Every responsible business owner wants to make sure their customers are happy with the service they receive.

To provide the best customer support, you need to make sure that your agents can help them when they need it. But in addition to answering customer calls and answering emails, agents have to focus on core tasks that become redundant and start to become a burden for them.

Outsourcing an inbound call center not only reduces your agent’s workload, but also manages every channel of communication, including social media platforms, email, and web chat. This means that your customers will receive support regardless of their preferred communication channel, and you can meet their expectations.

But Inbound call center software needs to check a few boxes to keep your business competitive. First, you need to help your customers connect with the best agents as quickly as possible. But inbound call center software should help your agents work more efficiently. This means less downtime between calls and less time needed to solve problems.

So, there are several factors that you should keep in mind before you choose the right call center for your business.

What problems does inbound call center software solve?

Reduce waiting time

Smart call routing means customers are automatically connected to the best agents. This shortens the waiting time and improves results.

Solve problems faster

Integration with the customer contact database provides information about past inquiries, orders and sales. This reduces the average phone resolution time.

Personalize phone calls

Integration with CRM can also improve the customer experience. For example, data can help agents personalize interactions.

Better tracking

With automated panels, your agents can engage more efficiently with less downtime between calls.

Ensure maximum productivity

Your contact center can be more productive and efficient with an automated call dispatcher. This means that the workload will be distributed equally among the agents.

Join the channel

Advanced tools allow you to offer chat apps, social media support, and SMS tracking. These features help create a great customer experience.

Set your work schedule

Using cloud-based call center software, your frontline agents will enjoy seamless, seamless workflows.

Grow your remote workforce

The software can enable remote work by allowing agents to work from anywhere.

Improve quality control

Call monitoring and call recording help improve overall service quality. This feature allows management to eavesdrop on phone calls and use them for training purposes.

Track performance trends

Winning metrics help your call center managers monitor operations and ensure teams are on track to meet your performance goals.

Tips for choosing the best inbound calling service

Read the review first

Reviews posted by people who have used the service can help you decide if the company is right for your business. Pay attention to what customers write about the service and check for a moment whether the company can meet your expectations.

Don’t settle for the first company you come across, research the available options, read customer reviews and choose the best option.

Consider optimizing agent workflows

Optimizing your agent’s workflow means empowering them to do more in less time. Therefore, one of the priorities when choosing a call center software should be to find a user-friendly solution.

When evaluating software, ask questions like:

– Is the interface compatible with all browsers and devices?

– Do you guarantee time and speed?

– Can I tailor my workflow to meet the needs of my agents?

Not only should the software be easy to use, but it should also be robust enough to support your agents’ normal workflow, so they don’t have to learn new processes. Your software should match your agent’s best practices.

Consider the surgical model

Before choosing which contact center to outsource, find out what you expect from the contact center. The cost of each contact center varies based on your business needs.

Contact them and ask for their fees. Be honest about your business needs, state your monthly sales volume and don’t hesitate to negotiate to get the best price.

Know your business needs: inbound or outbound services

Inbound services deal with customer service and technical support, while outbound services are for businesses that need help reaching the future.

Some call centers offer inbound and outbound call center services. Before contacting them, make sure you know your business requirements and if you know exactly about it, ask each call center what inbound and outbound services they offer.

Choose a monitoring system and tool

Supporting your agents to do their best work means empowering supervisors with the tools they need to review and provide feedback on their calls.

When evaluating software, ask questions like:

– How can managers keep notes on calls and interactions?

– What will be my company’s understanding of the agent’s work?

– What tools do you have to help agents do better?

Monitoring tools can include call monitoring, call logging, whisper coaching, and in-depth KPIs that allow managers to guide agents toward achievable goals. Group messaging and gamification should also be considered to motivate your agents and create a positive work environment.

Check availability

Any responsible business owner will serve their business 24/7. So don’t forget to ask the call center if their agents are available 24X7 to help customers with any problem they may need.

If they say yes, well and good, if not, consider one that is reliable and always available to your customers.


Running a business is not an easy task.

Handling customer calls, answering emails, directing callers to the right department, and at the same time focusing on business processes can sometimes be overwhelming for your agents, which affects their productivity.

If your call center is facing similar issues, it’s time to consider a service provider.

With the ability to manage inbound and outbound calls, Kingasterisk Technologies is a flexible and scalable software that can support businesses large and small. In addition to phone calls, Kingasterisk supports communication via email, SMS and more than 30 digital channels.

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