Predictive Dialer

What Is Predictive Dialer Software?

A predictive dialer software is an one type of outbound dialer that is automated dialing from a contact list. It automatically calls numbers until it detects a connection, then passes the call to a live agent.

Predictive dialer software quickly moves on to the next lead after an unanswered call. Calls answered, on the other hand, are quickly routed to the next available agent. The main feature of predictive dialer is that they dial multiple numbers from the contact list at the same time. The goal is to call the right number of leads at the right time to ensure maximum agent utilization.

The main advantage of using a predictive dialer is one can cut down manual dialing time to increase agent efficiency. Call centers can increase the talk time of their agent’s by using a predictive dialer and improve business productivity. Predictive dialer ensures that more customer calls are made in a shorter time. It is an ideal tool to get in touch with your customers. In each campaign, you can also configure the time for which the agent remains unavailable after the call ends. Here some features of predictive dialer software.

3-Way Calling or Call Conferencing

Predictive dialer allows agents to get connected to an ongoing call as a third party. This feature carries no extra charge. To conference a call, an agent will make a call to the client. To start a 3-way call, the agent will initiate a regular call to the first number. Once the first call is answered, it dials another one to which you want to connect. In between, the first person will be on hold, and when the second one also receives the call; you can easily connect both calls together by pressing the option of call conferencing.

Multiple Campaign Management

Predictive dialer enables call center managers to create multiple campaigns from the same login. Also, managers can easily customize marketing campaigns according to their needs. Campaign management includes pause, delete, edit, and many more.

Pacing Ratio

It allows increasing or decreasing the number of outgoing calls per agent for optimal agent efficiency.

Lead Management

Predictive dialer sorts and distributes the best leads first by analyzing the reminders and dispositions aligned with the leads. It starts with automated lead capturing and tracks the records of all sales based on the leads.

Call Recording

It allows recording calls and reviewing them later for agent monitoring and training purposes.

Call Monitoring

It allows you to monitor the number of ongoing calls. This helps you know the number of available agents, and the ones talking to a prospective client. Call monitoring also allows you to preview the quality of outgoing calls.

Call Back Scheduling & Reminders

It allows scheduling time of call backs and set reminders. This helps your agents keep track of their clients and call them on time. It also ensures your agents can contact potential leads on their time.

CRM Integration

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is an approach to manage a business interaction with its current and potential customers. Predictive dialers collect a lot of information on prospective clients. It enables agents to easily access each customer record with all the available information to better serve their needs.

Filter Based Calling

It allows filtering out the numbers based on their time-zone and area codes. When a predictive dialer starts dialing the numbers, it filters out specific numbers which lie outside the defined rules. It is helpful to get focused and concentrated results.

Answering Machine Detection

Determines whether a call has been picked up by an actual human or an answering machine. This feature saves a lot of agents’ time as agents will only be connected to those calls, which will be answered from the customers’ end.

Reports & Analytics

It allows generating different types of reports, including real-time reports to track agent performance and identify areas that need improvement. It is very necessary to monitor agents’ performance in small intervals as it helps to identify where the agents lack to deliver customer service. Regular monitoring of agents’ performance helps to improve the calling operations.

Choose A Predictive Dialer For Your Better Future

If you are looking to bring your outbound call center’s operations up to date and increase the amount of time your agents spend connecting with leads, a predictive dialer system is a right choice to increase productivity and efficiency at your organization.

Predictive dialer reduces agent’s wait time and increases talking time by connecting only live callers. It helps in increasing agent’s efficiency. In predictive dialer,

Difference Between Predictive & Auto Dialer
Predictive Dialer

Difference Between Predictive & Auto Dialer?

In modern times, many call centers are using dialer software to increase their productivity and they are increasing their agent’s efficiency by dialer. There are different types of dialer like, predictive dialer, auto dialer, preview dialer, progressive dialer and power dialer. Of these types, predictive dialer and auto dialer are most used in call centers. Now you will think about what’s the difference between predictive dialer and auto dialer. So, let’s discuss the difference between predictive dialer and auto dialer and know which type of dialer is better for your business.

What is a Predictive Dialer?

Predictive dialer software is an automatic dialer system for outbound communication, which dials multiple numbers at once and connects the agent with the answered calls only. It can filter out no-answer calls, busy numbers, do-not-call (DNC) numbers, and voicemail.

The predictive dialer will then route additional calls before the agent is actually finished with the current one. In this way, the agent can always have an active call waiting when they are done with the current one.

Predictive dialers eliminate the need for agents to dial numbers manually, saving them time. It guarantees more productive talk time, ensuring improved productivity for the call center.

What is an Auto Dialer?

An auto dialer is a type of automatic dialer that automatically dials telephone numbers from a contact list. Once the call gets answered, auto dialer software will either play a pre-recorded message or connect the call to a live person.

An auto dialer is best suitable for a small support team or remote working team. It proves to be of great help when call centers fail to operate smoothly and couldn’t think of any suitable alternative for the same.

Features of Predictive Dialer & Auto Dialer

Features Predictive Dialer Auto Dialer
Automatic Dialing
Call Recording
Call Waiting
Call Routing
Time Management
Check Agent Availability
Wasted Calls
High Average Number of Call Answered
High Productivity of Agents
Idle Time
High Frequency of Call Connection
Down Time
Lead Management
Algorithm-Based Dialing

Now, let’s see how to prove beneficial both dialers for your business.

Benefits of a Predictive Dialer

  • Enhanced your agent’s efficiency
  • Stronger and smarter lead management
  • Reduced operation costs
  • Analyze call data for insights
  • Perfect for blended call centers
  • Integrated organization and database management
  • Reduces human error
  • Helps close more sales

Benefits of an Auto Dialer

  • Decreased idle time
  • Boost operational efficiencies
  • Run multiple campaigns simultaneously
  • Increased agent talk time
  • Better lead conversion ratio
  • Automation saves money
  • Real-time monitoring and reporting
  • More leads generated

Which type of dialer to choose for your business: Predictive Dialer or Auto Dialer

You can choose any of these both dialers depending on your team size and the volume of calls. The size of a marketing campaign is also an essential factor to consider before choosing any tool.

Most Small and medium size businesses that are looking for more personalized communications and want to generate more leads should opt for an auto dialer. This tool will contact one customer at a time, and your agent can be well prepared with notes and historical data of that contact.

On the other hand, large companies, which want to speed up their calling process with huge call centers. The predictive dialer is the right choice for them. The sales team can handle more customers at a time with various features such as call logging and monitoring.

Reasons of Choose Predictive Dialer
Predictive Dialer

Reasons of Choose Predictive Dialer?

Predictive dialer is more beneficial for your business. It is prove very helpful to increase your business productivity. A predictive dialer can therefore fuel efficiency, sales, and customer satisfaction while driving down costs. Let’s discuss about reasons of choose predictive dialer.

Boosts Your Business Productivity

Predictive dialers remove the need of dialing numbers manually and reduce the call connecting time by aiming to connect agents to a live person each time. It reduces call center’s agent’s repetitive work and maximizes the efficiency of the agent. Thus, it is boost your call center’s productivity.

Efficient Management of Leads

It is a lead management software. This software determines the most appropriate number for calling the customers, filters out the “do not disturb” numbers. Moreover, they can screen out do not call numbers, voicemails, and busy signals to make certain that the most numbers to be dialed out are working and eligible for calls.

Reduce Costs

A predictive dialer eliminates unnecessary expenses by using your existing computer network. This is possible due to the lesser number of outbound calls placed on the voice channels. You won’t need an expensive PBX setup or an operator who manually maintains the call log or routes calls to agents.

Connect with a More Customers in Less Time

The intelligent predictive dialer helps in efficiently outreaching a large customer base. The dialer delivers the maximum number of live calls to the agents, thereby allowing the agents to handle the best possible calls. This feature also reduces the waiting time of the agents to get connected with the prospects.

Increased Agent Efficiency

The algorithm of this dialer deduces the already saved customer data to some meaningful results. Depending on the average handling time of the agents, it makes outbound calls by predicting the availability of the agent. The dialer determines the best times to call, predicts when a current call will be finished, and proceeds to dial the next number.

Quality Monitoring

Managers can also monitor the performance of agents through the integrated call monitoring and recording interfaces. The best predictive dialer software also have in-built reporting tools that allow the managers to extract the performance reports of each agent.

Motivated Workforce

Predictive dialer allows call center agents to polish their skills by letting them get meaningful conversations going with leads. When the success rate is high, agents will automatically be more motivated to perform better.

Accelerated Sales

With predictive dialer software, you can increase the number of calls and improve the quality. A predictive dialer helps eliminate the guesswork and leads agents directly to customers who are most likely to purchase.

Predictive Dialer

Difference: Preview Dialer vs Predictive Dialer

Have you ever been looking for different types of outbound dialers and campaign execution? Kingasterisk Technologies provide more than just one type of dialer.

Whether it’s for customer loyalty, collection, surveys or telemarketing, dialing technologies are indispensable tools for any contact center. A contact center has the option to choose from different types of outbound dialers including Preview dialers and Predictive dialers.

Preview Dialer

Preview dialing is the simplest outbound dialing mechanism provided by King Asterisk Technologies. With a preview dialer at the end of a call your advisors are able to see the next call in the list. It is up to them when to make the call and they may also be able to skip to the next name on the list. This can be ideal for more complex sales where a bit of research is require between calls to increase the chances of success.

The preview dialer selects a customer record from a call list and proposes this call record to an agent. The agent can then look at the customer record (the “preview” phase) and decide to call this customer. The agent will hear the progress of the call on the phone line. If the customer is busy, the agent hears busy tone, if the customer is not answering the phone the agent hears ringback tone until ending the call, and, of course, if the customer answers the phone the agent can talk to the customer.

When your system detects that one of your agents is available, it presents him with a form containing all the information contained in external databases (CRM or other).

The agent will then read the file in front of his screen, get an overview of the customer’s situation and will be able to get a first idea of what to expect from that specific call. Thus, when he is ready he will be able to trigger the call by clicking on a button on his interface.

The Preview Dialer allows you to:

– Give agents the option to reject a recording and move on to the next recording;

– Apply a more restrictive mode where your agent has no choice but to make the call;

– Set an automatic timeout period after which, the registration number is dial no matter what happens.

It is clear that Preview Dialer offers the greatest working comfort to agents. However, it is not necessarily optimal in terms of productivity. If your agents cannot be sure before initiating calls that a client will pick up and another will actually be available. He may indeed spend a significant part of his time preparing calls that will not succeed.

This is why it is wise to use this dialer for qualitative phone campaigns where clients could be warned in advance that they will be called. This optimal use is one where the starting point is a list of scheduled appointments or reminders are set to guarantee a much higher reachability rate than simple cold calls. Once the agent finishes the current call, the next call request is routed to the agent screen. The dialer decides which call is propose to which agent and when. The agent can preview, accept, or reject the call. This can be ideal for more complex sales where a bit of research is require between calls to increase the chances of success.

If each case of call is complicate, or needs to be personalize to a high degree, then you might want your agents to spend 5-20 minutes preparing for their call. In this case, it’s best you use a preview dialer.

Predictive Dialer

The most intensive solution is the predictive dialer. With the progressive dialer, although calls are made as soon as advisors are available, many of those calls incur a long ring time, are engaged or hit an answer-phone—all wasted time with an advisor on the end of the line.

The predictive dialer determines that a percentage of calls will be unsuccessful and therefore over-dials connecting ‘live’ callers to the advisors as soon as they come available. Predictive dialers are typically use in very high volume low margin outbound contact centers where the efficiency of the advisors and the cost per call are paramount—seconds matter.

The areas to be aware of are two-fold. As we see in TV programmes, unless managed correctly predictive dialers can overcompensate and end up with more live callers than advisors. This leaves bewildered customers or prospects hanging on a deadline.

To counter this, Ofcom regulations state that no more than 3% of callers can be abandone in this way.

Secondly, the effect on your advisors should be taken into account. They are not cogs in a machine. Having calls deliver to you without respite can reduce their morale and effectiveness with customers. Time should be taken to weigh up the extra gain from predictive dialing versus the negative risks on your brand and your team.

This is ideal where the calls are very similar in nature and advisors benefit from having the system tee up the next call for them.

Predictive dialing introduces a predictive dialing engine that initiates outbound calls based on outbound campaign call lists automatically in the background. The predictive dialing engine handles all calls (including call classification if a number is busy or not answering) until a call is connect.

Our predictive dialers even feature an answering machine detection so that only calls answer by a person are connect to an agent. Based on complex and mathematical algorithms, the predictive dialing engine defines the number of calls that are initiate and when they are start. However, introducing predictive dialing bears the risk of calls needing to be drop when a customer answers the phone but no agent is available at this moment. Predictive dialing is the most effective outbound dialing mode.

The predictive dialing engine starts outbound calls automatically based on outbound campaign call lists. The dialing algorithm balances automated dialing rate in real time based on agent availability and multiple call handling-related statistics. The campaign manager can adjust dialing algorithm parameters. Answered calls are routed to agents, others are re-scheduled automatically.

From a technical point of view, it would be more appropriate to describe them as over-numbering call campaigns. After all, predictive refers to the ability of the system to use data from your telephone activity. In particular, the conversation time, the dropout rate, the occupancy rate, etc. This will allow predicting which agents will soon be available. 

However, to achieve this balance between agents and callers, you must take into account calls that are not answer and those that end up on answering machines. Which triggers over-numbering, dialing many more numbers than there are agents.

On the other hand with real-time statistical analysis of activity data, it is now possible to go very far in the adjustment between number of calls and number of agents.

So if you want to take your outbound call campaigns to the next level, Predictive Dialer drastically improves the efficiency of your Contact center. 

Predictive dialers help contact centers to manage large-scale outbound marketing campaigns without deploying extra agents. As the auto dialer initiates multiple calls for each available agent, it becomes easier for businesses to communicate with more customers and leads by reducing the time between two outbound calls.

However, predictive dialers do have some flaws. Predictive dialers begin making new calls before an agent is available, assuming that it will have a customer ready as the agent is ending another call. With this type of auto-dialing, calls often reach prospective customers before an agent is available to speak with them.

When this happens, there is a delay in response time from the agent, which many customers find frustrating. Customers may already be frustrate when they are connect to an agent, or they may abandon calls before an agent is even available. Because of this, predictive dialing can seem impersonal, and may not be the best choice when your call center prioritizes rapport between an agent and a customer.

For instance, if you are cold calling completely new data, and have no prior history to read up, that means your agents can get on their call with zero preparation. So, a predictive dialer is best for this.


As we said at the beginning of this article, any campaign must be based on a detailed analysis of clients. In other words, you must answer these pivotal questions, when can you reach customers? Are they really likely to be interest in the offer? And also on which communication channel should we contact them?

Rather than betting on volume, Kingasterisk Technologies focus on customer experience. So, it exploit the ability of call engines to integrate this knowledge to define more targeted call and callback strategies. Typically, we suggest you should choose dialers based on the number of calls made per day. 

For example,

50-100 calls. Choose a Preview Dialer.

500+ calls Choose a Predictive dialer.

At Kingasterisk Technologies, our core focus is on helping our customers to handle inbound calls with style. As part of our service, customers also get the ability to make outbound calls from their CRM instance and this often raises questions about terminology for outbound calls.

Predictive Dialer

Difference Between Power and Predictive Dialer

With today’s automated phone software, predictive and powerful automated and intelligent phone solutions improve efficiency in the day-to-day operations of call centers. Mobile phones and power users are specifically designed to increase productivity among your agents and eliminate idle moments between calls.

But which one is best for your outbound call center success? Which should you choose?

What is a Power Dialer?

A power dialer automates the process of preparing and routing the next caller on behalf of the agent. As soon as the agent ends the call, the powerful panel dials the next number in your data, eliminating the time lost between the end of one call and the start of the next.

This mode automatically calls several numbers simultaneously for each agent and connects the call to the agent only when one person answers the call. However, unlike Predictive Dialing mode, dynamic dialing does not automatically adjust the call speed.

What is a Predictive Dialer?

Predictive Dialers also automates the process of initiating outgoing calls. As the name suggests, a predictive dialer does quite a bit more. Smart Call uses advanced algorithms calculated through real-time analytics to limit further downtime.

In addition, predictive settings will disconnect from the failed phone before connecting to the phone. Essentially, this means that the agent will only be transferre from the completed call to a new, live customer. It will also be done faster, smoother, and without the downtime associated with traditional manual processes.

Main Difference Between Power Dialer & Predictive Dialer

Although they may seem similar in some ways, when it comes to power dialing and predictive calling, they both have different approaches to the automated pitching process. In particular, predictive calling is built on the core function provided by power users and further reduces the accumulated idle time between direct calls.

Key Difference : Power dialers are simple

Predictive Dialer: A predictive dialer calls numbers from a database based on a mathematical estimate of agent availability. Ratings, number of available agents, average conversation time, etc. based on such factors.

A power dialer cycles through several phone numbers for each agent.

Power Dialer

In contrast, the power dialer dials the serial number for each agent. No complex mathematical assumptions.

The agent called the phone number. (If you do a 1:1 ratio loop in the guess call, it’s a power user).

Productivity : Smartphones are more efficient

Predictive Dialer: The Predictive Dialer takes care of the agent’s time. It reduces agent idle time and increases productivity, i.e. agent talk time. You can expect this to give an agent efficiency of 80% or higher. This is because the next number is called before the agent finishes calling. This results in faster completion of Predictive Dialer campaigns.

Power dialer

Advanced power dialer is also effective, providing about 60% or higher performance, but not as efficient as a predictive dialer in prioritizing the agent’s time. This is because the next phone number is only dialed after the agent ends the call. This means that the Power dialer campaign takes longer than the predictive dialer campaign.

Call quality : strong calls deliver better CX

Predictive Dialer: In predictive calling, an agent is connect after the caller answers the call. This means that your customers or prospects may experience awkward silence, blaring music or music until an agent connects. This can make them anxious and/or cut off.

Power dialer

Power dialer connects the agent before the phone is connect. This means your client/prospect hears as soon as the agent responds.

Training: Training is require to become an efficient Dialer.

Predictive dialer

Predictive dialer is more complex. Controllers/administrators need to learn how to adjust many other settings such as spin speed to get the best results.

Power dialer: Power dialer is based on a straightforward concept, easy to use and requires no training/learning to use.

Compactness : strong spinners ensure easy performance

In many countries, you need to be careful when using your phone. For example, in the US, if your call exceeds 3%, you can get a hefty fine. When using your cell phone, you need to set the call settings to ensure you stay within your phone’s limits.

Voicemail : A strong dialer allows you

More than 30% of outgoing calls in the United States reach an answering machine or voicemail. While aggressive calling has a chance to leave a message, predictive calling does not. This is because all calls connected to answering machines are automatically dropped by Predictive Dialers.

How to choose between Power & Predictive dialer by Kingasterisk Technologies?

No caller is better or worse than another. Each has advantages. Choose which dialer to use based on these four criteria:

Data Quality

Choose a predictive connector when the data quality is poor (for example, provided by a 3rd party) and your connection ratio is expected to be 20-30% or lower. If the data quality is high, meaning the connection ratio is 50% or higher, choose power call.

Size of Your Call List

Predictably recommended for 1000+ calls per day. Or when you have to make 300+ calls a day for an agent. Power Dialers are use for medium to large phone lists. Use when you need to make 100-900 calls a day. Or when you have to make 100-250 calls a day for an agent.

Your Priorities

If agent time or agent performance is a priority, use Predictive Dialer. For example, if you don’t have a dedicated agent to call, you can use predictive calling. If customer experience is a priority, use the power dialer.

Product Value

If the value of your product is low, the value of each phone is low, so it makes sense to use a predictive dialer. I recommend power dialers when the price of the product is higher.


Kingasterisk Technologies allows five calling modes in its contact center software including predictive dialers, Power Dialers, IVR dialers, Preview and Manual dialers. I hope this infographic and article will help you make an informed choice about when to use them.