Call Center

Launching your Call Center: A Step by Step Guide On how To Start a Call Center

Are you ready to revolutionize your business with a call center? Look no further! KingAsterisk, your trusted call center dialer solution provider, has got you covered. In this guide, we will walk you through the most common way of beginning your call center without any preparation. We should make a plunge and explore the universe of client support greatness!

Why Choose KingAsterisk?

Before we set out on this thrilling journey, it’s critical to comprehend the reason why KingAsterisk is your optimal partner. Our call center software solutions have been intended to smooth out your activities, upgrade consumer loyalty, and lift productivity. With us close by, you’re exceptional to handle the difficulties of call center management.

Step 1: Define Your Call Center Objectives

Setting clear objectives is the cornerstone of your call center’s success. 

Ask yourself:

  • What are your specific goals?
  • Who is your ideal interest group?
  • What sort of administrations will you give?

By responding to these inquiries, you make ready for a clear cut call center methodology.

Step 2: Choose The Right Location

Location is key in the call center world. Consider factors like work accessibility, cost for many everyday items, and vicinity to your objective market. Finding the ideal place can fundamentally affect your functional expenses and workforce quality.

Step 3: Assemble Your Dream Team

Your call center is only as good as the people who run it. Hire a skilled and motivated team. Keep in mind, a persuaded and thoroughly prepared team can improve things greatly in client support.

Step 4: Select The Ideal Software Solutions

This is where we come in. KingAsterisk offers state of the art call center software solutions that guarantee smooth activities, including continuous checking, automatic call appropriation, and high level revealing elements. Our solutions are intended to take care of your particular requirements and give a remarkable client experience.

Step 5: Craft A Stellar Training Program

Proper training ensures your team is well-equipped to handle customer inquiries and issues effectively. Put time and assets in comprehensive training projects to support your group’s presentation.

Step 6: Develop Your Call Center Scripts

Scripts are the backbone of your call center interactions. Make thoroughly examined scripts that guide your representatives through different situations. Tailor your scripts to match the personality and branding of your business.

Step 7: Embrace Multichannel Communication

The modern call center solution doesn’t limit itself to just voice calls. Embrace different communication channels, including email, talk, and internet-based entertainment, to meet your clients where they are.

Step 8: Implement Quality Assurance

Quality assurance is your safety net for maintaining high standards. Regularly monitor and evaluate calls to ensure that your agents are meeting your service standards.

Step 9: Analyze And Optimize Performance

Use data and analytics to continuously improve your call center’s performance. Recognize bottlenecks, track key execution markers, and pursue information driven choices.

Step 10: Provide Stellar Customer Support

Ultimately, it’s all about your customers. Guarantee that they have a positive and consistent experience while cooperating with your call center. Respond promptly to their inquiries and resolve their issues efficiently.

Customer service is the new marketing. Can you afford not to invest in it?


All in all, starting your call center is a thrilling undertaking that requests cautious preparation, the right programming solutions, and a client driven approach. With KingAsterisk as your partner, you’re well on your way to achieving excellence in customer outsourcing phone service. Reach out to us today and begin your journey towards a fruitful call center that really has an effect. Your clients will be much obliged!

 DID Management Software

Unlocking Access-How Direct Inward Dialing (DID)Transforms Communication

As a leading call center software solution supplier, we at KingAsterisk know the significance of smoothing out communication channels. In this blog, we’ll explore how Direct Inward Dialing (DID) upgrades your communication methodology. Prepare to unlock the capability of DID Management Software, and remain with us for a few invigorating insights and significant counsel.

What Is DID, And What Difference Does It Make?

We should begin with the basics. DID, or Direct Inward Dialing, is a telecommunication service that allows external callers to reach specific internal extensions directly, without going through a receptionist or an automated menu. It resembles having an immediate line to individual representatives or divisions, making the communication interaction smoother and more proficient.

Unlocking Efficiency

With DID, you can say goodbye to the hassle of navigating complex phone trees. Just dial the desired extension, and you’re connected directly, saving time and reducing frustration.

Why DID Is A Game-Changer In Communication

Enhancing Customer Experience 

Picture this: a customer needs support and wants to reach your technical team. Instead of being routed through multiple options, they dial a specific extension and connect directly to a knowledgeable representative. This consistent experience can have an enduring beneficial outcome.

Improving Internal Collaboration 

It isn’t just for external communication. It’s similarly useful inside your association. Each team member can have their unique DID number, making it easy for colleagues to reach each other directly. No more chasing emails or waiting for callbacks.

Flexible Scaling

As your business grows, adding more DID numbers is a breeze. Whether you’re extending your support group or opening new offices, it gives the adaptability to adjust your correspondence construction to evolving needs.

Analyzing Call Data

DID numbers can be instrumental in tracking and analyzing call data. By allocating exceptional numbers to various promoting efforts or publicizing channels, you can gauge the adequacy of each mission with accuracy.

The Magic Of DID In Customer Support

Imagine a scenario where a customer encounters an issue with your product or service. They call your customer support number and are greeted by a friendly voice. Here’s where DID Management Software – Easily Manage DIDs and Forward Calls Comes into play.

Did you know that 75% of customers prefer speaking to a live agent when they need support?

It allows your customer support agents to have their individual extensions. This implies that when clients call, they can straightforwardly arrive at the specialist who can best help them. No more transfers, no more waiting on hold. It’s a customized and productive experience.

Let’s Talk Scalability

As your business grows, so does the need for scalable communication solutions. DID makes this transition smooth and effortless.

With DID, you can quickly add new extensions as your team expands. Whether it’s a new sales department, additional customer support representatives, or even a remote team member, your communication system can adapt to your organization’s evolving needs.

Making The Most Of Call Data

Here’s an interesting aspect of DID that often goes unnoticed: the ability to analyze call data.

Data is the new gold, and DID help you mine it!

By allocating one of a kind DID numbers to various promoting efforts or publicizing channels, you can follow the presentation of every one. This implies you can apportion assets more effectively and put resources into what’s truly driving outcomes.

Did We Mention Security?

Security is a top concern for organizations today. With DID, you can carry out strong safety efforts.

It considers improved security features like call checking, call recording, and encryption. You can guarantee that delicate data stays safeguarded and that your communication system meets consistency prerequisites.


Direct Inward Dialing (DID) is more than just a telecommunication service. 

Don’t let your communication system be a bottleneck. Embrace DID and set your business in a direction for progress!

At KingAsterisk, we’re committed to providing you with the best solutions to unlock the full potential of Direct Inward Dialing. Reach out to us, and let’s embark on a journey of communication transformation together.

Stay ahead of the competition, stay connected with your customers, and stay efficient in your communication – all thanks to the power of Direct Inward Dialing.

Outbound Call Center

Factors to Consider For Choosing Software in an Outbound Call Center

To become a brand that customers love and are loyal to, you need to give them a compelling reason to do so. An important way to do this is through exceptional customer service.

With the advancement of technology, the world has become a global village where you can have your headquarters in Europe and set up a call center in India. All this is possible because of call center software.

What is Contact Center Software?

The main goal of any contact center solution is to route customer contacts to the best agents. The software records all of these interactions.

The simplest purpose of this software is to route incoming calls, allowing agents to answer incoming calls. On the other hand, the exit function is designed to reach customers. This can include a set of optimization technologies to improve efficiency, including automated calls and predictive calls.

To keep your call center campaigns running smoothly, you need call center software that is fast, accurate and efficient.

Factors to consider when choosing a software for an Outbound Contact Center:

Integration of Business Tools

A feature of call center software solutions like Kingasterisk is the integration of business tools. Your current one-click call center and help center software, CRM, chat, e-commerce platform, social networking platform and marketing platform will truly transform your team’s efficiency and productivity.


Today’s call center software solutions are more flexible than ever. With the advent of browser-based call center software, teams can access comprehensive call center features from anywhere on the Internet. So, using just a laptop, a headset, and the Internet, agents can make and receive calls, access real-time reports, monitor live calls, and participate in conference calls—all of which can be done on-premises or in the cloud – based solution.

Ease of Use

After looking at some call center software solutions that are the right type, have the right features, scalable and flexible with your business, evaluate them for ease of use. The last thing you want is the best software – on paper – not working. 

Make sure your agents can learn the software in just a few hours. A good tip is to have one of your agents test the software during testing. If they can’t project within a few hours, move on to solutions they can.

Working Hours

Some call center software solutions are easy to use, but not a nightmare to implement. If you choose your best solution, check how long it takes to get out. If the answer isn’t “a few minutes” for a small group or “a few hours” for a large group, that’s a red flag. Remember, every day you implement a new solution, it can cost customers significant money, confusion, and bad. 

So, make sure the fulfillment process doesn’t interfere with customer satisfaction or day-to-day operations by choosing a solution that can be resolved in minutes.


If you choose a call center software solution that is easy to use and quick to execute, it will be easy to understand the training material. Many will provide PDFs, videos, and knowledge bases to help your team work. Some companies will even offer to help train agents on site. 

Ask what resources are available and use what you want – even if you don’t think you need it. Either way, a little practice up front can save a lot of headaches down the road.

Technical Support

When something goes wrong – and it surely will – you need to know that your call center software provider will be there for you. Make sure they provide 24/7 and responsive technical support. The company that will fight you in the IT pit will be your best ally. A company that fails will lose your business forever.

Call Center Software Budgets and Costs

Understand your needs and your workflow. For example, call center software is ideal for cloud-based small businesses. For large companies with deep pockets, on-premise solutions are a better option as they offer organizations more autonomy and control. This can be especially useful for organizations in the banking and securities industry that need to deal with customer data. It is important to carefully analyze the cost effectiveness of the solution and the expected ROI.


There are a few things to keep in mind when researching rates. Make sure you ask about processing fees, training fees, agent fees, per-minute fees, phone number fees, and fees for using certain features. You should also make sure that the payments are transparent, that you can see the payments at any time, and that the support team will respond if you have problems with the payments. 

The last thing you want is to be hit with a huge bill with hidden fees when you sign up for a 1 year contract!


Simplify your calls with an affordable, secure and reliable virtual phone solution. Call center software from Kingasterisk is a call center solution with third party integration. It allows you to interact with customers in various incoming and outgoing calls.

It can improve communication, improve customer experience, increase productivity and make more calls with fewer resources. Kingasterisk’s call center software is the ideal solution whether your call center is inbound, outbound or hybrid.

 DID Management Software

DID Management Software – Easily Manage DIDs and Forward Calls

In today’s world of business, efficient communication is crucial for success. One of the most critical communication channels is phone communication. However, managing multiple phone numbers can be a cumbersome task for businesses. 

This is where Direct Inward Dialing (DID) management software comes into play. DID management software is design to help businesses easily manage their phone numbers and efficiently forward calls to the appropriate person or department. 

In this blog post, we will discuss in detail the benefits of DID management software and its key features.

What is DID Management Software?

DID management software is a tool design to manage Direct Inward Dialing (DID) numbers. DID numbers are phone numbers assigned to individuals or departments within a business. It allow callers to bypass a receptionist and directly reach the person they are trying to contact. 

DID (Direct Inward Dialing) management software is design to help businesses easily manage their phone numbers and efficiently forward calls to the appropriate person or department. 

This software can provide a range of features to make the process of managing DIDs much easier, including:

Call Forwarding

The ability to forward calls to specific extensions or departments based on the number dialed.


A feature that allows callers to navigate through a menu to reach the right person or department.

Reporting and Analytics

Detailed reporting on call volume, duration, and other metrics can help businesses identify trends and make data-driven decisions.

Number Porting

The ability to transfer existing phone numbers from one carrier to another without losing functionality.

Real-time Notifications

Alerts and notifications can be sent to designated individuals when specific events occur, such as missed calls or voicemail messages.

Voicemail Management

The ability to manage voicemail messages left on specific phone numbers, including the ability to forward them to email or access them via a web interface.

Call Recording

The ability to record calls for training, compliance, or quality control purposes.

Customizable Greetings and Messages

The ability to record and customize greetings and messages for specific phone numbers or departments.

SMS/MMS Messaging

The ability to send and receive text and multimedia messages via specific phone numbers.

Integration with Other Software

The ability to integrate with other business software, such as CRM or helpdesk software, to provide a more streamlined customer experience.

Benefits of DID Management Software

Efficient Call Handling

One of the most significant benefits of DID management software is that it enables efficient call handling. The software allows businesses to easily route calls to the appropriate person or department, ensuring that callers get the assistance they need quickly.

Improved Customer Service

DID management software can help businesses improve their customer service. By automating call forwarding, businesses can reduce wait times and ensure that callers reach the appropriate person quickly.


DID management software can ensure that DIDs are interoperable across different platforms and networks, making it easier for users to connect and share data securely.

Reduced Costs

DID management software can reduce the cost of managing digital identities by eliminating the need for intermediaries and reducing the risk of identity theft.

Compliance with Regulations

DID management software can help organizations comply with data protection and privacy regulations by providing secure and transparent management of user data.

There are several DID management software solutions available on the market, including those that integrate with existing phone systems or operate as standalone solutions. When choosing a solution, it is important to consider factors such as cost, ease of use, and the specific features that are most important for your business needs.

What Conditions are DID Management Systems Used For?

There are many ways to use DID directly, and organizations often customize the system to meet their specific needs.

Some common examples include:

Send a Call

DID numbers can be configure to forward calls to any phone number, including cell phones and VoIP phones. This is often use after a phone call or when an employee leaves the office.

Call Center Queue

Incoming calls can be transferred to a call center queue to be answered by the next available agent.


Calls can be sent to voicemail so you can send messages to individual staff members or departments.

Fax Machine

Fax machines can be assigned a DID number to route incoming faxes to the correct machine.

DID Management Software by Kingasterisk Technologies

The KingAsterisk’s PIN-free DID feature lets you easily set up and listen to voicemails. When you miss a call on your direct number, a special voice message will be sent to your caller (you can record or download) and you can receive those messages with information such as caller ID and when the call was made. 

Oh, and our dashboard also comes with a visual voicemail feature that lets you record voicemails when you’re in meetings all day and don’t have time to listen to them.

If you have different internal departments that receive various inquiries on the phone, or if you call a lot every day, you should have a direct internal calling feature.

With KingAsterisk, you can quickly set up a virtual phone number online, and each plan comes with not only a phone number, but also a full-fledged communication platform that allows you to make phone calls, video conferences and send instant / SMS messages. ,all from one desktop.


Overall, DID management software by KingAsterisk Technologies can be a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes that rely on phone communication to conduct business. DID management software can provide a secure and efficient way to manage digital identities, which can benefit both individuals and organizations.

By streamlining call management and providing valuable insights into call activity, this software by Kingasterisk Technologies can help businesses improve their customer service and make more informed decisions about their phone systems.

Enterprise associations are constantly searching for innovative solutions for further developing their client administration. One such game-changing arrangement is the Scope of AI (Artificial intelligence) in call centers. At KingAsterisk, we know the massive capability of artificial intelligence in upgrading client support. In this blog, we will explore the scope of Artificial Intelligence in call centers, uncovering understanding into the different benefits it offers to associations and clients. The Power of AI in Call Centers AI has infiltrated various sectors, and customer service is no exception. It enables organizations to offer effective and customized help to their clients. But what exactly can AI bring to the table? Enhanced Efficiency AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can handle routine queries and tasks, such as resetting passwords, tracking orders, or providing basic information. This diminishes the responsibility on human specialists as well as guarantees day in and day out (24/7) accessibility for clients. Personalized Customer Experience Imagine walking into your favorite coffee shop, and the barista knows your order before you even speak. Artificial intelligence empowers call centers to offer a comparable personalized insight. By examining client information and conduct, AI can anticipate their requirements and inclinations, making interactions more significant. Swift Issue Resolution AI’s ability to process vast amounts of data in real-time allows for quicker issue identification and resolution. Whether it’s diagnosing specialized issues or figuring out client grumblings, artificial intelligence can assist the resolution cycle. Cost Savings Efficiency and automation translate into cost savings. Organizations can dispense their assets more successfully, lessening the requirement for a huge, costly workforce. This monetary benefit is especially alluring for organizations trying to smooth out their tasks. The Human Touch While AI offers numerous benefits, it’s crucial to maintain the human touch in customer service. At KingAsterisk, we underline the significance of consolidating Artificial intelligence with human specialists to make an agreeable and powerful emotionally supportive network. Emotional Connection AI can handle many tasks, but it lacks the ability to establish an emotional connection with customers. Human specialists succeed in understanding and tending to the emotional parts of client requests, guaranteeing a more sympathetic and compassionate reaction. Complex Problem-Solving Some customer queries require intricate problem-solving and decision-making. Human agents, with their critical thinking and creativity, are better equipped to handle such scenarios. Handling Unpredictable Situations Life is unpredictable, and so are customer interactions. No one but people can actually adjust to startling circumstances, guaranteeing that clients get the help they need when stood up to with interesting difficulties. The Future of AI in Call Centers The eventual fate of Artificial intelligence in call centers is downright energizing. As innovation advances, AI will keep on pushing the limits of what is conceivable. At KingAsterisk, we are committed to remaining at the front of these headways. Here are a few inquiries that emerge: How can organizations coordinate artificial intelligence consistently into their current call center activities? What are the arising patterns in artificial intelligence for call center outsourcing, and how can they be utilized for better client assistance? How can AI be utilized to improve representative preparation and execution in the call center industry? In Conclusion At KingAsterisk, we’re passionate about the capability of artificial intelligence in call habitats. As we push ahead, the cooperative energy among artificial intelligence and human specialists will keep on transforming client support, giving productive, customized, and practical solutions. As we plan ahead, one thing is clear: Artificial intelligence in call centers is staying, and getting better day by day. Would you say you are prepared to embrace the artificial intelligence transformation in client support? Reach us today to find how we can fit AI solutions to meet your particular requirements. So, what are you waiting for? The future of customer service is now, and AI is leading the way. Join the revolution with KingAsterisk: Your gateway to enhanced communication, and experience the power of AI in your call center today. Contact Us for a Free Consultation!
Call Center

Revolutionizing Customer Service: The Expansive Scope of Artificial Intelligence in Call Centers

Enterprise associations are constantly searching for innovative solutions for further developing their client administration. One such game-changing arrangement is the Scope of AI (Artificial intelligence) in call centers. At KingAsterisk, we know the massive capability of artificial intelligence in upgrading client support. In this blog, we will explore the scope of Artificial Intelligence in call centers, uncovering understanding into the different benefits it offers to associations and clients.

The Power of AI in Call Centers

AI has infiltrated various sectors, and customer service is no exception. It enables organizations to offer effective and customized help to their clients. But what exactly can AI bring to the table?

Enhanced Efficiency

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can handle routine queries and tasks, such as resetting passwords, tracking orders, or providing basic information. This diminishes the responsibility on human specialists as well as guarantees day in and day out (24/7) accessibility for clients.

Personalized Customer Experience

Imagine walking into your favorite coffee shop, and the barista knows your order before you even speak. Artificial intelligence empowers call centers to offer a comparable personalized insight. By examining client information and conduct, AI can anticipate their requirements and inclinations, making interactions more significant.

Swift Issue Resolution

AI’s ability to process vast amounts of data in real-time allows for quicker issue identification and resolution. Whether it’s diagnosing specialized issues or figuring out client grumblings, artificial intelligence can assist the resolution cycle.

Cost Savings

Efficiency and automation translate into cost savings. Organizations can dispense their assets more successfully, lessening the requirement for a huge, costly workforce. This monetary benefit is especially alluring for organizations trying to smooth out their tasks.

The Human Touch

While AI offers numerous benefits, it’s crucial to maintain the human touch in customer service. At KingAsterisk, we underline the significance of consolidating Artificial intelligence with human specialists to make an agreeable and powerful emotionally supportive network.

Emotional Connection

AI can handle many tasks, but it lacks the ability to establish an emotional connection with customers. Human specialists succeed in understanding and tending to the emotional parts of client requests, guaranteeing a more sympathetic and compassionate reaction.

Complex Problem-Solving

Some customer queries require intricate problem-solving and decision-making. Human agents, with their critical thinking and creativity, are better equipped to handle such scenarios.

Handling Unpredictable Situations

Life is unpredictable, and so are customer interactions. No one but people can actually adjust to startling circumstances, guaranteeing that clients get the help they need when stood up to with interesting difficulties.

The Future of AI in Call Centers

The eventual fate of Artificial intelligence in call centers is downright energizing. As innovation advances, AI will keep on pushing the limits of what is conceivable. At KingAsterisk, we are committed to remaining at the front of these headways.

Here are a few inquiries that emerge:

  • How can organizations coordinate artificial intelligence consistently into their current call center activities?
  • What are the arising patterns in artificial intelligence for call center outsourcing, and how can they be utilized for better client assistance?
  • How can AI be utilized to improve representative preparation and execution in the call center industry?

In Conclusion

At KingAsterisk, we’re passionate about the capability of artificial intelligence in call habitats. As we push ahead, the cooperative energy among artificial intelligence and human specialists will keep on transforming client support, giving productive, customized, and practical solutions.

As we plan ahead, one thing is clear: Artificial intelligence in call centers is staying, and getting better day by day. Would you say you are prepared to embrace the artificial intelligence transformation in client support? Reach us today to find how we can fit AI solutions to meet your particular requirements. 

So, what are you waiting for? The future of customer service is now, and AI is leading the way. Join the revolution with KingAsterisk: Your gateway to enhanced communication, and experience the power of AI in your call center today.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation!

 DID Management Software

What is Direct Inward Dialing (DID) and how it work?

Ever thought how a single telephone number can interface you to an entire universe of conceivable outcomes inside a business? 

Welcome to the world of Direct Inward Dialing (DID), where a number becomes more than just a sequence of digits – it becomes your direct line to efficiency, personalized service, and enhanced communication. As a leading call-center arrangement supplier, we at KingAsterisk understand the meaning of DID in streamlining correspondence processes. 

What is Direct Inward Dialing (DID)? 

Direct Inward Dialing, commonly known as DID, is a telecommunication service that allows external callers to directly reach a specific internal extension without the need for operator assistance. Organizations can allocate exceptional DID numbers to individual representatives or offices, making communication more productive and customized.

How Does DID Work?

Assigning DID Numbers

DID numbers are assigned by telecommunication service providers. These numbers can be local, public, or even worldwide, depending upon the association’s necessities. For instance, if your business operates in multiple regions, you can obtain DID numbers that have area codes relevant to each location.

Call Routing

When an external caller dials a specific DID number, the call is directed to the organization’s Private Branch Exchange (PBX) systemThe PBX system then uses the dialed DID number to identify the intended recipient of the call.

 Internal Extension Mapping

The PBX system maps the DID number to the corresponding internal extension. This mapping guarantees that the call is routed to the right objective inside the association. For example, if a customer dials the DID number associated with the Sales department, the call will be directed to the internal extension of the designated sales representative.

Call Connection

Once the PBX system identifies the correct internal extension, it establishes a connection between the external caller and the intended recipient. This consistent association is accomplished without the requirement for manual mediation.

Benefits of Using DID

Enhanced Customer Experience

DID facilitates direct communication between customers and specific departments or individuals. 

Efficient Resource Utilization

With DID, businesses can optimize resource allocation by distributing incoming calls directly to the relevant personnel. This takes out the requirement for a centralized call secretary and speeds up question resolution.


As businesses grow, so do their communication needs. DID enables easy scalability by allowing the addition of new DID numbers and extensions without overhauling the entire communication infrastructure.

Cost Savings

Traditional communication setups required separate physical lines for each extension. DID wipes out the requirement for different lines, lessening functional expenses and working on cost-viability.

Implementing DID with KingAsterisk

At KingAsterisk, we recognize the transformative power of DID in modernizing communication systems.Here’s how we bring the magic of DID to your fingertips:

Tailored DID Solutions for Your Business

Just as every business is unique, so are its communication needs. Our master group at KingAsterisk works intimately with you to figure out your association’s needs and objectives. We create altered DID arrangements that adjust consistently with your work processes. From relegating DID numbers to planning expansions, we guarantee that each viewpoint is custom fitted to your prerequisites.

Ever wished for a communication system that fits your business like a tailor-made suit? With KingAsterisk, your DID solution is designed to match your business DNA.

Scalability at Your Fingertips

Business growth is exciting, but it can also bring communication challenges. With KingAsterisk’s DID solutions, scalability is a breeze. Adding new departments or accommodating a surge in customer inquiries? Our DID system adapts to your evolving needs without missing a beat.

Scaling up your business? KingAsterisk’s DID makes expansion as easy as pressing a button.

Seamlessly Integrated Communication

The power of DID is magnified when it’s seamlessly integrated into your existing communication infrastructure. KingAsterisk’s solutions guarantee that your DID-empowered framework interacts agreeably with different tools you depend on. From your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software to call analytics, we bridge the gaps for a unified communication experience.

Don’t let your communication tools play hide and seek. With KingAsterisk, your Direct Inward Dialing syncs like a symphony.

Expert Guidance Every Step of the Way

Navigating the world of Direct Inward Dialing might seem like exploring uncharted territory, but fear not. KingAsterisk’s dedicated support team is your compass. Lost in the labyrinth of telecommunication tech? Let KingAsterisk be your guiding light. 

Elevating Customer Interaction

Imagine your customers reaching their desired department or contact without the hassle of transfers or delays. KingAsterisk’s DID solutions make this dream a reality. Elevate customer interaction by connecting them directly with the right personnel. Whether it’s sales, support, or any other division, your clients experience the VIP treatment they deserve.

Customer calls shouldn’t be a maze. KingAsterisk’s DID paves a direct path to exceptional customer interaction.


In the digital age, where consistent communication is the foundation of successful organizations, Direct Inward Dialing arises as a game-changing arrangement. The capacity to associate outside guests straightforwardly with the right inner expansions upgrades effectiveness as well as upgrades the general client experience. As a visionary call-center solution supplier, we welcome you to explore the domain of DID with us and open another period of correspondence 

Elevate your communication strategy with KingAsterisk – where innovation meets connectivity.

Have inquiries concerning how Direct Inward Dialing can change your business correspondence? Prepared to encounter the eventual fate of media transmission? Get in touch with us now and leave on an excursion of a consistent network.

Customized Dialer Software

Boost Your Sales Efficiency with Preview Dialer Software

As a business owner or sales manager, you know that effective sales is the key to success. One way to improve sales productivity is to invest in front-end communication software. Preview dialing software can help your sales team increase their productivity and increase  overall sales.

In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of preview dialer software and how it can help you grow your business. 

Here are some of the benefits of preview dialer software:  

Improve Efficiency 

Preview dialer software can help your sales team  be more efficient. The sales team can use the software to dial numbers automatically instead of wasting time dialing numbers manually. 

The software will also provide your team with the necessary information about the prospect before making the call. This will help them prepare better and increase their chances of selling.

Better Lead Management 

With a preview dialer, you can easily manage your leads. The software allows you to organize and prioritize your leads  based on their potential. You can also track the progress of your leads and ensure  your sales team follows up immediately.

Increase Sales 

With call preview  software, your sales team can make more calls in less time. This means  they  have more opportunities to close deals and increase sales. The software will also help your team  focus on the most promising leads, thereby increasing sales opportunities. 

Customizable Functions 

Preview dialer software can be customized to meet your specific business needs. You can choose from a variety of features and tools to create the solution that works best for you. This will help you improve your sales process and increase efficiency.

Easy to Integrate 

The preview dialer software easily integrates with your existing CRM system. This means  your sales team has access to all the  information they need about a prospect before they make the call. The software also allows you to track and analyze the performance of your sales team, which will help you  make data-driven decisions.

Better Customer Experience 

Preview Dialer can help  improve the customer experience. The program will provide the sales team with the necessary information about the potential customer before contacting them. This will allow your team to design presentations for potential customers and provide them with a personalized experience. 


Preview Dialer is a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes. This software will help you  save time and increase sales, resulting in a higher return on investment. Kingasterisk offers affordable call preview  software to help your business  grow.

Security and Compliance 

The Preview  software is designed with security and compliance in mind. They use the latest security protocols to protect your data and ensure that  only  authorized users can access it. The software also complies with all applicable regulations and standards. 

Why Choose Kingasterisk Technology?

We can help your business by providing  high-quality call preview  software  tailored to  your specific needs. 

Here are some of the ways Kingasterisk can help you: 

Consulting Analysis 

We will conduct consulting and analysis for your business to understand your unique needs. They will work with you to define your sales goals and design a solution that meets your goals. 

Training and Support 

We offer training and support to help your sales team  get the most out of the software. They offer a comprehensive training program to ensure  your team is comfortable using the software. They also offer ongoing support to answer any questions or concerns  you may have.

It Adapts 

Kingasterisk’s call preview  software is customizable, which means  they can tailor a solution to meet your specific needs. They will work with you to identify the features and tools  you need to improve your sales process and increase efficiency. 


Kingasterisk will seamlessly deploy preview calling software  into your existing infrastructure. They will ensure that the software is integrated with your CRM system and provide  your sales force with all the necessary training.


We call preview  software is scalable to grow with your business. Regardless of the size of your sales force, the software can be customized to meet your needs. This means  you can add more users and features as your business grows. 

Support is Ongoing 

We provides ongoing support to keep your software  running smoothly. They offer technical support and take care of any questions or concerns  you may have. They also offer regular updates and upgrades to keep the software up-to-date.

Acceptable Price 

We offers affordable pricing for its preview program. They offer flexible pricing plans  designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. This means  you can access  high-quality communication software without breaking the bank.


In conclusion, Preview dialer is an invaluable tool for companies looking to increase sales productivity. With the right software, your sales team can make more calls in less time, improve lead management, and deliver a better customer experience. 

If you are looking for  reliable and cost-effective preview calling software,  Kingasterisk is a company worth considering. Kingasterisk offers high-quality call preview  software that can help your sales team  achieve their goals.

Contact us today to learn more about our communication software solutions.