With today’s automated phone software, predictive and powerful automated and intelligent phone solutions improve efficiency in the day-to-day operations of call centers. Mobile phones and power users are specifically designed to increase productivity among your agents and eliminate idle moments between calls.

But which one is best for your outbound call center success? Which should you choose?

What is a Power Dialer?

A power dialer automates the process of preparing and routing the next caller on behalf of the agent. As soon as the agent ends the call, the powerful panel dials the next number in your data, eliminating the time lost between the end of one call and the start of the next.

This mode automatically calls several numbers simultaneously for each agent and connects the call to the agent only when one person answers the call. However, unlike Predictive Dialing mode, dynamic dialing does not automatically adjust the call speed.

What is a Predictive Dialer?

Predictive Dialers also automates the process of initiating outgoing calls. As the name suggests, a predictive dialer does quite a bit more. Smart Call uses advanced algorithms calculated through real-time analytics to limit further downtime.

In addition, predictive settings will disconnect from the failed phone before connecting to the phone. Essentially, this means that the agent will only be transferre from the completed call to a new, live customer. It will also be done faster, smoother, and without the downtime associated with traditional manual processes.

Main Difference Between Power Dialer & Predictive Dialer

Although they may seem similar in some ways, when it comes to power dialing and predictive calling, they both have different approaches to the automated pitching process. In particular, predictive calling is built on the core function provided by power users and further reduces the accumulated idle time between direct calls.

Key Difference : Power dialers are simple

Predictive Dialer: A predictive dialer calls numbers from a database based on a mathematical estimate of agent availability. Ratings, number of available agents, average conversation time, etc. based on such factors.

A power dialer cycles through several phone numbers for each agent.

Power Dialer

In contrast, the power dialer dials the serial number for each agent. No complex mathematical assumptions.

The agent called the phone number. (If you do a 1:1 ratio loop in the guess call, it’s a power user).

Productivity : Smartphones are more efficient

Predictive Dialer: The Predictive Dialer takes care of the agent’s time. It reduces agent idle time and increases productivity, i.e. agent talk time. You can expect this to give an agent efficiency of 80% or higher. This is because the next number is called before the agent finishes calling. This results in faster completion of Predictive Dialer campaigns.

Power dialer

Advanced power dialer is also effective, providing about 60% or higher performance, but not as efficient as a predictive dialer in prioritizing the agent’s time. This is because the next phone number is only dialed after the agent ends the call. This means that the Power dialer campaign takes longer than the predictive dialer campaign.

Call quality : strong calls deliver better CX

Predictive Dialer: In predictive calling, an agent is connect after the caller answers the call. This means that your customers or prospects may experience awkward silence, blaring music or music until an agent connects. This can make them anxious and/or cut off.

Power dialer

Power dialer connects the agent before the phone is connect. This means your client/prospect hears as soon as the agent responds.

Training: Training is require to become an efficient Dialer.

Predictive dialer

Predictive dialer is more complex. Controllers/administrators need to learn how to adjust many other settings such as spin speed to get the best results.

Power dialer: Power dialer is based on a straightforward concept, easy to use and requires no training/learning to use.

Compactness : strong spinners ensure easy performance

In many countries, you need to be careful when using your phone. For example, in the US, if your call exceeds 3%, you can get a hefty fine. When using your cell phone, you need to set the call settings to ensure you stay within your phone’s limits.

Voicemail : A strong dialer allows you

More than 30% of outgoing calls in the United States reach an answering machine or voicemail. While aggressive calling has a chance to leave a message, predictive calling does not. This is because all calls connected to answering machines are automatically dropped by Predictive Dialers.

How to choose between Power & Predictive dialer by Kingasterisk Technologies?

No caller is better or worse than another. Each has advantages. Choose which dialer to use based on these four criteria:

Data Quality

Choose a predictive connector when the data quality is poor (for example, provided by a 3rd party) and your connection ratio is expected to be 20-30% or lower. If the data quality is high, meaning the connection ratio is 50% or higher, choose power call.

Size of Your Call List

Predictably recommended for 1000+ calls per day. Or when you have to make 300+ calls a day for an agent. Power Dialers are use for medium to large phone lists. Use when you need to make 100-900 calls a day. Or when you have to make 100-250 calls a day for an agent.

Your Priorities

If agent time or agent performance is a priority, use Predictive Dialer. For example, if you don’t have a dedicated agent to call, you can use predictive calling. If customer experience is a priority, use the power dialer.

Product Value

If the value of your product is low, the value of each phone is low, so it makes sense to use a predictive dialer. I recommend power dialers when the price of the product is higher.


Kingasterisk Technologies allows five calling modes in its contact center software including predictive dialers, Power Dialers, IVR dialers, Preview and Manual dialers. I hope this infographic and article will help you make an informed choice about when to use them.

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