VoIP solutions

What is VoIP Billing Solution? Why should choose it?

What is VoIP Billing Solution

VoIP billing software are the wisest choices for several providers looking for reliability and career grade performance by providing various services. VoIP billing software lets service providers effectively manage and properly bill the VoIP usage. They can easily handle billing activities of businesses with effective features like, call rates, offer flexible call plans, billing for call usage, prepaid and postpaid. It provides different reports like charging, payment, call data records etc. We saw what is voip billing solution. Now, we discuss why should choose it.

Why choose it?

In modern times, technology is very advanced. Many businesses use different technology based tools for handling their business activities. VoIP billing software mostly used for handling billing activities. In addition, included important and advanced features in this software that increase uses of VoIP billing software and it’s also increase their value in businesses.

Payment Gateway

Multiple payment gateway available in VoIP billing software. Receive payment by multiple payment gateway options and recharge account easily and quickly and real time balance reporting.

Rates Management

Manage rates easily with VoIP Billing system. It allows businesses to configure different types of rates based on different criteria so the invoicing and billing be automated and accurate.


Automated generate invoicing and receipts for postpaid and prepaid customers. Resellers can apply their own settings to use white label reselling business benefits.

Real Time Billing

Real time billing if customers balance is low calls will be stopped then and their balance will not be negative. Generate, control and automate invoicing and billing processes in the VoIP business.

Customer Management

Manage your customers, resellers and providers are very effective and efficient with VoIP Billing software. You can manage your customers and their accounts easily through VoIP billing software.

Sign Up for a New Account

If you don’t have an account, go ahead and create an account by filling out any necessary forms (such as name, address, and contact information). You can easily create a new account in VoIP billing software.

Call Detail Reports

VoIP billing software generates detailed call traffic reporting with complete information about call failure reasons.

Payment Report

Get an extensive range of reports of payment to stay well informed and well aware of the business performance.