In today’s time, people from children to the elderly are using mobile phones. This is why today’s companies, whether small or large, national or multinational, are looking for reliable and secure telephony solutions that can improve the communication process of the company and its customers.

Call Forwarding is a reliable and secure telephony solution. It helps companies redirect their incoming calls to another number. Not only that, with its help calls can be calls sent on pre-recorded voicemails. Its main purpose is to transfer all incoming calls to the right number at the right time.

According to our study, most customers agree that the inability to resolve issues effectively is the most frustrating aspect. Which guarantees bad customer service. Call forwarding ensures that customers receive fast and reliable customer service or not.

How Does Call Forwarding Work?

Initially call forwarding was only to forward incoming calls to another number. But with the passage of time advanced features were add to it with the evolving technology. By which the customer experience can be enhance.

When customers call the company, the destination number is also transfer with the help of this facility. So that you can answer the call without waiting for your customers. Apart from this you can set up call forwarding in minutes. You can also know when, how and to whom the call was forward and can also customize it.

The company should resort to call forwarding in the following situations.

When Lines are Busy

When a customer calls and if you are connect to another customer then the calling customer has to wait. And customers can be disconnect. If it doesn’t happen and you don’t want your customer to have to wait or disconnect the call, call forwarding can help you handle your customer’s calls. With the help of call forwarding, the call can be forward to another number when it is busy.

Unanswered/ Not Attend Calls

When you are not available near the call or cannot answer the call or cannot receive the call then in this condition your call needs to be forwarded. With call forwarding, calls from important customers do not have to be missed. Apart from that you can send the call to a pre-recorded voicemail.

When You are Unreachable

If there is no signal in your phone or the battery is dead, then you can forward your customer’s call to another number. This feature will not let you miss any important call of your customer.

Sequential Forwarding

Maybe you are dedicate to specific customers as their customer service representative. Customers who call in may prefer speaking to you over your colleagues.

With this rule, you can forward calls according to your desired sequence of numbers and devices.

Set your mobile number right after your office number, making it more likely that your customers reach you if they can’t get through your first number. If they still can’t reach you, then direct them to your next colleague’s number.

Sequence-based call forwarding can also be determined by priority, skill-level, or any other criteria you find most relevant to your role or business.

Simultaneous Ringing

This may be the fastest way to connect the caller to a representative.

Simultaneous ringing allows you to simultaneously ring a group of numbers.

If it doesn’t matter who specifically your customers reach, use your VoIP software to forward calls to the entire team’s numbers at the same time. There’s a greater chance that someone is available to respond.

Selective Forwarding

Efficiently forward calls by utilizing data with the incoming number.

Integrate your CRM tools with your VoIP software to recognize which customer is calling in. Immediately forward them to the dedicated customer service rep.

You can also use VoIP software to recognize country codes, and route them to the regional sales rep.

Or forward specific numbers to your colleagues because there are some numbers you just want to avoid.

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