. 

Contact centers, on the other hand, are equipped and empowered with a predictive dialing solution to make calls at an optimal rate and at optimal times while automatically filtering out anything that can stifle productivity, such as answering machines, busy lines, offline numbers, and disconnected calls. 

Furthermore, VICIdial filters out ring time, increasing productivity and reducing lost time spent waiting for calls to ring. As a result, it can improve call center efficiency, productivity, sales, and customer service while lowering operational costs. 

For example, let’s say you run an online retail store that sells shoes to customers across the world. When someone places an order and doesn’t receive it within their expected time frame, or if they don’t like the product, it’s critical that you can efficiently address their concerns and assure them of your commitment to excellent customer service and satisfaction.

Contact Centers Can Help Improve Customer Service

A contact center solution is a core part of delivering great customer service. The positive feedback and satisfactory customer service is a key to gain new customers and retain the existing ones. Whether you’re offering phone support, email support, or using social media to connect with customers, your contact center solution should be designed to keep your agents and callers organized and productive. Contact centers also allow you to record customer interactions in a way that’s easy for everyone involved.

What Do You Mean By VICIdial Technology?

ViciDial was introduced to the industry as one of the first free and open-source software solutions. This has generated a dramatic effect on the contact center industry as a whole, and has even pushed other solution providers to offer better services to maintain the customers they have. It is an open-source call center application that handles both inbound and outbound calls. It offers a wide range of features and is highly customisable to meet the specific needs of any organization.

VICIdial Technology is a set of tools that interface with the Asterisk Open-Source PBX Phone System on a client computer level to enhance the phone’s and system’s capabilities. 

This software is intended for use with an Asterisk system that includes Zap(T1/E1/PSTN), IAX, or SIP trunks, as well as SIP/IAX/Zap phones. This software is implemented to handle inbound, outbound, and blended phone calls, as well as inbound email and customer website chat, all within the same agent’s device screen.

It can be installed to the hardware by the customer’s own hand or else they can even contact the company for the hosted service. It can dial predictively, in a ratio, or one at a time. VICIdial can also be used as an ACD for inbound calls, combining inbound and outgoing calls, or for Closer calls arriving from VICIdial frontiers, as well as allowing

for remote agents with only a phone.

The GUI Client application was built to allow anyone using even a single line SIP phone to use the more complex features of Asterisk. We provide consultancy services for Asterisk PBX and Predictive Dialer System configuration for Call Center, Voice Processing System for Inbound/Outbound Calls. We, KingAsterisk, have built up many custom VICIdial call centers with a large number of seats all over the world. We have a thorough understanding of the VICIdial and can

make changes as needed.

How Does VICIdial Technology In Contact Centers Work?

For example an inbound contact center takes an incoming customer service call and routes it to a support team member who can handle it. These solutions typically come in two flavors: cloud hosted and on-premises. Hosted solutions are easy to set up, but they often come with a monthly fee for each concurrent agent using the system. On-premises solutions are more expensive at setup as capital expenditure but usually have fewer maintenance costs after that.

Benefits Of VICIdial Technology 

The web-phone functionality, unified agent screen, open-source technology, and ongoing updates and upgrades are the key advantages of this contact center solution. Take a look at the following benefits

Customer Service And Satisfaction Are Improved

It’s no secret that VICIdial Technology plays a big role in customer happiness. You can

call customers at convenient times using it, and VICIdial increases the likelihood of offering clients items and services that they might be interested in. Customer loyalty and satisfaction are increased by phoning

them with the products, services, and customized dialer software solutions they want at the most convenient times. With the built-in Predictive calling feature, agents may see who they’re talking to before the call is connected, and greet them by name.

Screen For Unified Agents

Users can use the platform’s Unified Agent Screen to handle not only outbound and inbound calls but also inbound emails and online chats. All of This can be done from a single dashboard on a single screen. There’s no need to switch between apps or screens. This speeds up communication

and enhances the client experience.

The Capacity To Make Phone Calls

VICIdial Technology comes with a web-phone feature. It is designed to handle a large number of calls and agents simultaneously. There are no additional setups required with the software. It’s ready to use. 

A large VICIdial installation can handle over two million phone calls per day, with over eight hundred agents handling calls and internet communications from customers. Additionally, the software is highly customizable, so businesses can easily scale up or down as their needs change.

Free And Open Source Software

The software is free and open-source. Users can change the way the system works at the code level and customize it to their preferences. There are also over two thousand settings and configuration options, allowing easy customization of distinct call flows, agent permissions and other settings. This means that organizations can tailor their software usage to their individual needs and operations. Additionally, there is no vendor lock-in policy, which is a positive. You will never be stuck with a product if the vendor discontinues support.

Updates & Improvements

This solution is available as a hosted service which is extremely flexible & scalable, and it can be installed on customer premise hardware as well. VICIdial Technology is always being developed and updated to include new features. This is also the case. When a new feature becomes available for one client, it is automatically made available to all other clients. It’s a present that just keeps on giving.

On the hosted contact center platform, VICIdial Group adapts blended telecom and internet services from multiple carriers to offer a robust and fault-tolerant solution for its clients. The company’s blended tier-3 hosted internet infrastructure has proven to be an optimal solution and has been able to serve clients with numerous users in multiple countries spread across the world.

Assists In Increasing Your Sales.

To close more sales, agents need to connect with the right customer. VICIdial Technology eliminates the guessing by connecting agents with the most likely customers. Call logging, call recording, callback settings, and other automated processes are just a few of the features that save time and allow agents to pursue the best and strongest leads using VICIdial. We’ve witnessed almost a 200 percent increase in productivity.

VICIdial Technology Features 

The following are the main characteristics of VICIdial software:

➡ Accessible from any location. It helps you to dial calls anywhere, anywhere at any time.

➡ It also helps in the campaign for automatic dialing.

➡ Call recording that is automated or scheduled.

➡ Call recording is very easy and you can set auto-recording or scheduled recording as you need.

➡ Sessions with a mix of people. It is used for conference calls and videos.

➡ Transferring a call is very easy in VICIdial Technology.

➡ There is a feature which is the schedule of inbound calls and outbound calls.

➡ Very easy for improving client relationship experience.

Some of the other exclusive features that are also offered to its hosted clients for free are custom built VICIdial servers optimized for call centers, cell phone number scrubbing, agent audio soundboards and high-level data encryption, the features which are known for its real-time assistance.

Additionally, the ViciHost which is an official hosted and managed solution from ViciDial allows customers to avail the benefit of a private cloud of dedicated, custom-built ViciDial servers with extra services that is not available on the ViciDial open-source platform.

Why Use VICIdial Technology For The Contact Centers?

With over 14,000 installations in over 100 countries, VICIdial is the most popular open-source call center solution on the planet. 

VICIdial is the project for an open-source contact center system. This implies that it is backed and developed by a large number of knowledgeable and competent individuals. It is at the cutting edge of call center solutions and extremely secure thanks to this reservoir of talent. The costs are significantly reduced as an open-source call center system. When compared to a traditional, proprietary call center solution, VICIdial Technology can save you hundreds of thousands of pounds. 

This software is also quite customizable. With an open-source VICIdial system, you get control over your contact center’s administration. VICIdial call center systems are unrivaled in terms of versatility and power once installed and configured by a professional like Kingasterisk Technology. 

Do you want to set up a diverter? You certainly can. Do you want to create a new voicemail message? You certainly can. 

Why Choose The KingAsterisk Technology For VICIdial?

Almost every organization has its own contact center to deal with customer issues. Choosing a partner to help you build your contact center can be an intimidating process, however. You want a company that understands your business model, but how do you know which one to choose? VICIdial Technology is a great product that, except for WebRTC, can rival systems that cost a lot of money. The open-source community is very supportive, and it receives frequent quality updates. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to learn more about Vicidial Custom Development and what it can accomplish for you. Kingasterisk Technology provides the best Custom VICIdial solution for your contact center. 


What Is Asterisk Service And How Is It Helpful For Your Business

Are you looking to modernize your telephony infrastructure? VoIP solutions are widely in use by companies to meet communication and collaboration needs of the businesses. Asterisk Service, an open-source framework for building communication applications, offers a versatile suite of tools tailored to modern telephony needs. 

Well, you must have a number of “ifs & buts” going on in your mind, right? Because the technology is so vast that without knowing it for the core you can’t make a decision. Let’s explore the overview and benefits of Asterisk and how it can elevate your business communications. It is one of the VoIP technologies which can be used to develop different types of VoIP solutions.

Asterisk Overview

Asterisk is a powerful VoIP solution and IP PBX platform. It enables businesses to leverage cost-effective telephony services. It operates as an open-source telephony system, supporting various protocols like SIP and offering extensive telecommunication solutions. With Asterisk now multi-party full-duplex conferencing is possible and that too even with a better experience, thanks to its advanced integrated conferencing features.

You can record voice during an ongoing live conference as well. If you have the administrator login, you can easily set PINs in order to protect certain files or databases and can add people that you would like to take part in the meeting. There is no concept restricting users/seat-based license holders. The person with the admin login can set the program to exclusively connect directly with the existing PSTN system, bypassing the PBX.

There are three aspects to setting up an Asterisk installation:

  • Call quality
  • What manner of phones will you be using?
  • Which services do the users expect?


In our experience at KingAsterisk, your company suffers in reputation from bad phone lines, so make sure you get decent quality from your installation. 

Quality is among other things:

  • Low upstream latency and high link uptime
  • Asterisk server uptime; use separate UPS.
  •  Decent end-user equipment

End User Equipment

How are your users going to talk on the phone and how do you connect that equipment to Asterisk. Some users appreciate a headset connected to their PC, while others need a gray handset with analog dial pad or they will just be confused. Which will you provide and how will they connect to Asterisk?

For so-called softphones (i.e. a SIP client installed on your PC) not much needs to be done. You need a mechanism to handle accounts for these users (e.g. LDAP) and they need decent headsets. For connecting traditional analog phones, there are various sorts of equipment. 


In our experience, it is very difficult to get users to actually tell what they expect from a phone system, but once you give them something, they start having all sorts of opinions. So you need to be very clear about what services you provide and require a somewhat anal change management process (more so than is normally required in a small company).

Key Features of Asterisk 

Some features our users found very useful:

➡ Voice mail that sends mail with audio files

➡ Unified Communications

➡ Queues and fallback for all users

IVR (Interactive Voice Response)

➡ Softphone and multiple phones for all users

➡ SIP Protocol

➡ Phone conferences

➡ Redirection to mobile phones, 

➡ Cloud Telephony

➡ Routing calls through the company phone system from private phones so that the company picks up a tab for international/expensive calls.

➡ Integrated voice, video, and messaging services.

➡ Customizable automated phone menu systems.

Benefits of Asterisk 

There are many benefits of using the Asterisk development to get a tailored solution instead of buying ready to use VoIP solutions. Furthermore, the business can get a competitive edge by using the Asterisk development service from a reliable VoIP development company like KingAsterisk.


Asterisk reduces telecommunication costs by leveraging VoIP technology and SIP trunking. It allows businesses to optimize their communication expenses without compromising quality.

Build Business Solution

The VoIP development company or experts can help in developing a tailor made solution to meet your communication and collaboration needs. The Asterisk technologies have all features of private branch exchange to build all different types of solutions for the businesses. The Asterisk development can be used to build a specific solution or a general purpose solution. The expert Asterisk development can also be used to build the solution to run a business. 

Below is the list of solutions which can be used with professional Asterisk development services 

· Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system

· Click to call solution

· Business phone system

· Audio conferencing solution

· Video conferencing solution

· Web conferencing solution

· Conferencing solution

· Broadcasting system

· Voice broadcasting solution

· Fax broadcasting solution

· SMS broadcasting solution

· Class 4 softswitch solution

· Class 5 softswitch solution

· PC dialer

· Mobile SIP dialer

· Phone number verification solution

· Fax server / FoIP solution

· Session Border Controller (SBC) solution

· Call shop solution

Flexibility and Scalability

With Asterisk, businesses can tailor their PBX systems to suit specific needs, whether setting up a call center, implementing video conferencing solutions, or deploying IVR functionalities.

Get Brand Benefits

The Asterisk development will provide you a complete white label solution with the code. All users will see your brand elements which will increase brand awareness as well as increase the viability of your business brand. The Asterisk development also assures that you can make any changes in the code you want for your business. The alignment of the system with your brand elements will help in increasing brand benefits.

Open-Source Advantage

Asterisk’s open-source nature empowers businesses to customize and extend functionalities, ensuring a tailored fit for unique business requirements.

Increase Productivity

The Asterisk development is used to meet certain business goals such as, making meetings faster and cost effective with a conferencing solution or assuring to attend each call with the highest possible professionalism with an IVR system. All Asterisk development based solution automate tasks or speed up the same by removing or reducing human interventions. This characteristic of Asterisk development helps in increasing productivity. The Asterisk solution helps in increasing the efficiency in the least possible efforts.

Seamless Integration

Asterisk integrates smoothly with existing systems, enabling unified communications across various platforms and devices.

Enhanced Communication Efficiency

By leveraging Asterisk, businesses can streamline communication workflows, improving open source voice over IP (VoIP) billing capabilities and optimizing telephony services.

Reliability and Support

Asterisk boasts a robust community of developers and users, ensuring continuous support, updates, and advancements in telephony technologies.

Future-Proof Telephony Solutions

Asterisk’s adaptability and compatibility with emerging technologies ensure that businesses remain at the forefront of telecommunication advancements.

How Asterisk Benefits Your Business 

Cost Savings 

Asterisk significantly reduces telephony expenses by harnessing VoIP and SIP technologies.


Easily scale your communication infrastructure as your business grows.


Tailor Asterisk to match your specific telephony needs, from basic PBX to complex call center solutions.


Benefit from a stable and well-supported telephony framework with active community engagement.

Did You Know?

Asterisk powers millions of business communication systems globally, from small enterprises to Fortune 500 companies.

In Conclusion

Asterisk is more than just a telephony platform. The advantage of being able to create dedicated phone services, with the same sort of detailed control that you have with other IT services can be very rewarding.  It’s a gateway to efficient, cost-effective, and future-proof communication solutions for businesses of all sizes. Any company can use custom Asterisk development to get a tailor made system to run business more efficiently and accurately with increased productivity. 

Not necessarily every business has its own in-house team of developers that can be assigned the task to build a system from scratch. If you don’t have your in-house team or budget that does not allow you to do the same, then opting for VoIP development providers like KingAsterisk Technology to avail of Asterisk Service Solutions is the ideal way to go. 

We offer you robust and fully functional Asterisk Development that not only improves your business conferencing but also brings a whole new dimension to your business communication. With us, you get international phone numbers in over 165 countries.

To get more information about our VoIP plans, you can contact us anytime!

Transforming Customer Support Integrating Avtar Dialer Software for Seamless Service Delivery.
Avatar Dialer

The Role of Avatar Dialer Software in Lead Management

The faster you can reach out to potential customers, the higher the chances of converting them into paying clients. Today, companies can execute highly-targeted marketing campaigns with the click of a button. By using specialized software, a business can create new records for the calls and store all pertinent information. The call center industry is one of the fastest-rising sectors of the global economy. Avatar Dialer Software, also known as Soundbox Dialer, has emerged as a game-changer in lead management strategies. This function allows you to play audio files. Often, the audio files contain pre recorded messages. 

Imagine having a long list of leads that you need to contact. Manually dialing each number can be time-consuming and tedious. Additionally, when these options are selected, these messages are played. Telephone agents communicate with their consumers via a combination of these methods. Read on to learn about how this system helps businesses worldwide successfully market their products and services. 

What Is An Avatar Dialer Software?

Avatar Dialer Software utilizes AI-driven avatar technology to automate outbound calls and engage customers in natural, conversational interactions. This functionality was built specifically to increase customer interaction, particularly during the opening few seconds when a consumer forms an opinion of the agent and the organization. This helpful software eliminates manual work by automatically dialing phone numbers from a preloaded list of contacts. Avatar Dialer connects with the customer with the help of Artificial Intelligence, and provides zero defect calls, shorter handling time, quick resolution and seamless experience with guided communication. Avatar Dialer Software uses pre-recorded messages to communicate with the customers in a perfect accent with personalized manner. It replaces traditional IVR (Interactive Voice Response) systems with intelligent virtual agents that can understand and respond to customer queries.

Key Features of Avatar Dialer Software

Call center systems provide plenty of features aimed at engaging and satisfying consumers. The Soundboard Avatars feature is one of the most intriguing features in sophisticated, or more precisely, intelligent, call center software. It retains customer interest. Avatar soundboard contains a vast range of flexible options which give ease to the agents to connect with customers in an effective way to convey their audio message.

  • Eliminates Accent Issues.
  • Zero defects on calls.
  • Guided Communication.
  • Keeps the agent highly focused.
  • High productivity.
  • Affordable price
  • Personalized Dashboard.
  • In-Depth reporting.
  • Scalable.
  • Easy to operate.
  • Highly secure.
  • Recommended for both inbound and outbound calls

Lead Management System

A Lead Management System is a management system consisting of the whole business process and is used as a call center software solution in an organization. It is an invaluable ally in your efforts to retain existing and acquire new customers, and establish a brand reputation. It is a complex process and consists of lead generation, which helps in capturing lead intelligence. The aim of an effective lead management system is to assist in the tracking process and maintenance of the whole lead lifespan until it results in sales and increase in the revenue.

The adoption of avatar dialer software is growing rapidly, with a projected market growth of over 25% annually in the next five years.

How Avatar Dialer Software Enhances Lead Management

Customers with native speaking accents are more likely to be engaged

Everyone feels comfortable talking with someone from their region or country. Some people, such as American English speakers, insist on speaking with someone local. It is difficult for a call center to arrange local or native speakers for all different accents available in English. Here comes the Soundboard feature of an intelligent call center solution at a rescue. Soundboard Avatars can store the same message in different accents and play the same as the speaker. This will not only keep the caller engaged but will also make them feel comfortable. In some cases, it also results in first call resolution, which is much needed in the call centers.

Responding to people who are speaking in a language other than their own

There can be people speaking some other language than English. Furthermore, some agents can understand English when spoken in countries like India but find it difficult to talk in English. In the call centers in India, management often deals with the scarcity of manual resources for exceptionally fluent English speakers. Here, Soundboard Avatars can work like a miracle. The agents, who cannot speak English confidently, can work for the call centers with Soundboard Avatars. It will keep customers engaged and agents productive. It will also boost agents’ morale and increase performance. This can also help in increasing ROI. This type of use case can be applied in all countries where the agents are serving the customers in different regions while their native language is foreign.

Why Choose Avatar Dialer Software?

Boosts Productivity 

Enables agents to handle more calls efficiently.


Reduces operational costs by automating routine tasks.


Adapts to varying call volumes and business needs seamlessly.


Easy integration and intuitive interface for quick deployment.

Benefits of Avatar Dialer Software for Call Centers

Streamlined Workflow

Automates repetitive tasks, freeing up agents’ time.


Telephone agents can use the Soundboard to provide clear and consistent messages on each call. 

Data-Driven Insights 

Provides valuable analytics for better decision-making.


We contrasted the performance of soundboard operators with live-voice agents over the phone. Overall, Soundboard boosted income while reducing possible costs.

Enhanced Customer Experience 

Natural conversational agents create positive interactions.


Soundboard encourages call center scripts to be delivered correctly. For scripts with mandatory state disclosures, script adherence is essential. 

The Future of Lead Management with Avatar Technology

The adoption of Avatar Dialer Software marks a significant shift in lead management strategies. This capability minimizes missed opportunities and helps you beat your competitors to potential customers. It can be deployed on demand for generating high quality leads and warm or hot transfers, various customer service roles, generating surveys and fixing appointments. As AI continues to evolve, virtual agents will become more sophisticated, offering unparalleled support to businesses seeking efficient customer engagement solutions. 

On top of that, the sales cycle is also shortened by the quicker dialing process. Businesses can instantly see a significant increase in their sales and conversion rates thanks to the simple fact that their agents can reach more prospective leads throughout the day. It can create ease to the agents and increase the confidence of customers on your product. Now it is the work for agents, they only have to click their required button and easily convey the recorded audio messages to the customers in an easy way.


As one could imagine, the agents who deal with these customers already have a difficult job. They must adhere to the code of conduct and ensure that the consumer remains engaged during the call and does not hang up prematurely. They must adhere to the code of conduct and ensure that the consumer remains engaged during the call and does not hang up prematurely. Incorporating Avatar Dialer Software into your call center operations can revolutionize lead management, providing a competitive edge. It can be used in both inbound and outbound campaigns to help agents engage customers more efficiently. It provides an interactive and personal sales service helping agents explain technical issues more clearly. 

The rationale for maintaining client engagement is because if customers hang up early, the abandoned ratio will increase. This will inevitably result in client unhappiness, broadcast on social media and other venues. As a result, current call center solutions have a plethora of capabilities. Several of them are purpose-built to engage and delight clients. Embrace this innovative technology to streamline workflows, enhance customer experiences, and drive business growth. Are you interested in using Avatar Dialer Software and enjoying the benefits it offers?

Ready to transform your lead management strategy? For more information and a live demo, please contact us.

Voice Broadcasting Software

Top 5 Voice Broadcasting Software for the United States

Previously, reaching out to thousands of customers was a very different task for companies and brands. But thanks to the introduction of automated calling and Voice Broadcasting Software, reaching out to hundreds or thousands of phone numbers with automated calls is an effortless task. 

For the proper functioning of a system, it is necessary to have a phone list that contains accurate and reliable information, including the names of the recipients. One of the main benefits associated with the utilization of speech broadcasting software is the rapidity and simplicity with which it can be configured. The voice broadcast system is designed to be easily accessible and does not necessitate any specialized technological expertise for its setup.

What Is Automated Calling Software, And How Does It Work?

Your cold sales efforts can be greatly improved by employing automated calling software. You can triple your conversion rates by utilizing flexible automated calling systems with different calling algorithms for Voice Broadcasting Software campaigns and outbound and inbound services.

These automated calling solutions are software applications integrated into contact centers or communication systems, often operating telephony connections. They perform by consequently dialing telephone numbers and afterward interfacing the call to a human specialist or taking care of predefined activities in light of the circumstance.

For example, the product can get on the off chance that a live specialist can accept the call and afterward relegate it to them. Alternatively, it can leave a recorded message on an answering device or present choices to the person on the other end of the line.

These automated calling systems operate over Voice over IP (VoIP) and the traditional public switchboard telephone network (PSTN). They employ multiple trunks to set connections with telephone or IP networks and can simultaneously dial numerous numbers. This trait raises the likelihood of successfully connecting with at least one recipient.

Over 75% of companies use automation to sell their products and services in the US. 

KingAsterisk Technology

At KingAsterisk, we work in giving front line dialer-based programming solutions, custom fitted to meet your Voice Broadcasting Software needs. Our company engages organizations with consistent voice informing abilities, empowering robotized calling efforts and customized outreach methods. Use our high level voice broadcast software to send off designated crusades and enhance your range. 


Twilio offers a Voice Broadcasting Software platform, permitting organizations to automate calls. Send cautions and run advertisements successfully. Its Programming interface fueled solution upholds automated voice calls, making it simple at the same time to communicate messages to a large number of contacts. Deliver pre-recorded voice messages to a designated crowd with Twilio’s versatile and dependable platform. 

Twilio controls 190,000 organizations overall in the US with its adaptable cloud communication platform.


MessageBird offers a flexible call broadcasting device, permitting organizations to connect with clients through voice calls worldwide. Make designated voice campaigns with MessageBird’s easy to use platform. Work on client outreach utilizing MessageBird’s computerized Voice Broadcasting Software abilities.

MessageBird serves over 15,000 customers worldwide, including Uber and SAP.


Five9 gives a complete cloud contact based system with Voice Broadcasting Software capacities for improved client commitment. Influence its robocall software for proactive client care and outbound missions. Drive efficiency with Five9’s computerized calling system incorporated with advanced analytics.


Plivo processes billions of voice minutes yearly for organizations universally. Plivo offers an adaptable telephone broadcasting arrangement, empowering organizations to automate voice communications and deliver significant messages. Contact huge crowds at the same time through its voice broadcast solution. Plivo’s Voice Broadcasting Software platform upholds intelligent voice response (IVR) and adaptable voice broadcasts in the US.

How to implement Voice Broadcasting Software in The US

  • To use Voice Broadcasting Software with KingAsterisk Technology, sign up for an account and access the dashboard.
  • Next, prepare a list of recipient phone numbers and upload it, preferably in CSV format.
  • You can then craft a voice message by either recording it directly or uploading a compatible prerecorded audio file.
  • Afterward, select KingAsterisk’s Voice Broadcasting Software service and initiate a campaign, customizing details such as the sender’s number, the message content, and the recipient list.
  • Choose to send the message immediately or schedule it for a specific time, leveraging our delivery time customization.
  • Once the campaign is active, monitor its progress via the dashboard, tracking metrics like successful deliveries and recipient responses.

 Benefits of Automated Calling 

Automated calling presents a range of benefits as a solution devised to lower expenses and enrich relations with existing customers. These benefits include:

Lowered Operating Expenses 

You save a lot of money by not having to pay agents for the thousands of calls they make every day.

Personalized Engagement 

Automated calling lets you interact with all of your customers at a price that is similar to SMS marketing campaigns, personalizing your outreach efforts.

Improved Response Rates

Automated callings get more responses than SMS or messaging services like WhatsApp. A phone call, which concerns less effort from the recipient, is more likely to elicit a comeback from the customer.

Improved Security and Customer Care

Data transmission over calls generated by automated calling software is more secure than data transmission over SMS. It shows you as a trustworthy organization by displaying your commitment to safeguarding consumer data.

Real-time Reporting and Analytics

You can explore and evaluate your marketing tactics using these systems’ specific contact center solutions and exhibition of campaign data and results, which eradicates the necessity for manual data collection.

Expanded Agent Productivity

The automated calling procedure can be automated, freeing up agents from dull manual dialing duties. This improves their performance since it encourages them to focus on more important tasks.

Key Features of an Automated Call/Voice Broadcasting Software Software

Automated calls can simplify fundamental customer interactions and are profitable for gaining the highest process automation. Since this benefit is software-based, it typically has features you must look for. To make it easier to differ, here’s a list of these features:

Bulk Voice Message Broadcasting

Automated calling is suitable for automating basic client interactions. They allow organizations to efficiently broadcast voice messages to clients, employees, agents, members, and citizens. These messages can include reminders, notifications, alerts, and promotional offers in the form of voice messages.

Bulk Telephone Number Import

Cloud-hosted automated calling systems are more versatile and flexible than customary ones. They supply tools for easily importing many telephone numbers from various authorities, such as databases, spreadsheets, and customer relationship management (CRM) cloud systems.

Campaign Scheduling

Companies profit from the campaign scheduling quality offered by this software. It lets them send pre-recorded campaign messages to a large audience at precisely the right time. Worldly automated calling systems even allow users to alter time zones before performing bulk campaign message deliveries.


In conclusion, selecting the right Voice Broadcasting Software software can transform how businesses communicate with their audience. The days of manually dialing phone numbers, putting up with busy signals, and staying on hold are long gone. Employing automated calling software, organizations today are undergoing. Whether you’re looking for automated calling systems, voice blast services, or mass calling software, these top five solutions cater to diverse communication needs in the United States market. Our team at KingAsterisk will meet your requirements and leverage the power of Voice Broadcasting Software to enhance customer engagement and streamline your communication strategies.

Try our demo for completely free today and see why so many organizations rely on KingAsterisk Technology as their automated calling system in the US!

Outbound Call Center

Dialing In- Understanding the Various Types of Outbound Dialers

We, as most marketing specialists, recognize and understand the impact of outbound sales strategies and their ability to bring new clients and deals. These automated frameworks smooth out the most common way of contacting clients and possibilities, expanding proficiency. When we are talking about types of Outbound dialers, we should keep in mind that their variety isn’t caused by some minor dissimilarities. Every one of them holds different objectives and suits diverse trade models. 

What Exactly Are Outbound Dialers? 

Simply put, they are software tools designed to automatically dial phone numbers and connect agents with the intended recipients. According to the variety of industries and niches where outbound dialing is used, developers designed various solutions to suit any business. 

Outbound dialer software has four types: predictive, power, preview, and progressive. Outbound dialer services are typically integrated into voice-over-internet-protocol (VoIP) phone systems or contact center platforms. They operate through computer telephony integration (CTI), allowing a computer to automatically dial a predefined list of phone numbers based on specified rules, known as dialing modes. 

To explain further, here’s an overview of the different outbound dialer types and their corresponding use cases 


These are one of the most common types of outbound dialers used in call centers. It serves calls to available agents at the right time. When the call center is busy and all agents are attending to leads, the system temporarily slows down or stops the outreach until another representative is predicted to wrap up a call and accommodate the next one. The predictive outbound dialer call flow is ideal when the priority for call campaigns is to reach as many customers as possible at a given time, such as in cold calling and survey rollouts.

By the way, these features positively affect agent productivity because of less time lost on manual dialing, a bigger number of real conversations, and trimming agent idle time. Several campaigns operating and testing, clients’ information integration, control, and call monitoring options, managing the lead bases, filters, and recordings of calls are the short list of them. 

The only similar feature with a power dialer is that the system doesn’t connect unsuccessful dials to the operator, but if we talk about the predictive algorithm, we have to mention its ability to correct and change the number of simultaneous dials in accordance with the percentage of successful dials, as well as it operates intelligently to calculate the average conversation span and start selecting the new call while the previous connection isn’t finished. 

Predictive dialers can provide real calls for more than 80%-90% of operators’ shift duration. 


Power Dialing works like a Predictive one, but it has a great dissimilarity in the algorithm. A power dialer dials a phone number on the contact list immediately after an agent finishes a call. If the system reaches a disconnected, busy, or unattended number, the agent can disconnect or leave a voicemail before clicking the “Next Call” button.

Power Dialer uses just a predefined ratio, such as 1:1 or 2:1. It is a number of leads that will be called after the agent closes the previous conversation. So, it can call 2 leads at the same time, or just one, and connect the operator if the call would be picked up – or pass further if the call will be invalid. 

Unlike a predictive dialer that rings multiple phone numbers, a power dialer calls numbers one by one. Additionally, call recipients don’t experience long, awkward pauses when an agent doesn’t come through the call fast enough. This is a better option for call campaigns with an extensive contact list needing a higher level of customer service. 

The power dialer is great to work with existing customers or checked bases. If you want to deal with such lists, the power algorithm will do it quickly without any manual dialing.


The most personalized model for high-net-worth clients or for B2B, where one customer can cost a fortune. A preview dialer allows agents to see previous interactions with contacts and tag themselves as available when they want to take up the call. Its key feature is showing the client’s data before the call, such as imported info from CRM systems: previous interactions, surveys, last purchase, and so on. 

This information can help to personalize the call and make the conversation more individualized to boost the chance of a future conversion. The system retrieves customer information and forwards the call a few minutes later. It uses a one-to-one call ratio, meaning one phone number dialed per available agent.

This is the best outbound dialer option for call campaigns that require agents to have background information about the recipient. For instance, in debt collection calls, your representatives must be ready to discuss the exact amount owed, payment due date, and products or services purchased. 

As we have already mentioned, if your business requires a personal and client-oriented approach to the customers, a preview model can cover these needs. And yes, it also requires no manual dialer process. 


A progressive dialer is similar to a power dialer in that it only dials a phone number when an agent finishes a call. The Progressive dialer can count the Average Call Duration score and AHT to customize the dialing terms. The only difference is that it has an automatic answering machine detection capability, which filters busy and disconnected numbers. In other words, the system will only connect agents to the call once a live person picks up.

This type of automatic dialer is most beneficial for teams engaged in business-to-business (B2B) deals since companies are more likely to pick up calls than consumers. 

Cloud-based dialers 

Our solutions will help you cut through the busy tones and voicemails, increasing outbound calling campaign efficiency by 30%. 

Looking to connect the corners of your business, more seamlessly and more securely? Get the advantage of a cloud that comes to you. Keep your customized dialer technology stack light and lean with the cloud-based dialer’s blended campaign capabilities. 

Telemarketing dialers

They are designed specifically for outbound sales and marketing campaigns. Our Software handles repetitive tasks so reps reach 60-80 contacts every hour. Another factor that increases the conversion rate is higher operator’s motivation as he spends more time in real dialogues, and call scripts that assist workers to perform the talk in the right direction and overcome the objection.

Voice broadcasting systems 

These systems take a slightly different approach to outbound communication by delivering pre-recorded messages to a list of phone numbers. KingAsterisk’s voice broadcasting system is based on the newest technology and it is capable of handling huge traffic. We have especially designed an economically feasible voice broadcast technology for call centers with broadcasting features to bridge the gap and cut the share of investment.

Did you know? Automated dialing systems have been around since the 1970s when they were first introduced to streamline the process of outbound calling in large call centers.

Lead generation Dialers

They are complex tools to perform more deals and close more leads, so their options packs contain many useful functions despite the auto dialing. These frameworks frequently incorporate lead scoring, lead supporting, and follow-up automation highlights to help organizations distinguish and profit by potential leads.

Sales dialers 

To be frank, we all know that it’s impossible to call every lead from the lead base using only a mobile phone – or it will take half of a year. So, to do outbound telemarketing you require something to automate the processes and actions to save effort and money. They are specifically designed to support sales teams in their outbound prospecting and cold calling efforts. 


To finish the article, let’s make a summary. Whether you’re running a call center, conducting telemarketing campaigns, or driving sales efforts, there’s a dialing solution out there to help you achieve your goals. 

Even though this theoretical guide is enough to discover all the needed information about outbound dialers and choose the type for your business, you need someone who designs them and has a long history of successfully providing such software. Fortunately, we at KingAsterisk Technology, are a team of developers that can offer you all-in-one outbound calling software.

As you pick between various platforms, consider your business needs and objectives to track down the best device for your group. Our top call center phone system with full-featured outbound call management capabilities. 

Customization VICIdial Skins

What We Can Serve In Vicidial Custom Development To Fit Your Business Needs?

There are many call centers all across the world that use the VICIDial solution and why not? Looking for VICIdial Custom Development tailored to your business needs? At KingAsterisk Technology, we specialize in VICIdial customization services to enhance your call center operations. 

Here’s what we can offer 

Missed Call Report Setup 

Our Customized VICIdial solution has a feature whereby it populates records in the object “Phone Events” every time a call attempts to ring an agent’s device but for whatever reason that agent does not answer the call. 

This allows you to monitor when your agents fail to answer a call that may or may not be answered by a different agent later on, potentially seeing everyone that call tried to ring, and in what specific way it failed to get answered.

Web-Based Calling  

Who says you need a desk phone or cell phone to make a phone call? With KingAsterisk’s AI-powered VICIdial Custom Development platform, you can make a phone call from a web browser. Agents can seamlessly call clients from a database using a user-friendly web-client interface. You can use the Chrome plugin or extension, Firefox, or any other browser. 

Abandoned Report 

An abandoned call occurs when a call is on hold while it is alerting on a queue and the caller disconnects. The caller perceives the call is on hold. You may also define an abandoned interaction as when an interaction enters an inactive state without first entering the connection state while on a queue. 

Advanced Agent Performance Report 

Advanced performance report feature showcases the performance of support agents, and can be filtered and modified to showcase additional data. Monitor agent productivity and identify areas for improvement. 

Finding areas that can be optimized is always great because it presents an opportunity to:

➡ Improve your agent’s performance

➡ Provide additional training to those that need it

➡ Improve customer satisfaction, experience, and sales

Reallocate resources 

➡ Reinforce support channels 

➡ Find more cost-effective ways to solve problems

Sales History Report 

Call center Businesses typically use sales history reports to track their sales team activity, and measure how successful the sales team is at moving prospects through the funnel. On the other hand, it should contain all relevant information that you may need for future interaction with the prospect.


Set campaigns to auto-dial and route live calls to available agents for efficient call handling. Autodialing is a feature that automates the process of dialing phone numbers from a contact list or, often, many lists housed within a CRM or another database. The auto-dialer system automatically dials the phone numbers from the imported list of contacts. 

As per the data, implementing an autodialing system in VICIdial can escalate the talk times of agents by as much as 200–300%. 

Script Display 

To face customers in a live service environment, the support teams would need scripts to equip them in any situation. Specialists can get to scripts with fields pre-filled, similar to name and address, to improve client corporations. Intuitive call center scripting empowers agents to handle any customer query with consistent and accurate responses. 

9 out of 10 respondents aged 18-65 preferred to speak with a live service agent directly over the telephone. 

Predictive Dialing 

Utilize an adaptive dialing algorithm to predictively dial numbers and optimize agent productivity. The number of outbound calls made is based on a predictive algorithm that throttles (or “paces”) the calls so that when a call is connected to a customer a call center agent will be available to handle the call. 

An agent working without a predictive dialing may make 20-40 calls an hour (with a connect rate of less than 50%). A predictive dialing feature can make hundreds of dials per hour and improve each agent’s connect rate to near 100%. Agents can conduct 20-30 connected calls an hour.

Agent Payment Report 

Agent Payment reports in a dialer contain information about how a specific agent is performing against key metrics, such as average handle time and sales conversion percentage. Sophisticated tools also contain team level statistics so that contact center managers/supervisors and individual agents can see how their performance compares to their teammates’. 

Below are some common reports included in Agent Payment Report :

1. Attendance report

2. Average Handling Time

3. Wrap Time

4. Calls Per Hour

Multi-Server Capability

Multi-server systems include more than one server, and these provide service to the customers arriving into the customer queue(s). A multi-Server feature is a customer experience (CX) solution that integrates multiple touchpoints – including voice, text, social media and the web – making them accessible via an Internet server. Dial on a single campaign across multiple Asterisk servers or manage multiple campaigns on a single server for scalability. 

Billing Based on Rates 

If you want a clear idea of how your spending correlates with productivity in your call center, step one is calculating your Billing Based on Rates. Billing rates are the prices that a company charges for its services. VICIdial Custom Development billing structures to align with your business model. 

Here are five factors to consider for your business:

1. Employee Wages and Benefits

2. HR Expenses

3. Call Center Overhead

4. Software Subscriptions

5. Total Calls Answered by Agents

Call Transfer 

Call transfers, or call forwarding, is a process of relocating an inbound call to another phone or messaging system. Quite often, an agent encounters an issue which he thinks may be resolved better by another agent and thus he transfers the call. Transfer calls with customer data to closer/verifier on local or remote Asterisk servers for seamless customer support. Call Transfer Rate or CTR indicates the total percentage of calls transferred from one agent to another agent.

This Feature in our VICIdial Custom Development makes employees more available to provide support when they are out of the office. For example, a traveling employee can set up a call forward from a desk phone to a mobile phone to always remain in contact. This makes a company’s labor force far more mobile than if they were tethered to a desk phone.

Custom Dashboard 

At the age of high concurrency, it’s extremely important to provide insight into the detailed analysis of the call center data. Access real-time data with personalized dashboards for admin and managers. Customize your dashboards to display the exact information you need and nothing extra.

KingAsterisk Technology offers the following ways to configure your data:

  • Filter by call center(s)
  • Filter by time 
  • Filter by Activity column(s)

Custom Web Page Integration 

Custom web page Integration means building a custom software solution that is specific to your exact use case. Open custom web pages with user data from calls, tailored to each campaign’s requirements. A good example is a custom integration between your website and your backend systems, such as your enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM) functions. At KingAsterisk, we’ve performed hundreds of custom website integrations in VICIdial Custom Development for clients across all industries.

IVR Integration 

It is an automatic system that lets the customers interact with the brand to satisfy their doubt and raise the query pertaining to the same. Businesses can automate campaigns to start with a simple IVR before directing calls to agents for personalized service. Over the years, the integration purpose of Interactive Voice Response has seen a major upsurge in a graph of implementation of technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) has laid the step in self-servicing technology to grade up the applications. 

Recording Reports 

Organize recordings based on users and campaigns for easy retrieval. Create reports that have meaning to your specific operations or for the supervisors that analyze the data. Your efforts are best spent making logical decisions based on the information at hand. Leave it to our team and our VICIdial Custom Development solution to build what’s best for your business.

Broadcast Dialing 

Broadcast Dialing allows you to share a pre-recorded message to your customers in an instant with a personalized touch. Reach out to customers with pre-recorded messages for effective communication. Share important alerts, updates, or information with your customers, employees, and other stakeholders within a few minutes.

Get detailed analytic reports and run A/B tests to see which message brings in more engagement from callers.

  • Scalable to as many numbers of calls as per your business requirements
  • Conduct product and services survey
  • Cost-effective and transparent billing.
  • No long-term contracts required.
  • Schedule voice broadcast campaigns when customers are likely to pick your calls.
  • Improve the response rate as compared to conventional media and marketing channels such as print, email, text messages, and many others.

Customized Inbound/Outbound Reports 

Separate reports for inbound and outbound calling software calls for focused analysis. Inbound/Outbound call summary reports will also allow you to split contact volumes between different agents and groups, which can be useful when reviewing your resource planning success across different departments within the contact center. 

Call Parking  

Call parking is a business phone system feature that allows you to put a call on hold, so that another person can pick it up on a different phone. Park customers with VICIdial Custom Development music per campaign for a professional call experience. This works well for companies or departments with shared calling responsibilities, as it better distributes calls based on availability.

For the caller, being parked is the same experience as being on hold (though someone usually answers them more quickly than being on traditional hold). Plus, the original caller’s line will continue to ring periodically if no one picks up the parked call.

Agent Layout Customization 

A VICIdial Custom Development Agent Layout also allows your agents to send emails and Short Message Services (SMSes) even when they are not on a call. Tailor agent interfaces to match your workflow requirements.

Some of the features of a customized Agent Layouts are as follows:

  • Ticketing

Enables agents to record, track, collaborate on, and resolve customer issues.

  • Scripts  
  • list
  • Guides agents through a variety of customer interactions, such as onboarding, account servicing, support, and sales.

Trackdrive Integration 

TrackDrive is an ideal platform for efficient call tracking and leads to call automation. The platform empowers all inbound and outbound calls concerning prompts guarantee that clients make the most out of them. Businesses can integrate Trackdrive for efficient call posting. 

Voicemail Handling 

Voicemails help your customers record messages for agents when they come across long wait times or their direct calls to agents are unanswered. Send dropped calls to voicemail boxes, queues, or extensions per campaign when agents are unavailable.

You can redirect the caller to record a voicemail for the agent when an incoming call reaches the voice queue and the queue is in one of the following conditions:

  • Exceeds a defined number of calls that are waiting in the queue
  • The call comes during the after hours of the call center operations
  • Exceeds the estimated wait time

CRM Integration 

It’s the process of connecting either your product or your internal application(s) with a CRM system, typically via their APIs. Once connected in VICIdial setup, data can easily stay in sync across the systems. Integrate CRM systems via API for streamlined data management.

CRM API integration can either be connecting your product with clients’ CRM systems or connecting your own CRM system with another application your organization uses (e.g. your marketing automation platform) 

Outbound CallerID  

Set outbound CallerID per campaign or per list to personalize caller information. Once your Caller ID is activated, you can screen known, unknown, or unwanted calls. Avoid guesswork by getting the best caller ID service for your business. Increase your team’s efficiency when you activate your phone system’s Caller ID. 

Callback Scheduling 

Schedule callbacks with customers as either any-agent or agent-specific for efficient follow-up. Typically this is done when the call center wait times exceed pre-defined thresholds (e.g. 10 minutes). The Scheduled Callback technology will then auto dial the customer (as an outbound call) at the requested time window subject to agent availability.

Scheduled Callback choices typically include:

  • As soon as the next agent is available
  • Today PM
  • Tomorrow AM
  • Specific time intervals e.g. between 3.00pm and 3.30, 3.30 and 4.00pm or between 4.oopm and 5.00pm.

Manual Dial Mode 

With the help of a manual dial mode in our VICIdial Custom Development solution, a call center representative dials a number from the preloaded list or by dialing manually. Preview leads before dialing in manual dial mode for better call handling. Sales employees must analyze a large amount of information before dialing a lead, prospect, or client. On the other end, power dialing is employed when agents need to contact larger databases in less time. 


Our experts at KingAsterisk Technology know the intuitive settings and configuration and that’s why taking our help in setting up this call center solution will result in better ROI. For more information about VICIdial Custom Development services, contact our team. We provide a free demo on Custom Product Development as well so you have a proper insight for your business. Reach out to us today!

Telecom Exploring- Navigating the Latest Innovations of 2024.
Communication solution

Telecom Exploring- Navigating the Latest Innovations of 2024

The Global Telecommunication Market is projected to reach a value of USD 2652.5 Billion by 2030 at a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 5.3% between 2023 and 2030.

Can you see how huge the data is? That is the reason we, at KingAsterisk, are excited to present our Dialer Solutions in 2024. These are an ideal mix of usefulness and aesthetics that is leaving our clients charmed and fulfilled. 

Drained clients were also enthusiastically looking for a much needed refresher in their telecom Solutions. Enter Dialer 2024, swooping in to save the day with its sleek design and unparalleled performance. Gone are the days of settling for mediocrity now. Our clients now revel in the seamless experience provided by our unique technology.

Technology-driven Digital Transformations: AI and Automation: 

Artificial intelligence is set to emerge as a cornerstone. It will seamlessly integrate into core operations to elevate network performance, customize customer interactions, and instigate self-healing capabilities within the infrastructure. And we all will witness this happening in 2024. A shift with chatbots evolving into highly sophisticated entities, network management gaining autonomy, and fraud detection undergoing a revolutionary makeover. 

Imagine a market where issues are preemptively identified before they surface. Tickets are generated automatically using intricate network and user behavioral data, and customer experience takes center stage in the industry narrative. 2024 promises a telecom revolution with telecom digital transformation. Innovation converges with AI, steering the industry toward unparalleled efficiency and unparalleled customer engagement. And honestly, we all tech savyy people are waiting for this.

Cloud Computing – Powering the Digital Age

According to MarketsandMarkets, “The Global Telecom Cloud Market is estimated to reach $32.5 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 23.1%”. 

Today, telecom companies can easily ditch bulky hardware setups and on-premise servers. The Cloud enables them to manage their entire network through a virtual dashboard. And KingAsterisk Technology is providing an effective call center dialer solution which can be customized as per needs and wants. Operators can quickly adapt to the cloud contact centers changing market conditions and even experiment with new services or business models to stay competitive in the market. As per Juniper Research, “Telecom IT spending on cloud is expected to reach 26% by 2024, up from 18% in 2022.”

Unified Communications (UC) Integration 

Unified Communications (UC) emerges as a guiding light in the telecom industry. It is used mostly for the seamless integration of VoIP with messaging and collaboration tools. This intermingling makes a unified platform, eradicating communication storehouses inside associations.

The outcome is increased team efficiency and an exchange of information and thoughts. With the support of wholesale voice termination, this integration becomes not just a technological upgrade but a strategic move in creating a unified, efficient, and interconnected communication ecosystem. 

The integration of Unified Communications isn’t just a technological upgrade; it’s a cultural evolution in how businesses approach collaboration. 

Simplified Networks For Better Customer Experience (CX) 

As the adoption of SD-WAN and SASE continues to fuel global expansion for enterprises, automation, AI and cost optimization will drive network simplification for better CX. Demand for end-to-end security for remote and Modern Contact Centers access encourages providers to support SASE, SD-WAN, wireless WAN and platform-based managed network services with enhanced broadband offerings in a hybrid cloud environment. With developments in virtual/cloud network functions, this year will bring about the perfect fusion of security, network as a service (NaaS), decentralized edge networking and AI. 

Rise of WebRTC

WebRTC, or Web Real-Time Communication, enables real-time communication directly within web browsers without additional plugins. WebRTC enables users to initiate voice and video communication directly from their web browsers, streamlining the user experience by removing the need for additional downloads or installations. It embedded communication abilities straightforwardly into sites and applications. Throat this  it enhances customer engagement, which is particularly useful in customer service and e-commerce environments.

Evolving the Superior Customer Experience: Super Apps 

The future looks towards the era of “super apps,” where social media, self-care, banking, e-commerce, and messaging seamlessly converge under the auspices of telecommunication providers. Picture a digital ecosystem where telcos orchestrate an integrated suite of services, offering a one-stop-shop for users’ multifaceted needs. 

Decentralizing the Network Through Edge Computing

Edge computing, the practice of processing data closer to the source rather than relying on centralized cloud servers, is another telecom trend that will gain momentum in 2024. 

Every telecom company’s network has “blind spots” or areas where they don’t have the strongest coverage. To remain important and to keep on extending their organization, they’ll have to work with accomplices to fill those gaps. The companies that build strong dialer software partnerships will come out on top in 2024.

Low-code/no-code Revolution

Revolutionizing the operational dynamics of telecommunications companies, agile development platforms equipped with low-code or no-code programming capabilities are poised to redefine efficiency and innovation in the industry. The ability to make real-time adjustments to customer journeys and implement on-demand updates to mobile applications and web portals, all without requiring intricate code changes, stands as pivotal.

Internet of Things (IoT) – A Connected Future

There was a time when IoT was a huge buzz, however today, it has become an amazing reality. We are surrounded by everything ‘smart’ – from smart homes and wearables to connected cars and even industrial sensors. Moreover, it is not only about the amount of data traffic but also the diversity of the data that networks need to support. 

Telecom Operators are investing in network infrastructure by deploying LPWANs i.e. Low-Power Wide-Area Networks to cater to the diverse requirements of IoT applications.

Network Slicing for Diverse Services

Network slicing is a technology in call center solution that allows telecom companies like Telstra to carve up our network into separate, secure “slices,” that can be finely tuned to suit the needs of many customers and customer applications. Some of the key reasons are the rigidness of the traditional networks, the rising complexities of the networks, the need for rapid services, etc. These slices can be tailored to provide even more secure and reliable network experience, and in 2024, we can expect network slicing to become more prevalent. 

5G Takes the Center Stage: Mainstream Adoption

A surge in widespread adoption is on the horizon, unfurling the gateway for the integration of next-generation applications such as autonomous vehicles, immersive VR/AR experiences, and the realization of smart cities. The time taken while sending and receiving data over the internet i.e. Latency is also near-instantaneous. Users can experience real-time responsiveness with latency as low as 1 millisecond. 

Compared to 4G, it can connect 100 times more devices per unit area. So, in a crowded area like a stadium where everyone’s streaming, gaming, calling, and whatnot, 5G ensures smooth connectivity. The 5G chips away at higher recurrence teams and high level radio wire innovations. For the telecom organizations, it’s positively a boon.

Personalized Security

In the past, cyber threats were typically one dimensional. However, “blended” cyber threats are becoming increasingly commonplace and often target multiple touch points across the business. 

Cyberattacks are on the rise! 2,814 incidents and over 8 billion breached records globally in 2023, according to IT Governance.

Continuing to Support Hybrid Work and Remote Connectivity

The global shift towards hybrid work models and remote connectivity, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, will continue to influence telecom trends in 2024. The interest for dependable, rapid speed and consistent availability will continue as remote work and digital coordinated effort become vital to current workplaces.

But what sets Dialer 2024 apart? 

It’s not just about looks – although its sleek interface certainly catches the eye. From upgraded call management elements to UIs, Dialer 2024 transforms communicating successfully in the advanced age.

If we explore the growth curve of the telecom industry, technologies like 5G and beyond and the Internet of Things (IoT) are expected to increase the number of subscriptions to 2.8 billion by the close of 2023 (as per the Ericsson Mobility Report). Additionally, the rise of massive IoT devices and connections is set to beat 20 billion by the end of 2023.


It’s clear that Dialer 2024 is leading the way. As we look ahead to the next 12-18 months, clear pressures will define the telecoms industry. This will be driven by top cloud communication trends by big businesses and consumer requests. As a “Technology First” company and a pioneer in offering smart product engineering. A portion of our skill are quality designing, UI/UX, DevOps, and more administrations to capacity, computing, organizing spaces,etc. But don’t just take our word for it – our clients speak for themselves. 

Overwhelmingly, they express their satisfaction and delight with the new functionality and look of Dialer 2024. Kingasterisk Technology can assist telecom with adjusting suppliers in making dependable and elite execution with latest arrangements. Read our other blogs and if you still have any doubts please reach out to us. We are eager to hear from you! 

Vicidial Solutions

Budget-Friendly Solutions- Step-by-Step Setup of VICIdial Without Any Installation Costs

Leveraging open-source solutions can be a game-changer. VICIdial Solution stands tall as a prime example of this. As freeware it appeals to many companies that are looking for a cheap solution. However, the technical know-how and time needed to install and set it up and provide a stable platform should not be underestimated. A big reason behind VICIdial’s widespread usage? It’s “free” to use. 

A thriving developer community, KingAsterisk Technology gives users access to over 2,000 features–including VoIP voice calling, email, and website chat. All this without breaking the bank and without bearing any installation costs. 

“If a VICIdial system is set up and managed properly, it can be extremely reliable.”

  • VICIdial group, June 2021 

Why VICIdial Stands Out

It is an open source, enterprise-level Contact Center solution being used by thousands of companies in over 100 countries around the world. It has no per-user license fees and is completely free for anyone to use. It isn’t simply your ordinary call center programming; it’s an exhaustive solution loaded with features. Also it is custom fitted to meet assorted business needs in all enterprises. The board is open in 16 one of a kind languages. 

From predictive dialing to CRM integration, it covers all bases seamlessly. It ensures an optimized inbound and outbound call management. Filter, Sort, Track and Manage contacts easily. Never miss a Follow-up in future. It is appropriate for businesses like hotels, tour operators, etc. that deal with international customers. It is scalable and so is appropriate for rapidly growing businesses.

The Vicidial can have

➡ Automatic call distribution (ACD) system, requires deep configuration by the support team for payment.

➡ Outbound and inbound calls, billable configuration.

➡ Predictive dialing.

➡ Scheduling of calls in case of proper customization.

➡ Callbacks, yet not automatically

Scaling the number of seats, 

➡ The capacity to call an ID. 

VICIdial allows agents to handle blended inbound and outbound calls as well as predictive and manual outbound list dialing and can also handle inbound emails and website customer chat sessions all within the same agent screen. It is the ideal one if you are exploring call center software for free. You must first evaluate the needs of the business and choose one that matches your requirements. 

VICIdial is one of the most popular open-source contact center solutions in the world with customer sales reaching up to 14,000 installations. 

What is Vicibox?

ViciBox is a pre-installed software package that includes Vicidial. Which makes it easier for users to get started with their call center operations. 

ViciBox includes a pre-configured version of the Linux operating system. Some examples are CRM systems, softphones, and reporting tools. 

With ViciBox, users can quickly and easily set up a complete call center solution without having to manually install and configure each software component individually. 

Step-by-Step Setup Guide Of VICIdial Installation

ViciBox is available only in a 64-bit architecture. Any modern CPU relinquished after 2004 should not have any issues installing or running ViciBox. You can set up a remote team of support executives, manage calls from customers and prospects on-the-go, and efficiently manage inbound and outbound business calls.

Engage With KingAsterisk

First start your VICIdial journey by reaching out to KingAsterisk Technology. Our group of specialists gives free setup arrangement, establishment, and design administrations. 

Requirements Assessment

Before diving into the setup process, our experts conduct a thorough assessment of your requirements. They will even go an extra step to suggest to you what all things you should be having according to your venture. Whether you need a multi-channel communication platform or real-time analytics. 

Server Setup 

With the requirements in mind, we proceed to set up Custom VICIdial on your servers. Our group handles everything from server provisioning to programming establishment, guaranteeing a consistent change. 


The standard ‘root’ password is ‘vicidial’ on all installation media. You can simply type ‘root’ at the Login prompt and ‘vicidial’ at the Password prompt.

Configuration Customization

Market is becoming more and more unique and personalized these days. No two businesses are alike, and its flexibility shines through in its theme customization capabilities. We tailor the setup to adjust with your special work processes and inclinations. Nothing better than having your own set of solutions which your agents prefer to have. 

Integration With CRM

Seamlessly integrate it with your CRM system to streamline operations and enhance customer engagement. So you don’t miss out on any data when required. Your team will have all kinds of information ready at any point of given time.

Client Interaction Story

Imagine a bustling call center grappling with the challenge of outdated software and skyrocketing operational costs. Yes, this happened recently. That’s where KingAsterisk stepped in to save the day of that business. Supporting productivity and cutting expenses by 30%. Now, agents can work from any system and if you support a remote work model this model works amazingly well. Their team was more than happy from our work ethic and support services.  

With Vicidial solutions, you can easily scale your call center up or down based on your business needs. This means you can quickly add or remove agents as your call volume changes, without needing to worry about managing your own server hardware.

Important Notes

This isn’t just a cost-effective solution but it’s a catalyst for any kind of business transformation. With KingAsterisk by your side, setup costs become a thing of the past. 

How organizations are utilizing VICIdial

First, you can download and install and use it completely 100% free, no strings attached. Third, the reporting is all one 1 screen, there are many reports, inbound, outbound, carrier reports, etc. 

Fourth, they have a user forum where, and I kid you not, you can post a question or an issue you are having, and either a VICIdial expert or one of the other many experts on the forum will respond to your question usually within an hour or two, always that same day. You can optically discern a minute list of how organizations are utilizing it daily to get business done.

➡ Customer service calls for small to medium size businesses.

➡ Hospital patients post-checkout survey.

➡ Broadcasting to members of an organization.

➡ Doctor’s office patient contact management: Incoming/Outgoing calls and email.

➡ Schools use broadcast messages and parent response IVRs.

➡ ️ Emergency response call center which operates 24/7.

➡ ️ Phone call logging and call redirection for lead management company (10,000+ Direct Inward Dialing).

➡ Bank customer service call center.


When we first installed it, we used an old desktop and turned it into a VICIdial server. The hardware requirements are low. And maybe most importantly, it is constantly evolving. This really happened at King Asterisk Technology. New revisions come out regularly, and new versions of the installer VICIbox are produced regularly, and they are new features constantly, and the program keeps getting better and better!

VICIdial is everything you always wanted in a predictive dialer or software dialing solution, and it is absolutely free of charge! Your call center activity requires a proactive, versatile, start to finish solution for screen and management with all cycles. 

And we all know that time is money and it’s a luxury to waste a time when you need to earn money. A large number of agents are just waiting for a call or contact with customers, yet they can’t because of software outages. This software is one of the most challenging software niches for developers.

With KingAsterisk’s expert guidance, setting up VICIdial cost becomes a breeze, allowing businesses to unlock unparalleled efficiency without incurring any installation costs. Investing in a free call center software system helps businesses streamline the high volume of incoming calls. As the calls are routed over the internet, businesses can reach out to international leads and prospects at lower costs. 

That’s how we have won and continue to maintain the faith that 12,000+ companies bestow upon us for their business calls management. With 24/7 live operator call center solutions, we’re able to engage your customers as your single customer service hub.KingAsterisk Technology Free Plan is best for call centers that need to integrate their existing business phone system into a flexible, feature-rich marketing and CRM platform. It shortens the buying cycle and automates minor support and sales tasks. 

Avatar Dialer

Boosting Sales Performance The Role of Avatar Dialer Software in Lead Management

It is clear that the prime goal of every business is profit maximization yet this cannot be attained amidst high costs incurred. Therefore, installing Avatar Dialer software will usher you into providing self-service systems to customers hence a reduction in the number of agents. Looks like you are fascinated to know more about how it engages with your work and integrates with your business. Some more steps by your side will clear all your points!

 Avatar Dialer Software: How It Works

Let me introduce you first about Avatar Dialler, it is an automated dialer for outbound dialing which dials maximum numbers with the prediction of availability of agents and customers. Imagine having a virtual assistant to handle your outbound calls seamlessly. With American and British pre-recorded accent voices to offer the best tone with fresh voice quality to your customers. 

Our Avatar integrates with your dialer and your agent operates it directly from the agent screen. Your agents listen to the customer and play pre-recorded quality and best sounds on each customer query. That’s precisely what our Avatar Dialer Software offers. 

Automatic Dialing

Our Avatar Dialer automatically dials multiple numbers simultaneously, allowing your team to reach more prospects in less time.

Personalized Avatar Interaction

With our avatar-based technology, each call feels personalized as if your agents are speaking directly to the customer.


Whether you have a team of 10 or 100 agents, our software is scalable to meet your evolving business needs. 

Customer Interaction: Meeting Unique Requirements

A specific inquiry from a potential customer brought to our attention the significance of personalized lead management solutions recently.

“Hello, I’m interested in the avatar-based dialer, I want to know how it works, 40 people, 300 channels,” the client inquired, seeking clarity on our Avatar Dialer Software and its capabilities.

Understanding their particular necessities, we guaranteed them of a custom fitted solution. This is the way we tended to their interests and gave a customized offering:

Understanding the Need

Our initial conversation revolved around grasping the client’s requirements comprehensively. Our team listened mindfully to their interests and goals. 

Creating the Solution

We reassured them that our avatar dialer software could support between 300 and 400 channels and accommodate fifty users. Our group was attempting best in custom product development to outperform their underlying assumptions.

Scalability and Flexibility 

Recognizing the dynamic nature of their business, we emphasized the scalability of our solution. We promised the client that they could easily scale up their operations as their business grew by offering to set up a cluster of servers. That as well, with next to no disturbances.

Customization for Enhanced User Experience 

In addition to addressing technical specifications, we focused on enhancing the user experience for their agents. Our team proposed a custom-modified GUI (Graphical User Interface) that would be familiar to their agents.

Advantages of Avatar Dialer Technology

Most companies waste roughly 30% to 50% of their sales budgets on inefficient processes, leading to productivity shortfalls, lost opportunities, inefficient sales prospecting and revenue leakage. 

Accent Free Agents

Hiring good accent staff is one of the biggest issues in the call center industry. Most people don’t find it as a career job and they tend to be in call centers. With Avatar dialer, You don’t need a staff with a very good accent.

Less Trained Required

With Avatar dialer you don’t need to train your agents much about the products, different questions and how to memorize their answers. Sometimes they find it hard when there is something more detail involved Like Product details and packages etc.

Relaxed Agents

With a predictive dialer, An agents normally take more than 400 calls in a shift. When Agents repeat the same sentences everyday more than 400 times, it really makes them tired, If they have pre-recorded messages for all the welcome, detailed and leaving messages. It will give them some time to relax and they will enjoy doing the job and it will increase the productivity

Key Features of Avatar Dialer Software

Sound-based Dialer Solutions 

Delivering crystal-clear voice quality for a seamless communication experience.

AI-Powered Avatar Dialer 

Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence for intelligent call handling and decision-making.

Voice Simulation Dialer 

Mimicking natural speech patterns for authentic customer interactions.

Conclusion: Transforming Sales Performance with Avatar Dialer Software

Use of Avatar software relieves service agents of the burden to talk on phone for hours. In fact it is the best telemarketing software. In the competitive world of sales, every interaction counts. Not all the time, your Agent can speak in same tone, Everytime when they start their day at call center, They speak fresh, they speak with confidence , but sometime they are feeling low , sometime they are tired and when ending the day and have no sale, they even don’t feel like speaking. 

Avatar technology can transform mediocre agents into pros. For most telemarketing and lead generation efforts, customer engagement can also be attained through a strategic effort involving technology and a particular set of software. With the right use of this software and proper management, brands could eventually achieve the stellar results they always aimed for. With a gateway to enhanced communication, KingAsterisk, Avatar Dialer Software, you can upgrade your lead management strategy and drive superior sales performance. Contact our team today to get a free demo and understand everything.